
Vision for the W3C

By Tzviya Siegman (Advisory Board co-chair, Wiley)

See also the slides.



I will now dive into the vision at W3C.

So let's talk about what the vision is.

The vision, which perhaps is not the best thing, because it talks more about its vision, mission, operational principles is to help the world and ourselves understand what W3C is, why it matters, and we articulate the principles by which we operate and how we guide decisions.

As I said before, as we move away from director-led, we have to document the long-held, but not always documented foundational principles of W3C.

I've attempted to summarize some key points.

I hope you can't see the little pop-ups that are coming up on my screen as people from work message me.

We have to rise to the challenge of an evolving world, and work to improve the W3C's integrity.

There are a lot of issues that have come up since the Web was invented.

You know, we didn't use to have to deal with even Web 2, or a lot of people don't like that phrase, where we had interactive content.

We have issues like artificial intelligence right now, which has been an issue for many, many years.

But we have a lot of, you know, misinformation has been an issue for many, many years, and to a certain extent, we helped foster an environment where that was possible, certainly unintentional, but it is something that we have fostered.

You know, the openness of the Web is its most important point perhaps, but it also creates an environment where certain things are possible.

And we hope to document some issues.

Sorry, we hope to document an environment where we at once create this openness, but perhaps, help mitigate some of the issues that have been created unintentionally.

So based on an understanding of the foundations of W3C, I'm not on my game today, I apologize, such as interoperability and accessibility, as well as the Ethical Web Principles.

We will adopt some operational principles to carry out the vision and mission of W3C.

Where can you find us?

We have a Draft Note, which was really just making sure that this was on the TR track.

And when you get there, you'll also see that there's an Editor's Draft, which has had significant updates, and we have a public GitHub repository.

This is public for the entire world to see, not just member visible.

And we really encourage you to comment there.

We have a meeting just after this one.

You're welcome to join us.

And we really hope to get the next iteration of this out very soon.

The board has asked us to get something to them as soon as possible.

They really need something to hand over to the future CEO.

You know, this document serves many purposes.

So please feel free to comment on the issues.

Talk to us about what you would like to see in this.

We're not going to make this completely open-ended.

There's already a version of this up on, thanks to Coralie and others on the Comms team.

And this really needs to be something that we find consensus on.



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