Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

18 September 2023


Albert, Becca_Monteleone, DavidSwallow, Eric_hind, Jennie, julierawe, JustineP, kirkwood, Rain

Meeting minutes

<Jennie> *Apologies, I am only here for 30 minutes

<lisa> next item

<Becca_Monteleone> Jennie, Lisa, and John attended TPAC

<Becca_Monteleone> Julie also attended

<Becca_Monteleone> Jennie: Went to ADAPT session on Wednesday. Exciting work around symbol registry. Good for COGA to be aware of.

<Rain> +1 to exciting opportunities with the Bliss symbols being added to unicode!

<Becca_Monteleone> Jennie: Blisssymbols is a symbol set used on AAC devices.

<Rain> Wikipedia link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blissymbols

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: Blissymbols developed to anchor language to real things in mid-century. Non-speaking people found to learn and use many more symbols than words. ADAPT working to map different languages to Blissymbols.

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: plan to use those concept codes to allow people who use a symbol sets as their main language to access a broader set of concepts. Many symbol sets are copywritten, which limits communication opportunities. This project would allow people to handshake between different symbol sets

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: Anticipate complications across natural languages, but would allow cross communication across different texts and symbol sets.

<kirkwood> interesting point about symbol sets essentially being ‘different languages’

<Becca_Monteleone> Jennie: Excited to see this because there is no one symbol set that works for all people and this would allow users to customize communication based on their preferred symbol set.

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: We've produced a demo page that demonstrates how the numbers are mapped to different symbol sets.

<Becca_Monteleone> Julie: Sat in on Monday APA meetings.

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: Worked with Rachael's group on Monday drafting initial guideline on reducing cognitive load. Suggested COGA continuing to work on that offline.

<Becca_Monteleone> A;bert, John, and Julie interested in contributing to that.

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: Attended APA meeting Monday to talk internationalization. Re: internationalization - COGA could do research on different kinds of lanaguages to ensure we have representation from each language family to increase buy-in. Will continue conversation.

<Becca_Monteleone> Jennie: Participated in Thursday session on Help with AG. All different kinds of help identified. Took care to incorporate content usable

<Becca_Monteleone> John: Also attended and agree.

<lisa> next item

<Becca_Monteleone> Jennie needs to step back from images subgroup leadership

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: Rain and John can continue it and welcome other members

<Becca_Monteleone> Jennie: Will communicate with Rain and John re: contributors

<lisa> next item

<lisa> can you attend week

<julierawe> -1

<Rain> +1

<kirkwood> -1

<Albert> +1

<Eric_hind> +1

<DavidSwallow> +1

<Becca_Monteleone> -1

<JustineP> +1

<Jennie> -1

<Jan_> I can attend next week

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: Can facilitate next week to focus on structure and images.

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: Will treat it as a subgroup meeting rather than quorum-based public COGA meeting

<lisa> next item

<Jennie> *Apologies - have to drop. Have a good 2 weeks.

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: draft of restructured patterns to increase usability and reduce redundancy.

<kirkwood> ignore Rain’s note above

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: card sort did not have consensus. Many people use content usable as a checklist (i.e. using the table of contents as a guide). Needed to verify that pattern names did not lead to misunderstandings if just read on their own

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: Divided into four principles and sorted patterns. Document shows how these have been organized, where it appears in content usable, and notes suggesting how to update/revise current pattern text.

<lisa> hope that worked

<lisa> will ask roy to delet as well

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: In some cases, recommend patterns be split into 2.

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: A few substantial recommendations - for example, combining several patterns

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: Ask COGA to add comments and thoughts on this proposal by next Monday

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: Once this is approved, we can produce mock-ups for user testing

<Rain> Link to section of document with the pattern architecture: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KHWpKAWOb6p7r-WdrdDUIqFB3BCVnLjRYVcEBM88hPQ/edit#heading=h.p18vxkcgkp7

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: Should be re-ordered under principles

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: Have not addressed order yet.

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: "Clear design" is what the user sees/hears, "Clear User Flow" is about how the user interacts

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: May be clearer to call it something else like "Clear interaction"

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: Or "clear user forms and tasks"

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: is hierarchy in flow or design?

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: Another term we had was "clear processes" - saying "forms and tasks" may be more limiting. Hierarchy is in clear design because the user is not inputting anything in going through the hierarchy

<Becca_Monteleone> See Note 2 on document

<Jan_> +1 to clear components and layouts

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain suggested "Clear Components and Layouts" to replace "Clear Design" and "Clear Processes and User Flows" to replace "Clear User Flow"

<Becca_Monteleone> John: Hierarchy seems to straddle both categories.

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: In UX, "predictable hierarchy" might actually belong under "Easy to Understand Content." If the question is which role is reponsible, it's content strategy

<Becca_Monteleone> Note added to document to address later.

<Becca_Monteleone> Jan: Consider the term "user interaction" which can be a little different than user flow. Based on if user interaction triggers what they expect it to trigger, rather than their flow

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: Hierarchy becomes exposed because of what user does. It's hard to untangle from process.

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: We want to make this future-proof, so avoiding language like "site and page design," which are increasingly limited, and focusing more on the smaller components.

<Becca_Monteleone> Lisa: Components and layouts would not include the hierarchy of the site

<Becca_Monteleone> John: Could hierarchy be added to the title of the second column?

<Becca_Monteleone> Jan: maybe include the term information as one of the headers? As information architecture is key in digital design.

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: Subgroup is asking COGA task force to provide as much feedback as possible by Monday. If easier to talk about your thoughts, join meeting on Thursday or Monday or reach out to Rain, Eric, John K., or Justine.

<Becca_Monteleone> Rain: Based on user research, getting this structure right is the most helpful thing we can do for users.

<lisa> https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.f0lpte83z41m

<julierawe> Thanks for all the great work, Rain and team!

<julierawe> I have to leave for another meeting, thanks!

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Active on IRC: Albert, Becca_Monteleone, DavidSwallow, Eric_hind, Jan_, Jennie, julierawe, JustineP, kirkwood, Lisa, lisa, Rain