A11Y Edge Accessibility at the Edge Task Force Weekly Teleconference 25-Sep-23

25 September 2023


alastairc, Andreas_Tai, ben_tillyer, BrianE, CharlesL, janina, kevin, Lionel, matatk, mitch, Rachel, Shawn(part)

Meeting minutes

agenda, next item

Welcome and Intros (as needed)

New York Meeting proposal

Rachel: As the W3c New York Chapter host, I would like to see a New York City based meeting on this topic
… I am ready to make that happen
… and help support an online video, which could explain the topics and be hosted on a permanent landing page
… I propose January 18th as a target date that we can aim for

janina: Thanks Rachel, we will think together and get a specific proposal ready

Next Steps & Next Telecon

janina: Based on feedback from TPAC, we will be focusing on providing quicker access to the 10 most important capabilities
… next meeting next week, 2-Oct-2023

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Lionel

All speakers: janina, Rachel

Active on IRC: Lionel