12:59:17 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-act 12:59:21 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/21-wcag-act-irc 12:59:21 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:59:22 Meeting: Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference 13:00:14 Suji has joined #wcag-act 13:00:59 ToddL has joined #wcag-act 13:02:55 present+ 13:02:58 present+ 13:03:00 present+ 13:03:01 trevor has joined #wcag-act 13:03:07 present+ 13:03:28 scribe: ToddL 13:03:37 zakim, take up next 13:03:37 agendum 1 -- ACT Standup -- taken up [from kathy] 13:04:32 kathy: Last week TPAC, good atteendance. Todd only one that was not in attendance. 13:04:45 kathy: to do secondary reqs. 13:04:59 kathy: another change discussed to do with background 13:05:18 Suji: Didn't get to much last week. 13:05:37 trevor: Didn't get to much last week. 13:06:03 Tom: not much last week 13:06:35 dmontalvo: merged a couple PR's and go over Kathy's items. Planning and presentation for CSUN. 13:07:10 zakim, take up next 13:07:10 agendum 2 -- Recharter of AGWG -- taken up [from kathy] 13:07:20 I did not get to anything last week as well. 13:07:39 dmontalvo: AGWG to be rechartered. 13:08:12 dmontalvo: A reset on the way participants will need to rejoin groups. Need nomination from IC rep. 13:08:33 dmontalvo: IE applications will need to be revisited. 13:09:38 dmontalvo: I will be taking care of IE reissue invitations. 13:10:09 kathy: Does CG need to do anything? 13:10:21 dmontalvo: CGs do not need to do anything. 13:11:04 zakim, take up next 13:11:04 agendum 3 -- October 5th meeting cancelled -- taken up [from kathy] 13:11:24 kathy: 5 Oct meeting is cancelled. 13:11:46 zakim, take up next 13:11:46 agendum 3 was just opened, ToddL 13:11:55 thbrunet has joined #wcag-act 13:12:03 zakim, close item 3 13:12:03 agendum 3, October 5th meeting cancelled, closed 13:12:04 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 13:12:06 4. TPAC Update [from kathy] 13:12:09 zakim, take up next 13:12:09 agendum 4 -- TPAC Update -- taken up [from kathy] 13:12:25 present+ 13:12:32 kathy: ANyone who was there feel free to share 13:12:59 dmontalvo: A couple productive days at TPAC. Making progress in ACT rules 1.1 13:13:22 dmontalvo: discussed subjectivity of rules, 118n, will be setting up wiki. 13:13:57 dmontalvo: ariawg, discussed better communication on what is removed and updated 13:14:28 dmontalvo: deprecation of rules discussed e.g., 4.1.1 Parsing 13:14:57 kathy: both TF and community meeting super helpful. 13:16:17 Suji: first time attending TPAC. Really good two days of sessions. 13:17:17 trevor: Several big conversations that got resolved. e.g., Optional test cases. 13:17:33 trevor: Still a lot of work to do. 13:20:27 zakim, take up next 13:20:27 agendum 5 -- Subjective exceptions in the applicability -- taken up [from kathy] 13:21:43 trevor: main talking point. how to define subjective definitions. came up with several different ways. 13:23:09 trevor: e.g., logical operators, scoring. Can be difficult to make formalized definitions. 13:23:23 trevor: talked to Wilco about scoring approach 13:23:48 trevor: The "getting warmer" method seemed to get the most traction 13:24:39 trevor: concensus was default was similar to getting warmer method. we could use the logical operator method. 13:25:31 trevor: Should definitions use concrete examples. Well-described examples. 13:26:05 trevor: Wilco suggested closed subjective definitions to set them apart from other subjective definitions 13:26:29 zakim, agenda? 13:26:29 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda: 13:26:30 5. Subjective exceptions in the applicability [from kathy] 13:26:30 6. Updating & renaming the background section [from kathy] 13:26:39 trevor: Helen brought up complexity concerns that are difficult to implement or overwhelming for people getting into accessibility testing 13:28:03 scribe+: kathy 13:28:25 todd: had a testing discussion with developers. agree with not being too complex 13:29:18 ... have heard wcag 2.x is too complex. try to keep complexity down would be great. include examples in definitions 13:29:59 q+ 13:30:06 trevor: ACT rules are more for people building test methodogies. not for new testers as much 13:31:17 ... less ambiguity is better for harmonization 13:32:12 ack d 13:32:18 dmontalvo: Not the group for people getting started with accessibility 13:33:04 dmontalvo: let's make it useful for the prupose of the group. whenever we need to streamline, we can. 13:33:34 thbrunet: tools need to accept they don't have 100% matching with ACT. 13:33:54 thbrunet: depends on environment. people may not want to get involved with ACT 13:34:07 +1, agree. 13:34:43 kathy: Getting Warmer method is new to me. 13:35:50 kathy: what would help for me is when someone is looking at list of items, how many of those items would mean it's a heading for example 13:36:32 kathy: put some parameters around Getting Warmer method 13:36:37 q? 13:38:43 trevor: leaning towards stripping out some stuff 13:40:46 kathy: having examples will help with understanding. concerns with looseness. 13:41:26 thbrunet: could mark them like "beta". once some rules are out could work on more 13:44:58 https://confluence.mitre.org/display/DIGR/Local+LLM+Setup 13:45:12 https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/2050 13:47:32 group discussion on navigation example and definitions 13:47:50 ToddL: s\https://confluence.mitre.org/display/DIGR/Local+LLM+Setup\\ 13:48:17 trevor: how to make definitions with examples with more than one distinct definition 13:48:34 s\https://confluence.mitre.org/display/DIGR/Local+LLM+Setup\\g 13:49:37 zakim, take up next 13:49:37 agendum 6 -- Updating & renaming the background section -- taken up [from kathy] 13:50:07 kathy: Topic came out of TPAC discussion last week 13:50:54 kathy: feedback was this was a bit too long 13:51:33 kathy: accessibility support and assumptions will go under background 13:52:25 kathy: background renamed to Understanding 13:52:44 zakim, agenda? 13:52:44 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 13:52:45 6. Updating & renaming the background section [from kathy] 13:53:16 kathy: Wilco will be out the next two weeks, Daniel out next week. 13:53:51 rrsagent, make minutes 13:53:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/21-wcag-act-minutes.html dmontalvo 14:10:37 thbrunet has joined #wcag-act 14:14:46 thbrunet has joined #wcag-act