17:52:11 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 17:52:16 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/10/10-aria-apg-irc 17:52:16 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:52:47 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Matt_King 17:52:47 present+ 17:52:47 CHAIR: Matt King 17:52:53 MEETING: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 17:53:02 rrsagent, make minutes 17:53:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/10-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 17:59:49 Matt_King_ has joined #aria-apg 18:01:06 jongund has joined #aria-apg 18:07:42 CurtBellew has joined #aria-apg 18:08:24 present+ jongund 18:09:14 TOPIC: Status of Site Updates 18:09:15 scribe: jongund 18:09:27 present+ 18:09:51 MK: Publication last week, next October 31st, could delay if needed 18:10:05 MK: Would like a Nov and Dec updates 18:10:26 MK: Three things to get done 18:10:44 MK: Menu button examples 18:11:05 AC: I will look at it this week 18:11:13 JG: Regression test changes 18:11:41 MK: Yes, I did put in the issue in the regression test needs to be changed 18:13:26 MK: I will get the keyboard changes 18:13:41 MK: The feed example is a stretch 18:13:53 MK: Maybe the slider example 18:14:33 TOPIC: Slider Example 18:15:20 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2831 18:16:04 MK: I have looked at it, but not commented 18:16:18 MK: It seems to address the issue problems 18:16:25 siri has joined #aria-apg 18:16:31 https://deploy-preview-271--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/patterns/slider/examples/slider-rating/ 18:17:27 MK: My first thought is about the wording of the label, and the number of items in the scale 18:18:32 MK: Normally they are 10 point scales, not 11 points 18:19:02 MK: The scale is extremely dissatisified to extremly satisified 18:19:33 MK: The found the wording confusing 18:20:50 JG: In the previous example we just talked about stars 18:22:13 MK: What do people expect in a 10 point satisfaction scale 18:22:33 MK: Do we want words to label the numbers 18:25:00 JG: Let's make it simplier, use a 10 point scale 18:25:43 MK: We do not a 0-10 point scale in the label 18:26:27 CB: I think the label could be shorter 18:26:43 AC: Can we use 0-5 instead of 10? 18:27:32 MK: We radio have the radio one for the 5 point scale 18:28:05 MK: We wanted a longer scale to demonstrate where slider is better than radio pattern 18:28:47 MK: Shorten from 1-10, rather than 010 18:29:40 JG: The ratings will only have text labels on 1 and 10 18:30:11 CB: For some reason I thought value max and min are announced by JAWS 18:30:26 MK: We have an issue in ARIA-AT on this issue 18:31:07 MK: If you have aria-min and aria-max and you are using ara-valuetext 18:31:30 MK: aria-min and aria-max can only be numbers 18:32:59 JG: The range is 0-10, but the user can only select between 1-10 18:33:11 MK: That seems to make sense 18:35:32 MK: The range should be from 1 - 10, instead of 0 - 10. 18:38:05 JG: Our documentation says that we need a aria-valuenow between aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax 18:39:24 JG: Dynamically changing the range has many problems 18:40:23 MK: We can do what you are doing right now, since it conforms to the spec 18:42:19 MK: What is the screen reader going to hear if there is a minimum value 18:42:42 TOPIC: Issue 2835 - Revise landmark example pages to use site template 18:43:16 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2835 18:44:33 MK: Landmark example pages do not use WAI templates 18:47:14 MK: Problems loading the APG website 18:47:49 MK: We had a highlight feature on the example pages and used a range of landmarks of each page 18:48:20 MK: I would like to use a the APG template for the landmark page 18:48:58 MK: We could make an example page with all the landmark types, including FORM, SEARCH and REGION 18:49:30 MK: The code that is the example would be spread throughout the template 18:49:51 MK: Not sure how to address ther coding example 18:50:37 MK: The code for landmarks is simple 18:51:17 siri has joined #aria-apg 18:51:31 JG: You want to take out the coding examples, they are to simples 18:52:27 MK: There would be just one page in the example directory, there is not keyboard 18:52:55 MK: Maybe a control to highlight all or individual landmark 18:53:36 MK: Visually highlighting the landmarks is important 18:53:47 JG: I agree on the highlighting 18:54:34 Siri: Mostly I tell people what types of landmarks to use 18:54:44 MK: Do you point to the APG examples 18:55:15 Siri: I point them to a page using good landmarks 18:55:38 AC: I don't reference landmarks a ton in our work 18:55:54 Siri: The website is slow 18:57:15 JG: Landmarks are not considered a WCAG requirement and in compliance driven process there are more important 18:57:45 MK: The HTML defaults are both helpful and problems 18:58:54 JG: When people are interested landmarks what should the example tell them 18:59:15 MK: We ned to focus on what the landmark example page 18:59:43 JG: Do you want me to draft something? 18:59:57 MK: What is the best approach here? 19:00:28 MK: Some design criteria, what the biggest issue is the words on the page 19:00:57 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/landmarks/examples/main.html 19:02:52 MK: I would like to get this done by the end of the year, what is the most important for the example page 19:03:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 19:03:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/10-aria-apg-minutes.html jongund 19:03:25 TOPIC: End meeting 19:03:38 Next meeting on Oct 17 19:03:56 rrsagent, make minutes 19:03:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/10-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 19:21:34 jongund has joined #aria-apg