XForms Users Community Group Teleconference

29 September 2023


Alain, Erik, Steven

Meeting minutes

News from XML Summer School [No link]

Steven: I did the intro to XForms at XML Summer school, plus an advanced course, and an intro to AI, since they are adding AI to their XForms health system
… more exciting news about that to be released soon.

control/shared/signal revised draft spec text


Steven: Any comments?

Erik: One point needs clarification
… when we talk about the initialisation of the shared data, could be clerer
… it's a deep copy from one end to the other end.

Steven: Use the text from select/copy?
… the other pssible sourse is replace="instance"

Erik: The text for <copy> is very short...
… maybe not detailed enough.

Steven: Where does it go wrong for you?

Erik: Might be enough, I had anticipated more.
… I think it's enough.

ACTION: Steve to make the text for initialising clearer

<trackbot> Error finding 'Steve'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/xforms/users>.

ACTION: Steven to make the text for initialising clearer

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2344 - Make the text for initialising clearer [on Steven Pemberton - due 2023-10-06].

Alain: No further comment.

Steven: I see a mistake that if a signal doesn't identify a control, where the error event should be dispatched to.

Erik: It should be dispatched to the listener element.

ACTION: Steven fix the destination of the signal-control error event

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2345 - Fix the destination of the signal-control error event [on Steven Pemberton - due 2023-10-06].

Erik: I have another point.
… signal action children
… the value child can evaluate any xpath expression
… If you're dispatching between two forms, the spaces could be separate, and some things will be crossing the boundary.

ACTION: Erik to think about the properties of events crossing XForms boundaries

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2346 - Think about the properties of events crossing xforms boundaries [on Erik Bruchez - due 2023-10-06].

ACTION: Steven to Put the spec text into the spec.

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2347 - Put the spec text into the spec. [on Steven Pemberton - due 2023-10-06].




Summary of action items

  1. Steve to make the text for initialising clearer
  2. Steven to make the text for initialising clearer
  3. Steven fix the destination of the signal-control error event
  4. Erik to think about the properties of events crossing XForms boundaries
  5. Steven to Put the spec text into the spec.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

All speakers: Alain, Erik, Steven

Active on IRC: Steven