FXL Accessibility Task Force Meeting

19 September 2023


CharlesL, duga, gautier, gpellegrino, jamesY, Ken_Jones, Rachel_O, wendyreid
gautier, gpellegrino

Meeting minutes

<wendyreid> date: 2023-09-19

recap of TPAC

<wendyreid> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NUaO5gvboK23ssvj-j2bcJ_I8AQyN9wr1qcjzuQFXgg/edit?usp=sharing

wendyreid: we met last week at TPAC, FXL accessibility came in discussion on documentation and also in discussions about moving to iso. The subject is sensitive with EAA coming in force.

wendyreid: we would like to have this document in a publishable state and then move to experimentations.

<gpellegrino> https://www.w3.org/TR/epub-a11y-eaa-mapping/

gpellegrino: anything we publish means having to update the EAA mapping. For that political thing we need to clearly identify what is feasible with authoring tools (because EAA states we must do accessible to the state of the art). We should balance the state of the art doable with available tools. New guidelines will complexify the task of publishers to comply by june 2025.

wendyreid: yes, we clearly state that FXL are not accessible to everyone. We should focus on what RS can do to make the reading experience more accessible (zooming).

KenJones: Do we want to name a production solution and limit us to what it allows?

gpellegrino: proposal is to split the work into what is achievable right now and what is achievable in 5 years as an ecosystem.

wendyreid: we want to avoid naming tools or company as much as possible.

Ken_Jones: just to be clear, state of the art means what is actually achievable without coding.

gpellegrino: i don't wan tto lower the bar but i don't want to tell the comission something can be done and place publishers in a too difficult situation.

wendyreid: we don't have much time for this state of the art document.

wendyreid: my sugestion is we split the group

gautier: is the actual published document sufficient for telling what is achievable right now?

wendyreid: the document might be suficient but we have to check.

<Ken_Jones> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_the_art "The state of the art (SOTA, sometimes cutting edge or leading edge) refers to the highest level of general development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field achieved at a particular time."

gpellegrino: some things we say in the actual document are difficult to achieve, we should anotate that to make sure readers are aware of complexity to achieve.

CharlesL: we want to work with RS providers to write this section "FXL EPUB Accessibility Guidance for Reading Systems"

gautier: from Thorium developing team, we have different requests from different publishers or groups. I'm not sure if we can work on something for FXL without defining best-practices...
… what we see from EDRLab is that we want to work on that, but we need specs to develop on things that we'll be used

wendyreid: my ask is who would be interested to lead that side of the work? I am pretty occupied actually. I mean management of explorative work.

gpellegrino: more than happy but after we end the work for the comission.

wendyreid: becaus ethis comission work is short time, I hope we have it delivered by the end of the year. To get that done I suggest to increase the meeting frequency.

fine to change day/hour and to have weekly meetings

CharlesL: an hour later?

also fine to change day/hour and to have weekly meetings

wendyreid: so we change to 14 UTC.

<CharlesL> That works.

wendyreid: I'll propose a poll for the day.

<CharlesL> Documentation works.

+1 for the docs

wendyreid: just to check who does not want to be on documentation wg

Rachel_O: I can help with documentation

Ken_Jones: I'm interested being on both.

wendyreid: document for comission will be a working group note, but experimental document does not need formal formating.

CharlesL: the document could also point to excemptions.

Specific features of special volumes like comics, children’s books and art books should be considered in the light of all applicable accessibility requirements.

gpellegrino: this are copy past from the EAA...

wendyreid: we ar enot supposed to talk about tools. Not all publishers use the same toolings. We can't be partisan here.

CharlesL: so, if i am a small publisher doing children books, how do I know about my book accessibility? What adivse do we give to this publisher?

Ken_Jones: image description and reading order are to of the list problems to fix for FXL. Human looking at the book is still required.

gpellegrino: ACE checks FXL but There are limits, as exemple it does not warns about portrait/landscape blocking.

wendyreid: we can inform Daisy team about what we want in ACE, we have this chance.

CharlesL: we wonder when AI will be part of this testing suits. Possibilities will arrive soon.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/community group note/working group note/

Succeeded: s/doint/doing

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: gautier

Maybe present: KenJones

All speakers: CharlesL, gautier, gpellegrino, Ken_Jones, KenJones, Rachel_O, wendyreid

Active on IRC: CharlesL, duga, gautier, gpellegrino, jamesY, Ken_Jones, Rachel_O, wendyreid