RDF-star Working Group Weekly Meeting

28 September 2023


AndyS, AZ, Dominik_T, draggett, enrico, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, niklasl, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, rubensworks, Souri, Souri_, TallTed, Tpt

Meeting minutes

Scribe: Gschwend, Adrian (alternate: Pellissier Tanon, Thomas)

Approval of last week's & TPAC minutes: 1

<AndyS> Last time: https://www.w3.org/2023/09/21-rdf-star-minutes.html

ktk: Minutes from last week https://www.w3.org/2023/09/28-rdf-star-minutes.html

<ktk> https://www.w3.org/2023/09/21-rdf-star-minutes.html

<ktk> PROPOSAL: Approve last week's minutes

<gkellogg> +1

<olaf> +1

<ktk> +1

<Dominik_T> 1+

<gtw> +1

<TallTed> +1

<enrico> +1

<AZ> +0 (was not present)

<AndyS> +1

<Souri> +1

RESOLUTION: Approve last week's minutes

ktk: Minutes from TPAC https://www.w3.org/2023/09/12-rdf-star-minutes.html
… pchampin applied the fixes.

<ktk> PROPOSAL: Approve minutes 2023-09-12

<gkellogg> +1

<Dominik_T> +1

<ktk> +1

<AndyS> +1

<ora> +1

<Tpt> +1

<gtw> +1

<AZ> +1

<TallTed> +1

<olaf> +1

<enrico> +1

RESOLUTION: Approve minutes 2023-09-12

Review of open actions, available at https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/3

<ktk> https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/3

close #85

<gb> Closed action #85


<gb> Action 86 Follow up to persons concerned regarding SPARQL EXISTS (on afs, pfps) due 2023-09-19

ktk: pfps seems to have completed this item. I also sent to Pavel.

close #86

<gb> Closed action #86

pfps: pchampin completed work for #92

<gb> Action 92 email where section headings should go (on pfps) due 2023-09-28

close #92

<gb> Closed action #92

pfps: Last week's meeting's scribe should have been me.
… (it is correct, sorry)

close #93

<gb> Closed action #93


<gb> Action 19 work with antoine and others to come up with a proposal for weak and strong compliance (on Antoine-Zimmermann, rdfguy)

az: I'm not sure how to move forward with this.

ora: I'm not sure what we should do next, We need some statement about compliance.
… I suggest everyone review this issue and review for next week.
… az and I will go and clean up the comments.

az: Reading the whole thread would not be productive.

az: I'll work on cleaning this up.

ktk: Please send out an email when it's ready for review.

Review of pull requests, available at https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/4

<ktk> https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/4


<gb> Pull Request 48 Add base direction as a fourth element of literals. (by gkellogg) [i18n-tracker] [needs discussion]

TallTed: I have a comment-in-process on rdf-concepts#48. I think there should be a better way to present 2, 3, or four elements and the structure isn't quite clean enough.

Related is w3c/rdf-n-triples#34.

<gb> Pull Request 34 Adds BNF and text to extend LANGTAG to support base direction (by gkellogg) [spec:substantive]

pfps: Is the datatype required of all RDF implementations.

<gb> Pull Request 48 Add base direction as a fourth element of literals. (by gkellogg) [i18n-tracker] [needs discussion]

gkellogg: I think so.
… Eventually, should go in what's new in RDF 1.2 but now is in changes since 1.1.

pfps: Someone at some point should make sure this is correct.

ktk: Proposal is to accept the two PRs barring last minute editorial changes.

PROPOSAL: Add base direction as a fourth element of Literals, relating to w3c/rdf-concepts#48 and w3c/rdf-n-triples#34.

<gb> Pull Request 48 Add base direction as a fourth element of literals. (by gkellogg) [i18n-tracker] [needs discussion]

gkellogg> +1

<AZ> +1

<pfps> 0 - I still worry that this is neither necessary nor sufficient but it is "mostly harmless"

<ktk> +1

<AndyS> +1

<ora> +1

<TallTed> +1

<olaf> +1

<gtw> +1

<Tpt> +1

TallTed: Please, let's give w3c/rdf-concepts#48 until next week for editorial time.

<Dominik_T> +1

<enrico> +1

<Souri> +0 - I have to study it more carefully

RESOLUTION: Add base direction as a forth element of Literals, relating to w3c/rdf-concepts#48 and w3c/rdf-n-triples#34.

<gb> Pull Request 34 Adds BNF and text to extend LANGTAG to support base direction (by gkellogg) [spec:substantive]

<gb> Pull Request 48 Add base direction as a fourth element of literals. (by gkellogg) [i18n-tracker] [needs discussion]

ktk: You can always open something new on this.

ktk: Some of the editorial PRs have been there for two weeks, and should probably just be merged.

<gb> Pull Request 39 Unicode terminology and representation updates. (by gkellogg) [spec:editorial]

gkellogg: I think we might want to come back on this in a subsequent PR

TallTed: I want to make it as clear as possible for new people.

gkellogg: Maybe use character with a tool-tip and link to a definition.

TallTed: Multiple characters that roughly look the same can be a problem for non-english natives.

gkellogg: suggest we merged.

<pfps> Similar characters can also be a problem for English natives - they don't even need to be all that similar.


<gb> CLOSED Pull Request 27 added rdf:JSON datatype (by domel) [spec:editorial]

ktk: This can be merged.


<gb> Pull Request 123 Fixes the definition of the Flatten function (by hartig) [spec:editorial]

olaf: I wanted to bring this one up for attention.


<gb> Pull Request 124 Improves the section about the Sum set function (by hartig) [spec:editorial]

olaf: This is an in-progress proposal that I'd like feedback on.
… If other co-editors can have a look, I'll make changes to similar functions (MIN, MAX, ...)


<gb> Pull Request 110 WIP: introduces a function called multiplicity to replace card[Ω](μ) (by hartig)

olaf: Please, if editors can also look at this proposal, I'll need to do more edits, but want to be sure it's generally acceptable.


<gb> Pull Request 66 Updates rdf:JSON value space. (by gkellogg) [spec:substantive]

AndyS: It might be helpful if we could see what the differences are in effect.
… Particularly comparing how canonicalization works.

<ktk> niklasl: can you present plus?

AndyS: I don't think we've seen what the effect would actually be and what the tradeoffs are.

<Dominik_T> I-JSON https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7493.html

AndyS: I-JSON focuses on the JSON that processors agree on, rather than a flawed original representation.

gkellogg: I'm not aware of any thing currently depending on the details of the value space.

<Zakim> pfps, you wanted to commment on the lexical space

pfps: My worry is that the value space will change, which is significant. It will change in a restrictive way.
… I also worry that the value space of I-JSON is not properly defined.

Semantics feedback

ktk: I was at Semantics in Leipzig, which was interesting due to the interest in RDF-star.
… There was some interest from Thomas Loertch who looked me up.
… Dydra is becoming a W3C member and he plans to join the WG.
… I assume he'll join via Dydra.
… I also talked with another company that does a lot of work on exporting RDF to Neo4J.
… They read some papers and have a lot of ideas.
… I encouraged them to read the use cases and contact me or others as we're really interested in real-world applications
… It was great to see people come up, it demonstrates interest in the community.

Issue Triage, available at

<ktk> https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/5

AndyS: If we're doing a two week cycle on technical vs process, can we be sure what the topic is going to be for next week?
… I'm happy for the chairs to choose the topic, but I want to be able to read the background material.

ktk: Noted.

close #54

<gb> Closed issue #54

ktk: we should remove the "duscuss-f2f" from those issues.

AndyS: The Echidna issue was paused due to random errors.


<gb> Issue 55 Compare language tags after normalizing to lower case. (by gkellogg) [discuss-f2f] [needs discussion] [spec:enhancement]

<pfps> at some time all issues need to be resolved so it is useful to have them all in a list somewhere


AndyS: It's also a normalization case.
… I emailed the Jena users list for feedback.
… There are people for whom it's important.
… Important is how to normalize

gkellogg: There's a question on how many triples get added to a graph.

AndyS: If we're going to do it, we should choose a normalization form.
… A processor would place the literal into normalized form.

ktk: Let's follow up on the issue.

Any Other Business (AOB), time permitting

ktk: is there a semantics TF tomorrow?

<ora> Thanks Adrian for chairing and Gregg for scribing.

enrico: Yes, I'll send out the update.

<AZ> bye

Summary of resolutions

  1. Approve last week's minutes
  2. Approve minutes 2023-09-12
  3. Add base direction as a forth element of Literals, relating to w3c/rdf-concepts#48 and w3c/rdf-n-triples#34.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 222 (Sat Jul 22 21:57:07 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s|available at|available at https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/3|

Succeeded: s/subtopic/subtopic:/

Succeeded: s/subtopic #19/subtopic: #19/

Succeeded: s|available at|available at https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/4|

Succeeded: s/process comment/comment-in-process on rdf-concepts#48/

Succeeded: s/is to is to/is to/

Succeeded: s/forth/fourth/

Succeeded: s/The read/They read/

Succeeded: s/baring/barring/

Succeeded: s/somewherhe/somewhere/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: gkellogg

All speakers: AndyS, az, enrico, gkellogg, ktk, olaf, ora, pfps, TallTed

Active on IRC: AndyS, AZ, Dominik_T, enrico, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, niklasl, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, Souri, TallTed, Tpt