04 October 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, Koster

Meeting minutes

agenda review

<kaz> agenda for today

minutes review

<kaz> Sep-27

Ege: any updates?
… minutes approved

Task force moderators

Ege: Ege and Michael Koster are moderators for the previous charter

<cris__> +1

Kaz: OK with current moderators, we could use email to check with the group

Ege: OK with continuing

TPAC minutes summary

JSON-LD joint session

<kaz> JSON-LD joint session minutes

Koster: no big items, will prepare a written summary

Ege: there is a lot of information, hard to summarize

TD/Binding during WoT meeting

<kaz> Day 1 minutes

Kaz: we still need to review the summary from TPAC September 14th (Day 1)

TD 1.1

PR #1886

<kaz> REC publication preparation

Ege: PR is merged, updates the document, the W3C status shows as "errata exist"

Ege: does anyone have any issues with this PR?

Kaz: will look into the errata issue

<Ege> Creating an errata document for 1.1

Ege: everyone please review

<kaz> ARIA in HTML REC

Kaz: Other W3C publications also have "errata exist", so the template has probably changed

PR# 1892 - resources directories

<kaz> PR 1892 - Move rec 1.0 and 1.1 resources to separate folders

Ege: reorganized the resources directories under the publication directory

Ege: OK to merge PR #1892?

PR # 1892 merged

<cris__> +1

Ege: create a ver10 folder under the publication directory and put everything there

PR #2 in wot-resources: create v1.1 and v1 folder structure under wot-resources

Ege: should we rename these v1.1 and v1 to be consistent with the staging directories?

Kaz: what are we using elsewhere?
… using v1.1 is consistent with other use, maybe v1 should be v1.0
… we used v1 already so it is OK

PR #1891

<kaz> PR 1891 - add a range for followsProfile dataTypeProperty

Cristiano: it looks good, some question about ttl to json-ld conversion

Ege: this is also needed for other terms

PR #1887 - add note about interop testing

<kaz> PR 1887 - Add note about interop testing to impl report

Ege: already merged

PR #1890

<kaz> PR 1890 - WIP: Rec11 Prep v2

Ege: this is the big PR that does everything
… preparing for publication
… the pointers to wot-resources aren't resolved yet
… otherwise, everything looks good

Ege: reviewing the link checker results
… many of these are false positives
… these false positives were in the PR also
… made a small change to index.html, corrected some links
… does anyone see a problem with the changes to the links?

Kaz: we should ask Matthias about his status

Ege: similar to Farshid for Discovery

Kaz: we should add the end dates for other former editors

Ege: is everyone OK with these changes to the links? Any objections?

<kaz> WoT Architecture 1.1 PR

<kaz> s/wit h/with /

Ege: question about the warning about future versions

Ege: will create another PR to update the former editor status

<kaz> EPUB 3.3

Ege: question about including the warning statement for this change

Ege: does anyone object to merging PR #1890?

Kaz: we can merge this and create a separate issue about whether to include the warning statement

<kaz> "Future updates to this Recommendation may incorporate new features."

Ege: created issue for updating the previous editor affiliation

Ege: merged #1890

Binding Templates note


<kaz> WoT Binding Templates Note - 28 September 2023

Ege: The note is published, thank you everyone

BACnet binding

<kaz> wot-binding-templates PR 209 - BACnet Binding

Ege: mjk, what is the status of the BACnet binding?

Koster: still need to create the mapping file and context, also planning to add a JSON Schema.
… the index.html is stable and only need to add resources files

Ege: does anyone have any review ?

Ege: JSON Schema type "float" in the data type mapping table should be changed to "number"
… make the change directly in the PR...

<kaz> Example 3 "uriVariables in the forms element" from the preview

<kaz> (discussion around uriVariables)

Kaz: there needs to be some more discussion about the examples.

Ege: right (creates an issue about that)

Cristiano: are there any actions?

Ege: the parameters could be plain form variables instead of URI variables

Ege: merged #209
… mjk has an action to operate the tools, review and comment on the workflow

PR 298

<kaz> PR 298 - Add additional explanations to vocabulary creation guide

Ege: update the vocabulary creation guide

Ege: done with the agenda, is there any other business?

Ege: adjourned

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).