04 October 2023


Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima
McCool, Sebastian, Koster
kaz, sebastian

Meeting minutes


McCool: today we will have only 1h meeting

Minutes check


McCool: we checked the minutes in the chairs call. are looking good
… any objections?


ACTION: Kaz to start to post all the minutes to the member lists every Friday

Quick Updates

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to inform about publications

McCool: IIWoT Workshop will not give us an keynote this year
… is someone planning to submit a paper?

<no reaction>

Kaz: There are two points about this workshop, (1) WoT WG participants' submitting a research paper to the workshop and (2) liaison between them and our WG given they hold this workshop as a series. From my viewpoint, what is more important is the 2nd point.
… we have no official liasion, no need to visit this topic every week

McCool: W3C has selected new CEO
… also see https://www.w3.org/press-releases/2023/w3c-welcomes-seth-dobbs-as-new-ceo/

<kaz> World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) welcomes Seth Dobbs as new Chief Executive Officer


McCool: we postpone the decissions about the policies to next week

<MM will send a email to the WG group that we'll have a 2-hour meeting next week.>

Twitter issue

McCool: twitter still broken at the main WoT page, in Canada its works

Ege: we could not find any reason yet, there is a strange behavoir
… in forums there is a similar discussion

<Ege> w3c/wot-marketing#438 if people can comment with their results, it would be good

McCool: maybe we should move to another platform. But lets wait until they will fix it

Kaz: not good to have a broken twitter at the marketing page. Maybe it would be better to once remove Twitter feed on the page for a while.

Daniel: we can also show the latest tweet, its a simple solution

McCool: agree

Sebastian: +1

Meeting Schedule Changes

<kaz> Cancellations

<Ege> you should take time off for sure :) definitely earned it

<McCool> proposal: Reschedule the TD/Binding calls as soon as possible with the goal of making it more convenient for all timezones.

Kaz: we should find a new time slot for the TD/binding call
… we should think who we would be expected in addition in the TD call

McCool: Im ok to move the chairs call on Tuesday

Kaz: Ege or Michael Koster would be great if you setup a doodle to find new options

McCool: would make sense that Kaz sends the times to TD moderators which time would be possible
… the reduces the slot options

<McCool> proposal: Reschedule this TD/Binding calls as soon as possible with the goal of making it more convenient for all timezones.

ACTION: kaz to send his availability to Ege

<Zakim> kaz, you wanted to react to kaz

Ege: it would be good that McCool would able to join in the TD call

RESOLUTION: Reschedule the TD/Binding calls as soon as possible with the goal of making it more convenient for all timezones.

Sebastian: we should think about splitting TD and binding in seperate calls

McCool: we should defer profile and architecture until other calls are stable

Kaz: do we need 2 doodle for TD and bindings?

McCool: lets go for 1 doodle for now

New Charter

<kaz> new WoT WG Charter

Kaz: new charter is active since yesterday with 3 chairs: Sebastian Kaebisch, Michael McCool, and Michael Koster


McCool: charter will run for 2 years

Cristiano: are the IEs taken over?

Kaz: yes

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to IG charter

Daniel: the IG charter ends this year, do we also need to recharter?

<kaz> IG Charter

McCool: that's correct

<MM add this topic on the agenda for next time>

Kaz: we need to clearify group (IG,CGs, etc) responsibilities before

REC Publication

Spec HTMLs

<McCool> w3c/wot-discovery#521

<MM shows the PRs for the REC publications>

TD1.1: w3c/wot-thing-description#1890

Discovery: w3c/wot-discovery#519

Architecture1.1: w3c/wot-architecture#934

<there are some discussions about "If it is the intention to incorporate new features in future updates of the Recommendation, please make sure to identify the document as intending to allow new features.">

<HTML and CSS have this text in there specs>

McCool: suggest to clearify this in today's TD call

Kaz: propose to clearify details in TF calls

McCool: we have not finished the pubrules and linker checker
… propose to finalize REC publications

Kaz: we need resolutions for the html publications like we did for WoT-related resources last week.

<McCool> proposal: Use current version of index.html in wot-thing-description, wot-discovery, and wot-architecture as the basis for REC publications. These will be prepared and we will call for a resolution to publish the final versions next week.

Sebastian: +1

RESOLUTION: Use current version of index.html in wot-thing-description, wot-discovery, and wot-architecture as the basis for REC publications. These will be prepared and we will call for a resolution to publish the final versions next week.

Implementation Reports

Kaz: We got a comment from the AC Review to clarify "Interoperability" within the Implementation Reports.

<McCool> w3c/wot-architecture#933

<McCool> w3c/wot-discovery#517

<McCool> w3c/wot-thing-description#1887

McCool: going to merge all 3 PRs
… any objections?


PRs merged

Press Releases

Sebastian: got Testimonials

McCool: let's put them into the draft Press Release
… and then ask the MarComm Team for review

Sebastian: we have 5 testimonials so far: HITACHI, Siemens, Microsoft, OPC Foundation, and Intel

Kaz: we need a date for the press release

McCool: how about Oct 12?
… still need to finalize homework for REC publication

McCool: Sebastian can you clean-up the Press release?

Sebastian: ok for me

McCool: testimonial should be included, figures, and the WoT Notes

Sebastian: I will do the updates and send a new version to MarComm team

Luca: I will also provide a testimonial
… I will send a email to Sebastian

Kaz: Note that we should clarify a bit more detailed milestones, e.g., Press Release prep (putting together, MarComm Review), Publication (Pubrules finalization, wot-resources installation, resolution, transition request, publication and redirection)

WoT Resources

<shows a proposal where the resources should go in a seperate directory>

Ege: is there a new staging there will be new folder?

McCool: yes

Kaz: In any case, using the "publications" area from each spec repo is a tentative solution for one week, so we should clarify our policy on how to use the final "wot-resources" area as well.


Summary of action items

  1. Kaz to start to post all the minutes to the member lists every Friday
  2. kaz to send his availability to Ege

Summary of resolutions

  1. Reschedule the TD/Binding calls as soon as possible with the goal of making it more convenient for all timezones.
  2. Use current version of index.html in wot-thing-description, wot-discovery, and wot-architecture as the basis for REC publications. These will be prepared and we will call for a resolution to publish the final versions next week.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).