WoT Scripting API

02 October 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis

Meeting minutes

Topic: previous minutes

<kaz> Sep-25


publication process

Cristiano: there were issues that Kaz fixed

<kaz> wot-scripting-releases/note2

Kaz: instead of big changes, this time we replaced the conflicting id's using a postprocessing script that assigns unique id's

Cristiano: thank you, excellent. DP already signaled he's fine with publishing, I also support.

Cristiano: we should check ReSpec to fix the original issue

Cristiano: Resolution for publication has already been made.


Cristiano: there are changes coming in other task forces and only then we update Scripting API


PR 502

<cris_> PR 502 - refactor: move WoT definitions up in a single place

Cristiano: let's try to fix ReSpec instead of discarding partial declarations

Zoltan: we should re-evaluate the need of conformance classes, implementors should chime in

Zoltan: so far in the group there has been consensus that we need conformance classes, i.e. we don't have to implement all parts in a mandatory way

Cristiano: creating a new issue about conformance classes

<cris_> Issue 506 - Re-evaluate the conformance classes

Cristiano: we should have an editors' meeting and discuss these outstanding issues

Zoltan: we should let Daniel close the PR, since it has been superseded by Kaz' PR for the publication problem, but it raises the problem of conformance classes, that can be discussed in the separate issue.

PR 489

<kaz> PR 489 - Better types for Scripting API

Cristiano: improves compiler checks
… warns you if the TD you're using is not valid (e.g. a property missing)

Zoltan: readability is compromised, but we get the benefits said before, so no hard opinions

Cristiano: right, and now the types are very strict

Zoltan: so this is a TS specific optimization for implementations, not really related to the spec in a normative sense, but it's more like a helper.

Cristiano: we can leave this open for more comments.


<kaz> Issue 507 - Should we refactor getThingDescription to a JS getter?

Cristiano: AOB?

Jan: question about TD getter, on ExposedThing

<cris_> https://w3c.github.io/wot-scripting-api/#dom-exposedthing-getthingdescription

Jan: nowadays JavaScript has built-in getters and setters, should we use those?

Zoltan: having a method allows doing postprocessing on internal slot data

Cristiano: theoretically we can also use getter and setter

Jan: right, we can facade with the method, maybe better from API point of view

Zoltan: the method provides a presentation layer too, and security filter eventually in the future

Cristiano: in our case there are not many reasons for postprocessing
… at least for consumed things - but for exposed things the method might be better
… and for consistency, we could also have the same in consumed things

Cristiano: meeting adjourned

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).