Chinese Layout Task Force Teleconference

09 October 2023


Bobby, Eiso, Eric, xfq, Yijun

Meeting minutes


xfq: the new version of the text has removed the mention of "Western text or European numerals". Should we also adjust the Chinese version?

[Discuss how to change the text]

[Discuss the situation in Japanese and in the letterpress printing era]

xfq: 原则上不能超过一个汉字 and 原则上不超过一个汉字的字幅 are kind of repeated
… maybe we can remove 原则上不能超过一个汉字

Eric: yeah

[Discuss whether the total width of the characters arranged horizontally in vertical writing mode can exceed 1 em]

Yijun: This is no problem if the line height is 1.5-2

Eric: "3.0" are three characters

Yijun: The recommendation here is more for authors than spec developers & implementers

[Continue to discuss how to change the text]

[Bobby and Yijun will propose new text in the issue]


[Introduce the background of this issue]

xfq: CSS & i18n would like to know the requirements of Chinese and who might use it, as well as where CSS is not well supported.

Eiso: Should we consider ancient books?

Eiso: We have investigated 夹注 (Warichu) from the Tang Dynasty to modern usage. It has many forms.

Eiso: 双行夹注 also exists in horizontal writing mode.

Eric: clreq currently does not document ancient usage

Eric: I wrote a proposal three years ago

w3c/clreq#109 (comment)

[Eric introduces his draft text]

Eric: there are 单行夹注 (single-line Warichu) and 双行夹注 (double-line Warichu)

Eiso: 单行夹注 is even more popular than 双行夹注 nowadays

Eric: Parentheses require special handling

Eric: The parentheses should be made smaller. How big the spacing between the parentheses and the text is also a thing we need to discuss.

[Discuss the special handling for parentheses]

Eric: I think we can discuss my proposed text

Eiso: the usage in w3c/clreq#109 (comment) is not a modern usage. It should be earlier. It may be the usage in the early years of the Republic of China.

Eiso: The characters in the 夹注 are of the same height as the normal characters. There were many different layout forms in ancient times.

Eric: the font size can be adjusted

Eiso: It’s not just a matter of font size, the font will also change.
… But it's not a difficult thing
… I think Eric's proposal is a good preliminary proposal and we can improve it in the future.

Eric: Warichu in jlreq is also written in a simplified approach


Eiso: the requirements in Eric's proposal only cover vertical text

Eiso: we should also consider horizontal text

Eiso: I have an example

[Eiso introduces the practices of Culture and Art Puhlishing House]

Eric: We can write an initial version first and then improve it

xfq: we need more illustrations

Eric: indeed

xfq: Let’s take a look at Eric's text and make some comments in the issue
… If it's OK, we can raise a PR

Eric: What text should be used in the illustration?

Eiso: maybe some Chinese poetry

Go through the pull request list



xfq: this is for w3c/clreq#577

[xfq introduces the issue]

Eric: it's about logical direction and physical direction
… @kirklin needs to go through the whole document

[Discuss the terminology]

xfq: I'll also discuss with Richard & Huijing

Yijun: the issue is similar to w3c/clreq#472
… it's like the main axis and the cross axis in CSS

[Discuss issue #472]

[Discuss issue #472 again]

Eric: Is it necessary to unify all English translations of 底端 and 顶端?

Eric: I personally think it is necessary.

xfq: I will ask @kirklin to go through the entire document. Then I will review the PR and will ask Huijing to review it. If there are no problems, we can discuss it at the meeting.


Eric: looks good to me
… let's merge it


[xfq introduces the changes in the PR]

[Discuss the text]


Change "使用西文字母作为记号使用" to "使用西文字母作为符号"

Change "使用组织名称、专有名词等的首字母缩写,例如DTP、GDP。" to "使用组织名称、专有名词等的首字母缩略词,例如DTP、GDP。"

Other changes LGTM

Yijun: This word "acronym" needs to be changed elsewhere (to 首字母缩略词) in the document as well.

Next teleconference time

November 15 (Wednesday), 19:00-20:00 (UTC+8)

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 222 (Sat Jul 22 21:57:07 2023 UTC).