12:58:34 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-motion 12:58:38 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/18-wcag3-motion-irc 12:58:38 zakim, start meeting 12:58:38 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:58:39 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Rain 12:58:44 rrsagent, make logs world 12:58:51 meeting name: Harm from motion subgroup meeting 8 12:58:58 chair: Rain 12:59:09 present+ Rain kirkwood 12:59:23 agenda+ find a scribe 12:59:34 agenda+ review feedback from presentation 12:59:45 Eric_hind has joined #wcag3-motion 12:59:46 agenda+ review our draft 12:59:57 agenda+ determine how we will wrap draft and pull request 13:00:02 agenda+ celebrate! 13:00:24 present+ 13:00:51 AndySomers has joined #wcag3-motion 13:01:02 present+ 13:01:38 jeanne has joined #wcag3-motion 13:03:01 agenda? 13:03:11 zakim, take up item 1 13:03:11 agendum 1 -- find a scribe -- taken up [from Rain] 13:03:21 scribe: Eric_hind 13:03:26 scribe+ Rain 13:03:39 present+ 13:03:40 zakim, take up item 2 13:03:40 agendum 2 -- review feedback from presentation -- taken up [from Rain] 13:03:51 present+ 13:06:12 present+ 13:06:33 Feedback from Sept 5 AGWG meeting - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jCOE4cO68V-QUiZEhJNkrQydNmW71ljaCGGu2Zmnlok/edit#heading=h.mjgzi6tjo9ev 13:08:55 Rain: We can add any/all criteria change names/naming for this pull request. Wilco was concerned about some operational definitions and user-centric phrasing. 13:09:36 Rain: We may want to break out some criteria into many. 13:11:01 q+ on categorisation of guidelines 13:11:38 Rain: Brought up some concerns about moving some criteria to others, consolidating others, avoiding overlap with existing criteria (like flashing- but adding onto it) 13:11:48 ack alastairc 13:11:48 alastairc, you wanted to comment on categorisation of guidelines 13:12:59 q? 13:13:08 q+ 13:13:12 Alastair: We (our subgroup) should worry too much about scope; it (sorting into the right buckets) will be addressed with grouping exercises after conclusions in the subgroup. 13:13:15 ack AndySomers 13:13:30 s/should worry too much/should not worry too much 13:14:36 q+ 13:15:20 ack alastairc 13:15:42 Alastair: Update that should be 'should not worry too much about scope' 13:16:38 Andy: Concern about potential harm category; setup a database of these SC's that might cause harm. Alastair: There will be WCAG processes/exercises to deal with this at a later time. 13:17:02 q? 13:18:22 zakim, take up item 3 13:18:22 agendum 3 -- review our draft -- taken up [from Rain] 13:19:47 Rain: Note that historic work will be under the Scratchpad ---- header marker in the scratch document. Current (top) is the exploratory draft header and sections. 13:20:36 q+ to suggest leaving it as just the long name, we're about to do a categorisation exercise. 13:21:02 Rain: Naming of Harm from Motion as title; thoughts about positive/negative naming. 13:21:03 "Do Not Harm" 13:21:11 ack alastairc 13:21:11 alastairc, you wanted to suggest leaving it as just the long name, we're about to do a categorisation exercise. 13:22:01 "do no harm" I menat 13:22:01 Alastair: Current title is fine, there will be further categorization exercises to advance this if needed. 13:22:07 meant 13:22:31 +1 13:22:32 0 13:22:35 Harm Prevention 13:22:42 +1, a long-ish but something explicit that matches the outcomes is good 13:23:12 Preventing Harmful Content 13:23:26 Rain: Adding alternative titles for future sorting exercises. 13:23:36 Avoiding Harm from Motion 13:24:08 okay for PR 13:24:15 ok for PR 13:24:17 OK for PR 13:24:18 OK for PR 13:24:27 Decision to stick with what we have, along with suggestions of potential alternates 13:24:39 It's tricky, as there is 'motion' as in physically moving, and 'motion' as in animation. Worth punting to the caterorisation exercise. 13:25:46 Rain: Functional Needs review (9 items) 13:25:52 Balance 13:26:06 Use without disrupting balance? 13:27:30 Particularly for VR 13:27:45 Rain: Per discussion, add 'Use with limited field of vision' as item 10. 13:27:48 hmmm 13:28:02 +1 to Andy's proposal 13:29:09 the field of vision and eye tracking go togheter 13:29:19 Remember we're trying to pull things from https://w3c.github.io/fast/#functional-needs 13:29:34 It's ok to have others, but need to highlight when they are new/different. 13:30:11 q? 13:30:20 Doh I should bu in the doc LOL 13:30:24 Rain: per discussion, add 'Use without disrupting balance and/or use with challenges with balance' as item 11 13:30:31 q? 13:31:01 Rain: Review user stories.. This will require some additional work this week. 13:31:40 q? 13:32:00 q+ 13:32:15 q? 13:32:17 ack AndySomers 13:33:52 Rain: Story 1, As a user who might experience harm from motion, I need... Open review. 13:34:24 q+ to add 13:35:27 q+ on the levels between user-story one and two 13:35:32 Rain: Story 2: As an individual who experiences sensory overload and/or visual processing difficulties, I need to be able to.. Open review 13:36:03 ack jeanne 13:36:03 jeanne, you wanted to add 13:37:54 ack alastairc 13:37:54 alastairc, you wanted to comment on the levels between user-story one and two 13:38:46 q+ 13:38:59 ack AndySomers 13:40:32 Probably best to assign the levels when we get to outcomes / methods. 13:42:50 Jeanne: Add to story 1: need to be able to complete a task when motion exists in the content, even if its not the specific content that I'm currently engaged with. 13:43:01 q? 13:43:31 group +1 13:43:36 0 13:43:42 0, so long as we have them, I'm not too concerned with the grouping. 13:43:45 +1 to combine 1 and 2, 0 to don't care, -1 to no 13:43:52 -1 - differences betweeen the groups or 0 13:43:57 -1 13:44:00 grouping for now is probably good... re-categorizing is a different task level... 13:44:46 +1 13:45:06 Rain: We will keep stories 1 and 2 separate rather than combine them. We could enhance the title of story 2 to 'accessibility barriers' 13:45:08 Decision, not merging. 13:45:15 Is this new title sufficient? As an individual who experiences accessibility barriers due to motion, such as sensory overload and/or visual processing difficulties, I need to be able to 13:45:19 +1 13:45:24 +1 13:45:25 +1 13:45:25 +1 to agree, 0 don't care, -1 no 13:45:27 +1 13:45:35 +1 13:45:38 +1 13:46:44 q? 13:46:49 q+ 13:47:15 Rain: Story 3 As an individual with working and/or photographic memory difficulties, I need, and Story 4 As an individual who experiences difficulty with motor control, I need. Open discussion 13:48:22 ack AndySomers 13:48:30 Rain: Per John, adjust Story 4, item a, change to reposition/reprogram 13:50:05 Andy: Concern when page content changes, there are users who do need motion as an attention indicator. 13:50:46 suggestion modify: “stay in the same place” to “stay in the same place on the page” 13:51:27 q? 13:51:36 Rain: Per Andy, adjust title of story 3 to include 'limitations to my field of vision'. Add point C around importance of motion; and this relates to customization of motion. 13:52:40 Rain: Review of Outcomes and then assign tasks for final clean up. 13:53:26 q? 13:53:52 Rain: For outcome 3, do we want physical (physical reactions) in the title? Change to negative, harmful discussed. 13:54:38 q? 13:54:55 Rain: All outcomes generally identified; outcomes 5-7 may end up in other categories at a later time. 13:55:37 Unexpected motion is important to have an outcome 13:56:13 An important consideration for warnings: specificity. 13:56:15 q+ 13:56:18 John: Continuous motion category implies that we might also need Unexpected motion. Added to questions and research needs. 13:56:38 ack AndySomers 13:58:09 zakim, take up item 5 13:58:09 agendum 5 -- celebrate! -- taken up [from Rain] 13:58:16 zakim, take up item 4 13:58:16 agendum 4 -- determine how we will wrap draft and pull request -- taken up [from Rain] 13:58:19 present+ 13:58:40 Eric_hind_ has joined #wcag3-motion 13:59:45 Rain: We do need research and references in the User story level. By end of day Thursday, could everyone to add references into the user stories or Outcomes known research and validation. 14:00:08 q? 14:00:39 +1 14:00:40 +1 should; be 14:00:42 q+ to say that the PR is changing, so I will do the PR. 14:00:45 +1 from those who will add research to the document 14:00:49 +1 14:00:50 +1 14:00:53 I'll try, but I'm working on 4 others pull requests... 14:01:21 And I can do GitHub stuff as well... 14:01:33 by EOD thursday, group puts in research 14:01:46 by EOD friday, Rain cleans up the document and turns over to Jeanne for PR 14:01:54 q? 14:02:00 ack jeanne 14:02:00 jeanne, you wanted to say that the PR is changing, so I will do the PR. 14:02:07 zakim, take up item 5 14:02:07 agendum 5 -- celebrate! -- taken up [from Rain] 14:03:55 rrsagent, generate minutes 14:03:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/18-wcag3-motion-minutes.html Rain 14:04:43 zakim, end meeting 14:04:43 As of this point the attendees have been Rain, kirkwood, jedi, AndySomers, alastairc, Eric_hind, jeanne 14:04:45 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:04:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/18-wcag3-motion-minutes.html Zakim 14:04:52 I am happy to have been of service, Rain; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 14:04:53 Zakim has left #wcag3-motion 15:00:37 kirkwood has joined #wcag3-motion 17:23:23 kirkwood has joined #wcag3-motion 18:45:44 kirkwood has joined #wcag3-motion 20:52:09 kirkwood has joined #wcag3-motion 22:34:12 kirkwood has joined #wcag3-motion