27 September 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, kaz, mjk

Meeting minutes


<Ege> w3c/wot-marketing#438

Ege: Twitter page is broken
… discussion may become long

Kaz: suggest we talk about that (Twitter issue) and IIWoT topic after the policy discussion

<Ege> Also https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1126/files can be added to maybe TPAC outcomes?


McCool: 2 hours call today, so need two scribes
… Ege for the first hour and Koster for the 2nd hour

<Ege> yes

Minute Review

<kaz> Sep-20

McCool: I would like to approve, any objections?

(no objections and minutes approved)

Quick Updates


McCool: they only want full papers. If anyone wants to submit, please let us know to coordinate

Kaz: it would be good to understand the relationship between such events and us

McCool: wot is not trademarked, so anyone can hold such events. It is good to mention these events at least

Kaz: let's continue on the email thread


McCool: people had time to review them. I have sent an email about them as well

McCool: If there are no comments in the PR, we can quickly ask in the meeting and then merge

Asynchronous Decision Policy

Kaz: Discussion on asynchronous decision policy itself should be done synchronously

<kaz> async-decision.md

<kaz> PR 1127 - [Policy] Move async-decision.md from "proposals" to "policies"

<kaz> ek: had discussion with Koster and Kaz, and concerned if the proposer who created a Pullrequest wouldn't participate in the discussion after the Pullrequest creation

McCool: you have a comment ege

<kaz> mm: the proposer is tasked to participate in the discussion continuously

<cris_> +1

Ege: yes it would be better if people join the meeting if they start a discussion

McCool: it would be better to not have an introduction, it is a bit too verbose

Ege: I am fine to remove the introduction

McCool: I can add your comment to the file

Sebastian: there should be no overvoting, we should have consensus

McCool: we can add it here

Sebastian: so if an editor objects something, we should discuss in a meeting

<kaz> (discussion on what "consensus" means, "Editors' consensus" or "Everybody' consensus")

McCool: it is ambiguous who makes the decision

McCool: we can add to mention "task force members"

Ege: we should reflect this in the other places

Kaz: several questions on this policy. This assumes we can start with any PR without prior discussion
… we should discuss, make pr and discuss on merging
… also it says: "if there is a difficult with reaching consensus, we should have a teleconference." This is a bit dangeours

McCool: this mechanism is mostly for small/trivial things

Kaz: having less and shorter meetings is good but we should be careful with the policy

McCool: we can add something like "each PR should have an issue linked to it"

Cristiano: sometimes it is better to have a PR with examples since you need to show something concrete

McCool: I am fine as long as it is documented in github

tm: I have same opinion as Kaz

McCool: we can add to say that an issue should be created and used for consensus reaching
… but this can block progress since it may not be clear until a PR is created

Kaz: PR is good to see diff etc. but that is a tool to change the spec. We should have discussions

Kaz: in which cases do we need a PR instead of email, meeting or issue to have a discussion

Cristiano: what we are afraid of is, what if editors change the spec without consensus
… we can suggest an issue before and we can also say that we require a minimum time for the PR to be online

McCool: yeah theoritically one can create issue and then a PR and merge it in the same day
… we should add a time limit

Sebastian: we already have issues before PRs, generally
… we should be clear why we are doing this
… we are not perfect in that regard, we are quite slow
… big topics like canonicalization should be discussed in a meeting anyways

<Zakim> McCool, you wanted to react to sebastian

McCool: we should distinguish big changes. Like editors identifying such big changes

Luca: we should have a timeout, what if no one comments on the PR?
… should we agree to look at the PRs, like at least once a week?
… the main point is to make the progress smoother

McCool: editors should do that

Kaz: It sound to me that we're mixing up the spec generation timeline issue and how to propose changes. If sometimes discussion takes long, that's fine, if it's an important feature. We should also clarify which are the necessary to work on. Like what are based on use cases and requirements

McCool: we should not mix prioritisation with the process
… we should give priority to certain topics of course

<Zakim> kaz, you wanted to react to kaz

<kaz> kaz: I'm not suggesting we mix prioritization with the process, but encouraging you all to see if the target topic (Pullrequest and Issue) is really required from the viewpoint of use cases and requirements before creating a Pullrequest.

Ege: we were already asking for decisions or discussions before, some PRs to TD were rejected due to that

Cristiano: We have narrowed it trivial changes but it should not only be that

Cristiano: I agree with Kaz that we should have some time like 1 week, even if all editors agree. This would allow others to comment

Ege: editorial changes section is just above

McCool: let's move some these up

McCool: (rearranges the text)
… I will also add that other members can contest the label

<cris_> +1

Ege: One editor can make the changes right?

McCool: yes, as long as you wait one week

McCool: review can start after labeling

Cristiano: I agree that labeling needs to be reviewed

Cristiano: I think after editors approving, the week starts

Cristiano: people may not know that the PR is ready

Ege: what if all PRs are drafts until the label

McCool: that makes it difficult to understand real drafts

Ege: or labels

McCool: that complicates it too much

McCool: without label is also a state

Ege: yes I agree, sounds good

<cris_> +1

<kaz> wot wg charter review

<kaz> 4.Chartering.md

<cris_> +1 for creating a template

Kaz: we should have use case for the basis of the need

McCool: I can add this is as a note

<kaz> kaz: also we should clarify the relationship between the GitHub discussion and the meeting discussion.

McCool: we can let reviews on the final policy

<cris_> ++1 for bots

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to inform about Github bots

dp: we can use bots to make the process smoother

Ege: +1 to daniel

Cristiano: it would be nicer if we include async discussions to policy changes

<kaz> kaz: can understand what Daniel and Cristiano mean, and so I also mentioned the mechanism for the group Chartering. However, if we really want to go for that direction, we need to clarify the relationship between the GitHub discussion and Telco discussion, also template for the GitHub Issues and Pullrequests. So I'd agree with McCool, we need more discussion about this.

McCool: this is about specifications, so let me add it to the title

chair decision policy PR

<kaz> chair-decision-process.md

<kaz> PR 1128 - [Policy] Move chair-decision-process.md from "proposals" to "policies"

McCool: we need to make a list of which things chairs can decide

McCool: the chairs meeting should be no more than one day before the main call

McCool: there is a quorum of two chairs to make a decision

<Zakim> Ege, you wanted to IG WG distinction

McCool: any comments about this policy?

Ege: is this for IG and WG?

McCool: this applies only to WG at this point

Ege: clarify the point of rejecting unsolicited IE applications

McCool: it's technically the job of chairs to ask for IE participation, there is no allowance for unsolicited IE applications

McCool: any objections to this policy?

Kaz: since the main call is for IG and WG, this policy should apply to both

McCool: we could define a separate policy for the IG

Kaz: we should separate the consensus part from the voting part

McCool: voting is only for emergencies

Kaz: the point is that the policy is still consensus based

Kaz: suggest that the team contact should get involved to help with reaching consensus

<kaz> W3C Process Document - 5.2.3 Deciding by Vote

<kaz> kaz: we should be very careful about "voting" like the W3C Process Document says

McCool: does anyone object to merging this PR now?

seb: +1 to merging the PR; we have been operating by consensus for years and this is not likely to be a problem

Kaz: we should not mention the details about voting, given the target topic is only about the IE application at the moment.

McCool: 2 out of 3 is more about quorum

McCool: since there is an objection, we should ask for suggested changes

twitter account issue with API changes

<kaz> wot-marketing PR 438 - Trying different Twitter/X integration

<Ege> https://www.w3.org/WoT/

McCool: it seems like the bug doesn't show up everywhere

<kaz> (works from Canada, but not from Germany even with the incognito mode)

McCool: maybe it will stabilize in a day or 2

McCool: we should wait before making changes

Kaz: let's look into the problem more to understand what is broken

schedule changes

<kaz> Cancellations

McCool: wanted to make decisions about upcoming changes
… next Tuesday is a holiday in DE
… who is not planning to be available?

McCool: We will not cancel then

McCool: next is October 9th
… cancelling Scripting, Discovery, Security on Oct. 9th

McCool: November 23, Thanksgiving in US
… December 25
… January 1,2,3
… any objections?

Ege: Marketing call October 3rd is cancelled

McCool: will go to the calendar and cancel these dates

McCool: publication schedule review, please get testimonials done
… expect to have a resolution to publish next week
… publication October 5th

<Zakim> Ege, you wanted to mention marketing cancelled

Kaz: to meet that schedule, we also need specs and implementation reports

charter review

Kaz: we still had to send a confirmation message to the reviewers and I've already sent the message. However, we need to wait until October 2nd
… the next charter will start on October 3rd

Proposed Recommendations

McCool: has the TD draft been finalized yet? Is the rec document finalized?

Ege: the static version isn't rendered yet, Kaz will do that

Ege: index.html has all PRs merged

Kaz: Ege can make the static version and Kaz will check

Kaz: also need to create static versions for the other documents
… discovery and architecture

Implementation report - interoperability testing

McCool: how do we work this into the document?
… there used to be a matrix table

Kaz: we could add an explanation that we are doing interoperability testing at our plugtests

McCool: do we need to link to plugtests?

McCool: where does it go? it could go in the out of scope section

McCool: does anyone disagree with the wording on screen?

Kaz: could link to the plugtest and testing events

<kaz> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/events

resource publication

McCool: need a few minutes to get this out of the way

McCool: need a way to preserve the resource files so they don't get accidentally modified

McCool: best would be copies into a repo where they are frozen

McCool: the file names need to be constructed to describe content types

McCool: the TD resources are using github URLs and need to use W3C URLs
… how can we get this done?

McCool: ready to do this for the discovery documents, hoping we can do this for TD also
… can we make a resolution to publish resources on October 4th

Ege: we have the PRs ready for resources but the structure is different
… we would use the publication directory for staging

McCool: we would rather use a separate directory for staging and a new repository
… wot-resources repository
… needs to be done by October 4th to publish by the 5th

Ege: we would only use the publication directory for temporary use

Kaz: we should not use the publication directory for stable resources

McCool: we are OK using the publication directory for staging

Kaz: if just for one week or so

McCool: will Kaz create a wot-resources repository?
… then the TFs will create PRs against that repo

<McCool> proposal: Use subdirectory under "publications" in each repo only for staging, but then copy to a special repo, wot-resources, which Kaz will create immediately.

<McCool> proposal: Use subdirectory under "publications" in each repo only for staging, but then copy resources to a special repo, wot-resources, which Kaz will create immediately, and which will be used for actual publication of the resources.

RESOLUTION: Use subdirectory under "publications" in each repo only for staging, but then copy resources to a special repo, wot-resources, which Kaz will create immediately, and which will be used for actual publication of the resources.

<kaz> (Kaz has just created "wot-resoureces" repo, and adding the Chairs and Editors to the Team for it)

McCool: resolved, will create an email for one week review

Kaz: please record which part of the minutes have been reviewed

McCool: still need the review from TD TF

McCool: AOB?
… adjourned

Summary of resolutions

  1. Use subdirectory under "publications" in each repo only for staging, but then copy resources to a special repo, wot-resources, which Kaz will create immediately, and which will be used for actual publication of the resources.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).