ixml Group Teleconference

3 October 2023


Bethan, John, Michael, Norm, Steven

Meeting minutes

<cmsmcq_> Hmm. I wonder why I am here twice


Michael: Nothing done, even the easy ones!

ACTION: 2023-07-25-a: Norm to create an issue w.r.t. end of line

normalization: Done

Norm: All my actions done except publishing the report

John: Done ACTION 2023-07-25-c: JL to redraft his notes on grammar combination

and send something to the public list.

John: Done ACTION 2023-09-05-g: John to implement the renaming proposal

Status of implementations

John: Added renaming
… works fairly well
… Need to talk about "version" later
… there are a number of symbols we haven't used, like %
… we might want to bear in mind that they are available

Norm: Working on improveemts

Status of testing and test suites

John: Are there renaming tests?

<cmsmcq_> We definitely do need tests for renaming.

ACTION: Norm create tests for renaming

Issue #199 Require whitespace between prolog and first rule?

Michael: It's not ambiguous, but we should do it for consistency

Steven: So resolved

ACTION: Steven to make pull request for grammar for space after prolog

Issue #197 Remove the Unicode non-character constraint

Norm: RFC for JSON, and they have a rule that includes non-unicode characters

"An encoded character is an optionally marked hexadecimal number. It starts with a hash symbol, followed by any number of hexadecimal digits, for example #a0. The digits are interpreted as a number in hexadecimal (error S06) , and the character at that Unicode code-point is used [Unicode]. The number must be within the Unicode code-point range (error S07), and must not denote a Noncharacter or Surrogate code point (error S08)."

Norm: I'm happy to say that you can't have them in Unicode, and you can't use them.

Michael: the ixml grammar of the JSON grammar can't then be a simple transcription.

Steven: We leave the spec as is then.

ACTION: Norm close issue 197 without changes

Norm: Should we have an FAQ?

Michael: A good idea.

Norm: You could create a range that is expressible, but that includes noncharacters...

Michael: But the input still can't contain those characters

Norm: I can live with that

ACTION: Michael draft a FAQ

Steven: The spec requires UTF-8 encoding, but doesn't explicitly restrict noncharacters

Michael: I think that our rules effectively mean that noncharacters are excluded

Steven: Except exclusions
… would allow noncharacters
… input: ~[]*.
… input: -~[]*, +'.'.

Norm: I'd like to see what Michael writes in the FAQ.

Issue #189 What are the control characters

Norm: This is resolved using character classes. We can close.

Issue #181 Non-serializable characters in the input

Norm: Has been closed
… raises error D04

Issue #139 Sample grammars for IRIs and URIs

Steven: Where are we at?

Michael: Awaiting review

Steven: On the agenda for next time

Issue #192 Normalizing line endings in ixml inputs

John: Before that. About version


John: Are the version numbers collatable?
… is there a strict ordering?

Bethan: It would be good to agree a format

Norm: I'd rather put off the decision till when we have a versionable number

Michael: How about "Tokenise on '.', that is a sequence of keys, if a key is a number, then compare numerically, otherwise lexically"

Bethan: Rather just use numbers

Michael: Are we the only ones to create a version number?

Bethan: Yes.

John: Leave it on the backburner

Issue #13 Renaming proposal (for v.Next)

Steven: Nothing to discuss?

Norm: Merge?

All: Yes

Issue #192 Normalizing line endings in ixml inputs

Norm: 4 options.
… it is a pain

Michael: I would like our abstraction to be that we are parsing unicode characters, without an abstraction on top of that.
… normalising default is OK; require it to be disableable
… I see uses cases for not normalising

John: So what do I write?

Steven: I was thinking of U+2028
… line separator

Bethan: I like the idea
… would it be in input anyway

Michael: Could be

Michael: We need a written proposal


Steven: Next meeting in 2 weeks

John: Regrets


Summary of action items

  1. 2023-07-25-a: Norm to create an issue w.r.t. end of line
  2. Norm create tests for renaming
  3. Steven to make pull request for grammar for space after prolog
  4. Norm close issue 197 without changes
  5. Michael draft a FAQ
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/reoprt/report/

Succeeded: s/,//

Succeeded: s/TH/Th/

Succeeded: s/ing/ing?

Succeeded: s/lexically/lexically"/

Succeeded: i/Michael: Nothing done, even the easy ones!/Topic: Actions

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

Maybe present: All, normalization

All speakers: All, Bethan, John, Michael, Norm, normalization, Steven

Active on IRC: cmsmcq_, Steven