20 September 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Babato, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima
cris__, kaz

Meeting minutes


agenda for today

Kaz: as suggested during the Scripting, Security and Discovery calls, would suggest we as the TD-TF should quickly skim the minutes and summarize important points from TPAC meetings and generate an action item for the TD-TF and the whole WG./

Ege: ok
… (updates the agenda)
… would add slides as well

WoT WG/IG Day 1

WoT WG/IG Day 2

JSON-LD, WoT, RCH joint meeting


Web Agent CG


<kaz> Sep-6

Ege: it is annoying to review minutes without screen sharing
… it might be easier to have them in other formats

Kaz: we can have several options but the easiest one is to review the minutes before the call and mention the errors during the calls

Ege: right but for typos it is hard

Kaz: if we can do a task in just two minutes we can do synchronously

Ege: any problems with the minutes?
… I wasn't in the call
… ok minutes approved

<kaz> (all the speakers names have been spelled out)

next meetings

Ege: I don't see any problems with the TD call
… do you see any possible cancellations in the short future?
… ok
… no cancelations


Ege: basically in TPAC we had the TD section on Thursday
… Sebastian presented an overview
… then I talked about the registry approach

<kaz> WoT WG/IG Day 1

<kaz> WoT WG/IG Day 2

<kaz> JSON-LD, WoT, RCH joint meeting

<kaz> APA WG

<kaz> Web Agent CG

Ege: we will do a refactoring where the Binding will be explained in the TD document
… then Sebastian introduced the different big items to deal with in the next charter

<kaz> TPAC agenda

Ege: basically a quick intro
… then I presented the binding registry
… I presented the Registry mechanism from the W3C process doc
… gave some examples
… some use the word registry but they are not really following the exact W3C Process be careful
… I talk with the co-editors of the webcodes
… good feedbacks
… but we should be careful about how the table will evolve over time
… in particular how to regulate contributions to the table
… the registry is a new concept within the W3C
… we can define minimum berries for contributing the the registry
… other than that we talk about the users and contributors
… kaz also provided other examples
… DID is one (but it is not an official registry)

Kaz: note that the w3c process provide a procedure for registry track. Any group could use the procedure. However, w3c do not provide anything on how to manage the process
… I am not sure which can be considered "true" registries because each group can interpret the process according to their view
… we can look into the best practices

Ege: I agree we have to look at our requirements and use cases

Kaz: we should mention this complication in our note

Ege: yes

Kaz: note meaning new markdown documents to be generated as McCool mentioned during the main call.
… as mentioned during TPAC, there are several WGs within W3C as well, and they also should be referred to.

Ege: Michael suggested to use a append-only approach for the registry
… we should see how it will work
… and also binding proposal should be bundled with validation
… any comments missing?

Ege: do we have an action item?

Cristiano: it could be good to have a document where we describe the policies for accepting new bindings

Ege: where do we start?

Cristiano: should we work on wot repository?

Ege: yeah but we need to take care
… of other reports

Koster: there will be a policy element
… but there are also related reports that we need to tackle. Mostly intermediate documents.

Ege: ok for using wot repository
… it can be used by other task forces

Cristiano: ok for the directory

Kaz: we as group we need to clarify the policy
… regarding the append-only approach there is some possibility of somebody requesting removing dengerous contributions (from the legal point of view)
… we need to think about it

Ege: I understand
… in any case we should add some workarounds to invalidate something

Kaz: that's why I asking to review other registries

Cristiano: +1

Koster: the whole policy should guartee a level of append-only but we should be flexible

Kaz: we should be fair to everyone too.

Luca: keep in mind that the registry contains just a description + link

Ege: the problem is the content of the linked document

Luca: is it something that you can control?
… if it is not permanent we should reject
… we don't have many ways to make something that is not legal
… it is not a big concern
… the good point to have append-only is to not breaking backward compatibility
… we are not going to host any content

Ege: the problem is when for example somebody says falsities
… we should invalidate it

Cristiano: we might need to host documents and poeple might ask to remove dangerous content

Luca: that's why we should never host those documents ourselve
… the registry is just about there is something that is accepted by enough people

Ege: ok but the point is for example matter what happens if they want to remove it

Luca: it's their fault

Ege: ok but we need to explain it

Luca: if we want to operate such a registry we should reject stuff that does not abide to such rules

Luca: if we store all the information
… of the protocol. We are open to get any kind of legal request
… if we cache the matter protocol for example and however published it was a mistake then it is a problem
… we should store the smallest unit of information

Kaz: we should discuss what we mean and what we want, that's ok (I suggested to look at other registries). For today, we should summarize the discussion for TPAC
… we can work on the detail later, as whole group.
… would like to suggest we record what we've been discussing so far as a markdown quickly.

Ege: I'll create the markdown

Kaz: Note that it's OK as an initial input for further discussion to recored what we've been discussing as a markdown. However, we should not dive into the detail on possible registry policies today during this call because we were simply summarizing the TPAC discussion.

Ege: we should followup for the action items
… maybe split the work
… we talk about this later on

Thing Description PRs


<kaz> PR 1858 Remove mention of atrisk section

Ege: got the verbal approval from the director
… is it ok to merge it now?

Kaz: I had to comment on the PR before the call

<kaz> (added a comment on the approval)

Ege: ok merged


<Ege> PR 1843 - Fix well known operation types only

Ege: ok it would be nice if you can comment kaz

<kaz> (gave a comment on the approval)

Ege: merged


PR 1844 - Update schema to not allow empty op array

Kaz: so this is basically bug fix on JSON schema. Right?

Ege: yes
… it's about whether it's allowed to use an empty "op" array or not

Cristiano: not sure if it's correctly recorded
… but it's what we should do in the future
… you can't have an empty array
… need to address for 2.0

Luca: fine to merge it if it's consistent with the future version

Ege: (shows Thing)

WoT Thing Description - Thing

Kaz: in that case, do we need to merge this PR 1844 now for 1.1 version?
… or should wait until 2.0 version?
… it depends on the current status of the existing implementations

Ege: yes

Cristiano: maybe should capture the issue here

Ege: (adds two comments on the issues)

Ege's comments

@egekorkan will check the other places that have an array value, whether
they allow 0 items in the array or not.


PR 1866 - TD html ontology fix|

Ege: a PR from Sebastian
… but seems he has not changed everything

Cristiano: Mahda is an expert on this
… nobody has fixed the issue yet
… we can merge this PR itself, and then can work on further fix

Ege: if we merge this, it would impact the final index.html as well...

Kaz: agree
… should be careful to fix this PR

Ege: right

TD Ontology file

Ege: (adds comments)

Ege's comments

@relu91 will do the correct solution by changing this PR but make sure
that we do not change the index.html. He will also change it for the
other missing keywords as shown in TD html ontology fix #1866 (comment)

Resources directory and Namespaces

Namespace proposals


Ege: all the WoT developers will refer to this information
… so we should make sure all the resources for which version to be linked with which resource
… e.g., v1 for td-context-1.1.jsonld
… should talk about this during the main call as well
… McCool mentioned an idea on each TF's handling each resource on the TF's repository
… maybe not a bad idea
… there is a PR about this

PR 1863 - Add rec11 resources

Kaz: I still think having a consolidated area for WoT resources would be better
… even for a tentative purposes, reusing the "publishing" area under each repository would be a big confusing and embarrassing
… because that area has been used for publication preparation and is kind of messy
… so would suggest we have some more discussion about this topic, e.g., including Farshid too

Ege's comment

Call of 20.09: The WG does not have a consensus on where to put these
resources. Keeping it open until then.

Ege: would like to wrap up this topic quickly
… e.g., right after the main call

Kaz: so I suggested we have a 2-hour main call to discuss policy topics including this

Binding Templates

Note publication

Kaz: very sorry for the big delay due to TPAC and Charter procedure, etc.
… working on the document check and would like to publish it this week

Ege: ok

BACnet Binding

<Ege> wot-binding-templates PR 209 - BACnet Binding

Koster: want to check JSON-LD context file and mapping
… actual protocol verbs
… expect a context file and a mapping file. right?

Ege: outside implementers would like to have resources
… Jan has been working on CoAP
… maybe we can refer to the resources there as an example

Jan: main HTML and template for SPARQL file
… ontology documented logically

CoAP resources

Jan: would make sense to have a guideline document

wot-binding-templates PR 282 - Initial work for vocabulary creation guide

Ege: there is a PR for a possible guideline
… but it's almost empty

Koster: need ontology.html
… is that generated automatically?

Ege: yeah

Cristiano: should have a template folder

Ege: there is an index.template.html under bindings


Cristiano: can't expect external contributors really follow the guideline

Koster: if all those files are needed, should inform what the current work flow is like
… do we require all the flow on the resources?
… what do we consider what would be the "complete" binding?

Cristiano: the idea is in the mapping, having the SHACL would be helpful

Koster: was kind of too tired to follow that...

Ege: Jan, can I ask you to add content to the proposed guideline?
… not update the PR 282 itself

<JKRhb> Sure, I will try to come up with a proposal :)

Kaz: agree we should clarify what we want
… and updating this guideline would be helpful for that purpose
… so asking Jan for help is reasonable :)

Ege: (shows the preview)

Preview of PR209 - 5. BACnet Vocabulary

Cristiano: Koster, if you have any questions, please let me know

Koster: tx!


Ege: any other business for today?



Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).