17:00:25 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:00:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/28-aria-irc 17:00:29 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:00:30 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 17:00:49 meeting: ARIA WG 17:00:54 chair: JamesNurthen 17:01:04 agendabot, find agenda 17:01:04 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 17:01:05 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ecffaf8b-8aa7-4acc-b238-6088a86cf12f/20230928T130000/ 17:01:05 clear agenda 17:01:05 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/46tYVGa 17:01:05 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/46tYXhg 17:01:07 agenda+ -> Decide what "draft PR" means https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2028 17:01:09 present+ 17:01:10 agenda+ -> aria-controls spec update https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1996 17:01:13 agenda+ -> Clarification on aria-braillelabel SHOULD vs. MUST guidelines https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1995 17:01:16 agenda+ -> Support aria-readonly on rows in grids https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1972 17:01:19 agenda+ -> Consider creation of a fieldsize/maxlength property https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1119 17:01:22 agenda+ -> All Open PRs https://bit.ly/aria-open-prs 17:01:27 Adam_Page has joined #aria 17:01:31 scotto has joined #aria 17:02:52 present+ 17:04:31 sarah_h has joined #aria 17:04:35 scribe: Rahim 17:04:37 present+ 17:04:40 present+ 17:04:48 zakim, next item 17:04:48 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/46tYVGa -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:04:52 present+ 17:05:03 giacomo-petri has joined #aria 17:05:05 present+ 17:07:19 present+ 17:10:15 melsumner has joined #aria 17:12:35 q+ 17:12:51 present+ 17:13:49 ack StefanS 17:14:11 q- 17:14:31 q+ 17:15:05 maybe a different label, future-consideration 17:15:20 jamesn: For https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2046, no real need to denote content is AI generated; no strong impetus to do something with this at the moment 17:15:28 q+ 17:15:48 ack jc 17:16:56 ack scotto 17:16:56 jcraig: One main challenge is autogenerated descriptions; this is interesting because alt could be blank, or AI generated alt as separate attribute. Or, specify set of things AI generated about a particular (a11y) node 17:18:29 scotto: May have practical value in announcing ai generated content at the page level; if content is AI generated, it should be conveyed as such visually and programmatically. I'm OK with a metadata conveying something is AI generated however, must be exposed that way for everyone. There's a separate conversation about AI vs author generated text alternatives 17:18:30 +1 for this being an HTML attribute 17:19:06 q+ 17:20:09 jamesn: Need to present same information (that something is AI generated) to everybody 17:21:13 s/(a11y) node/(a11y) node. The important part is which parts of this page, or node, are AI-generated./ 17:21:26 ack melsumner 17:22:19 melsumner: Should be handled by HTML markup 17:22:37 GautierC has joined #aria 17:22:56 present+ 17:25:35 zakim, next item 17:25:35 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/46tYXhg -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:26:00 StefanS has joined #aria 17:26:09 present+ 17:28:25 agenda? 17:30:05 looks like the WPT PRs have fallen off the agenda 17:31:00 zakim, next item 17:31:00 agendum 3 -- -> Decide what "draft PR" means https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2028 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:32:55 scotto: Times that I've submitted PRs and need help finishing them and then they turn into "draft PRs"; if you don't need a review, don't submit the PR. Could have a separate label 17:33:13 jamesn: Will assign to myself/Valerie for future discussion 17:33:58 zakim, next item 17:33:58 agendum 4 -- -> aria-controls spec update https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1996 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:34:24 jamesn: Waiting on my review 17:34:52 jamesn: Could have a "not ready for merge" label 17:36:16 zakim, next item 17:36:16 agendum 5 -- -> Clarification on aria-braillelabel SHOULD vs. MUST guidelines https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1995 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:37:48 pkra: Ultimately, I agree with this issue (that they should be MUST) 17:38:07 q? 17:38:12 @jcraig yes will do, thanks for the reminder 17:39:36 jcraig, ack, yes will do 17:40:42 jcraig: Might be some scenarios where you want to mix braille and plain text; worth considering separating conditions for aria-braillelabel usage requirements 17:40:48 q+ 17:40:53 q+ 17:41:08 ack me 17:42:16 jamesn: Looking at condition 2 (the value of aria-braillelabel is not empty...); is there a scenario where a label is redundant because the value is known (e.g., currency) 17:42:39 Cory: Everything that's been a braille error was also a visual copy error 17:43:50 ack pkra 17:45:23 pkra: Worth testing braille pattern characters across platforms (VoiceOver, Orca) 17:45:33 q+ 17:46:40 ack me 17:47:37 pkra: Consider an image with an empty alt, how is name (and braillelabel) considered 17:49:03 q? 17:49:19 jamesn: Move to a future (ARIA) version? 17:50:42 No concerns on my end with leaving spec as is and closing it 17:51:18 zakim, next item 17:51:18 agendum 6 -- -> Support aria-readonly on rows in grids https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1972 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:52:49 q+ 17:53:00 qv? 17:53:15 ack scotto 17:53:29 MarioBatusic: It's a good idea to have ability to put aria-readonly on an entire row; might have instances where you can see data but aren't able to modify it 17:54:46 q+ 17:55:13 scotto: Should aria-readonly propagate to child controls (e.g., form controls in a grid cell) 17:55:29 side question: are there good examples of reasons to use aria-readonly instead of the html attribute? 17:56:26 ack Adam_Page 17:57:02 Adam_Page: RE: Scott's question on inheritance of read only state, does this apply to the disabled state as well? 17:58:29 scotto: There's many "worms" (edge cases) to consider, e.g., putting required on a
and how state propagates 17:59:12 agenda? 17:59:14 scotto: It's a real problem, putting required/disabled on elements and what the actual author intent is 17:59:45 Siri: We use row/grid on tables with interactive elements; if there are no interactive elements, does this automatically mean they are "read only"? 18:01:30 melsumner: Is it because a grid cell can be editable; in such case, you may want to use aria-readonly on a cell 18:02:46 zakim, end meeting 18:02:46 As of this point the attendees have been Rahim, Francis_Storr, Adam_Page, sarah_h, StefanS, giacomo-petri, jcraig, melsumner, scotto 18:02:48 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:02:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/28-aria-minutes.html Zakim 18:02:57 I am happy to have been of service, Rahim; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 18:02:57 Zakim has left #aria 18:03:59 bkardell_ has joined #aria 18:04:11 melsumner has left #aria 18:09:29 s/No concerns on my end with leaving spec as is and closing it /Rahim: No concerns on my end with leaving spec as is and closing it 18:10:57 rrsagent, make minutes 18:10:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/28-aria-minutes.html Rahim 18:18:29 s/No concerns on my end with leaving spec as is and closing it/Rahim: No concerns on my end with leaving spec as is and closing it/ 18:18:37 rrsagent, make minutes 18:18:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/28-aria-minutes.html Rahim 18:32:32 present + Cory, jamesn, MarioBatusic, pkra, Siri 18:32:46 rrsagent, make minutes 18:32:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/28-aria-minutes.html Rahim