06:41:04 RRSAgent has joined #vector-graphics 06:41:08 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-vector-graphics-irc 06:41:43 Ian has left #vector-graphics 07:11:09 Ian has joined #vector-graphics 07:11:21 RRSAgent, do not leave 07:11:21 RRSAgent, make logs public 07:11:27 Ian has left #vector-graphics 08:48:01 fserb has joined #vector-graphics 09:06:09 dbaron has joined #vector-graphics 09:06:16 fantasai has joined #vector-graphics 09:09:49 scribenick: fantasai 09:09:49 present+ 09:09:49 Present+ 09:09:49 fserb: Thanks for coming to session 09:09:49 mrobinson has joined #vector-graphics 09:09:49 ... This started as discussion at CSSWG F2F 09:09:49 ... decided to move to TPAC, more interest in talking 09:09:49 ccameron has joined #vector-graphics 09:09:49 ... so I will give a summary of what I presented, then want to hear from ppl 09:09:49 satakagi has joined #vector-graphics 09:09:49 ... I have a doc I presented 09:09:49 present+ 09:09:58 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mMdmuXMUamXtNtiPgzj6Jg5XDmFshkiXNYqg-W2jzLI/edit 09:09:58 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2023Jul/att-0001/Modern_Web_Vector_Graphics.pdf 09:09:58 khush_ has joined #vector-graphics 09:10:03 dape has joined #vector-graphics 09:10:04 mitch11 has joined #vector-graphics 09:10:04 fserb: What we tried to explore was improving vector graphics use cases on the Web 09:10:08 present+ 09:10:09 ... discuss expressiveness that ppl struggle with 09:10:16 ... trying to look at the landscape and see the direction 09:10:27 [shows example under Responsive Vector Graphics] 09:10:45 fserb: We have vector support in SVG, we have hacked shapes in CSS e.g. triangles and circles 09:11:28 ... but no way to support responsive graphics, things that stretch properly 09:11:28 [example of a thumbs up hand -- stretched everything is distorted, responsive the arm is lengthened but hand still intact] 09:11:28 myles has joined #vector-graphics 09:11:28 present+ myles 09:11:31 etienne has joined #vector-graphics 09:11:32 fserb: Animations. Lots of people these days in mobile space with animated icons 09:11:53 ... local animations 09:11:53 present+ 09:11:58 ... there are a few solutions like Loti and Rive (sp?) 09:12:13 ... they depend on runtimes, and have lots of compat issues 09:12:19 fserb: One big issue is interactive UI elements 09:12:27 ... expectation these days that started with mobile but definitely now on desktop 09:12:33 ... of having motion as part of the UX 09:12:45 ... ppl expect to express certain things, interactions, with motions 09:12:49 ... want to do these on the Web 09:13:11 ... A lot of hacking where people try to stretch what's possible 09:13:22 fserb: Another use case is parametric shapes, the squircle problem 09:13:34 ... being able to have some basic shapes on the page that you want to interact with 09:13:51 ... can do SVG for a specific use case, but complicated to do this in a way that's reproduceable, doens't involve doing math each time 09:14:00 ... access to shapes, doing naturally, is something ppl trying to do 09:14:18 fserb: I described a bit after that some of the issues people have 09:14:29 ... talked about runtime, trying to integrate SVG and CSS 09:14:42 ... we know about CSS support of SVG as bg images and border image, but what are the limitations 09:14:53 ... and also ppl trying to stretch SVG/animations for UI 09:15:12 ... e.g. trying to use simple animations for e.g line dashing 09:15:36 ... to synthesize feeling of line drawing 09:15:45 ... all kinds of interesting hacks that kinda work but kinda break things 09:15:54 ... things end up flimsy, easy to break 09:16:21 fserb: So this is a summary of the problem 09:16:26 s/problem/problems 09:16:36 fserb: Question I brought up to conversation was, what can we do that's better? 09:16:40 ... which directions could we look into? 09:16:50 ... one thing we talked about, could vector graphics be better integrated with CSS? 09:16:59 ... can we make parameters come from CSS to SVG? 09:17:11 ... could usage of vector graphics be more friendly to building web pages 09:17:23 ... One question was, is paintworklet be a solution? should we not look into vector formats? 09:17:30 ... what are the limitations of SVG that prevents advanced use cases? 09:17:48 ... e.g. path data of SVG has string representation, but doesn't allow for any type of responsiveness we're talking about 09:18:01 ... any type of parameterization from CSS or animation 09:18:20 ... There has been in the past some standards for animated SVG, but limited to CSS things like colors, not paths 09:18:43 fserb: People trying different vector formats on different platforms. Complicated space. 09:18:55 ... Text is a big challenve 09:19:00 ... usually they give up on text 09:19:20 ... As things are simpler, become more cross-patform 09:19:51 fserb: As discussed last time, it feels better to incrementally improve things, but what can we improve? 09:20:08 ... Let's talk about it 09:20:14 noamr_ has joined #vector-graphics 09:20:16 ... what's feasible? what can we do? 09:20:49 q? 09:20:56 q+ 09:21:01 emilio has joined #vector-graphics 09:21:08 ntim has joined #vector-graphics 09:21:23 noamr_: I think going forward incrementally has been working to an extent 09:21:27 ydaniv has joined #vector-graphics 09:21:39 ... a lot of things from vector graphics have been adopted into CSS, e.g. border-radius and clip-path 09:22:05 ... we need a very strong motivation to jump from this into something more complicated like embedding into SVG 09:22:07 ... you need a strong motivation 09:22:19 ... Two things I was trying to push for while working for Wikipedia 09:22:32 ... one is a element which is responsive with 09:22:40 ... think about putting SVG into CSS rather than the other way around 09:22:43 chrisl has joined #vector-graphics 09:22:55 ... consistent conceptually with what arc, curve is. use same terminology and mental model, but speaking in CSS terms 09:23:11 ... but wasn't able to champion other than drafting a theoretical spec 09:23:11 rrsagent, here 09:23:11 See https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-vector-graphics-irc#T09-23-11-1 09:23:52 noamr_: other thing is, it's hard to do e.g. clip-path is too limited. Can't do borders that follow the cli-path 09:23:54 ... and it clips out all the effects like blur 09:24:10 ... just trying to do a balloon in Wikipedia, couldn't do it 09:24:16 ... just trying to take this conversation to be more simple 09:24:21 s/cli-/clip- 09:24:24 ... there are proposals and things that speak about it in the practical sense 09:24:34 lea has joined #vector-graphics 09:25:03 mmcony has joined #vector-graphics 09:25:11 q+ 09:25:28 ack fantasai 09:25:36 Scribe+ 09:25:38 scribenick: emilio 09:25:42 fantasai: There's a couple things obvious to do 09:25:46 The shape() function: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-shapes-2/#shape-function 09:25:58 ... one of them is being able to define the visual shape of a box as a type of path 09:26:12 ... I think we should be able to define the visual shape of a box as a type of path 09:26:27 Domenic has joined #vector-graphics 09:26:37 ... we should give that dedicated syntax because it's pretty common one. That'd take care of clipping and also have the border take care of the path? 09:26:49 ... I think one tricky thing is having different borders on each side. 09:27:09 ... on the flip side we do need responsive svg images or some kind of vector format that is responsive 09:27:16 clip-path with borders/filters: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5881 09:27:18 ... but we should not try to put all of svg into css 09:27:22 present+ 09:27:29 ... we should bring some of the responsiveness concepts from css to svg 09:27:35 present+ 09:28:08 q+ 09:28:08 ... introducing a divergence between pixel lengths and user coordinats would be a way to differentiate 09:28:22 nicole has joined #vector-graphics 09:28:45 present+ 09:29:06 ydaniv: Going beyond length values, going further wrt responsiveness 09:29:22 ... there's a lot of stuff that's already in HTML that didn't make its way back to SVG 09:29:30 ... tons of stuff, like text rendering and i18n 09:29:39 ... on the other hand, you can't ignore that SVG a huge ecosystem 09:29:46 q+ 09:29:46 ... from stuff that you create offline and you can use everywhere 09:29:55 ... so there's a huge amount of stuff that needs to go back into SVG 09:30:01 ... and no way to drop SVG on the way 09:30:27 ... but in order to use responsive images, i18n, a11y [missed] 09:30:34 myles: Naive question, has SVGWG met in the past year? 09:30:41 ChrisL: SVGWG is dead and has been for 4-5 years 09:30:55 ... nothing has happened, even when it had a charter 09:30:57 present+ 09:31:09 ... it's just been a tiny group, but without browser vendors 09:31:24 ... even if they make decisions, they are not able to make progress 09:31:36 nicole: Have we been getting bugs on SVG? 09:31:50 ... if there's a community unsatisfied with current state of affairs, usually they're bugging us 09:31:56 myles: Seems the community in this room is unsatisfied 09:31:59 nicole: I meant developers 09:32:24 ydaniv (?): Now that something's happening in WebKit, because working on new engine... 09:32:42 ... merging with HTLM engine, can solve tons of problems. foreignObject, text issues, etc. 09:32:50 nicole: will you propose for Interop? 09:33:02 ydaniv: I tried proposing SVG and Math for investigation, but was dropped 09:33:17 ... suggestion that came up today was maybe more specific issues 09:33:33 ... my previous suggestion was maybe get ?? 09:33:40 q? 09:33:42 q+ 09:33:43 ... there was no priority 09:34:08 ... maybe we can make it a focus for Interop 09:34:13 ... or maybe the new engine will bring focus 09:34:32 mitch11: Mitchell Evan, I work in a11y area 09:34:39 ... I see a couple things exciting here and helpful for a11y 09:34:46 ... particularly responsive vector graphics 09:35:00 ... Responsiveness has been great for making browser zoom work nicely 09:35:03 ... remaining problems with graphics 09:35:11 ... enlarging a page, graphics become smaller 09:35:15 ... a lot to improve here 09:35:29 ... collaboration through APA WG 09:35:37 ... let's solve problems together 09:35:44 ... unsure how to phrase request, how do we continue 09:35:58 ... I could try to offer use cases that would be relevant to this 09:36:12 ... who would I talk to? apparently not SVGWG 09:36:24 [exchange info with fserb] 09:37:01 fserb: Wrt incremental improvement of SVG vs new structure 09:37:04 ... completely agree with this 09:37:09 ... don't want to bootstrap a new ecosystem 09:37:11 ... don't want to go there 09:37:18 ... one issue that was brough up about that 09:37:28 ... if trying to solve things like responsiveness, have to do work in parameterizing paths 09:37:39 ... could it be that the solution diverges so much from what SVG 09:37:45 ... that you can't use existing tools? 09:37:48 q+ 09:37:53 ... if you change how path works, aren't you breaking the ecosystem? 09:38:04 ... this is the type of points that ppl brought up wrt starting something new 09:38:10 ... would be good to hear on that 09:38:16 fserb: second thing is wrt SVGWG 09:38:45 ... I wonder if, instead of merging with CSSWG (though not opposed), if we could meet again as SVGWG with a particular direction like this 09:38:52 ... e.g. can we solve parameterized paths 09:39:02 ... maybe that will be a way to engergize browser engagement 09:39:44 dbaron: From fserb's list of use cases, there's a list of "features", things that could be built that could address those use cases that are reasonably clear 09:39:52 ... one big one does seem to be parameterization of paths 09:39:57 https://www.w3.org/TR/SVGParamPrimer/ , https://tabatkins.github.io/specs/svg-params/ 09:40:12 ... one of the other pieces was passing parameters into SVG 09:40:17 ... these are two of the proposals that came up before 09:40:21 ... might not be a complete list 09:40:29 ... having a plan for some work that starts fro ma set of proposals 09:41:00 s/fro ma/from a/ 09:41:00 ... not necessarily complete 09:41:00 +1 to fserb's suggestion of concrete proposals. I suspect targeted proposals that eventually become spec patches with web platform tests would get browser engagement. At some point the spec may collapse under the mountain of tech debt, but until then... :) 09:41:00 +1 to dbaron 09:41:00 ... but some level of sketched out on the table could be a way to get people interested 09:41:02 [nodding heads] 09:41:06 q? 09:41:10 myles: Totally agree, and there's an example of parameterization in SVG fonts 09:41:17 ... the tech exists (though you may not want to copy it) 09:41:33 s/in SVG fonts/in OpenType fonts 09:41:34 lea: Wanted to reply to nicole's point about bug reports about SVG 09:41:39 s/in SVG fonts/in OpenType fonts/ 09:41:43 ... although SVG is used widely in Web, but very low level 09:41:51 ... so few devs write SVG directly, might be why few bug reports 09:42:34 ... also tool authors are unlikely to file bugs that are about shortcomings rather than browser bugs 09:43:09 noamr_: There's literally a proposal for parameterized paths in CSS Shapes 2 09:43:09 ... confused why we need ot add 09:43:09 ... how about discussing existing proposals 09:43:11 noamr_: What's missing isn't playing with WGs. What we need is implementer interest. 09:43:20 ... we need to convince champions in browser teams to prioritize it 09:43:23 ... and champion within WG 09:43:27 ... until that happens, it's all talk 09:43:31 ... once it happens, it can be in any WG 09:43:42 ... if there's enough talking about it in order to do it 09:43:50 ... then doesn't matter if we revive in SVGWG or do it in WHATWG 09:44:13 noamr_: Wrt tools, we're talkin about scalaable vector graphics turn into responsive vector graphics 09:44:13 ... you can't use the same tools 09:44:16 q? 09:44:17 ... once we have more maturity in CSS 09:44:26 ... we can have tools that convert scalable to responsive 09:44:32 ... e.g. conveying leng-percentage 09:44:45 ... can't, as an after-effect, say SVG is RVG 09:44:50 ... it's not going to be a good idea to do that, imho 09:44:54 ... SVG is scalable, not responsive 09:44:59 Q+ 09:45:02 ... and then converstion to something responsive that's web thing 09:45:16 q+ 09:45:45 fantasai: I agree #1 thing is getting people interested 09:45:55 ... seems clear there's some interest from the people in this group 09:46:26 q+ 09:46:30 ... there are some issues. First that there's thing we want to add. Second is that SVG implementations are not at the level of fidelity we want 09:46:42 q- 09:46:44 ... if you want to build on SVG you kinda want to have a good foundation 09:46:50 ... not sure what's the strategy for that 09:46:57 ... though with a new format you have even more problams 09:47:04 ack fantasai 09:47:04 fantasai, you wanted to comment on future of SVGWG 09:47:04 s/problams/problems 09:47:13 nicole: There are weird things where you can make SVG reponsive, e.g. through inline use 09:47:24 ... SVG behaves really differently depending on how you include it 09:47:37 ... I think as a former author, that was very confusing, that how I include the format changes what I can do with it 09:47:44 ... I think when it comes to cleaning something that's a mess 09:47:52 ... doing something exciting is a great way to get motivation 09:48:34 ... so I think if we have a good picture of what we want to do 09:48:34 ... and allow that to inspire the clean-up work 09:48:34 +1 09:48:34 ... find what needs to be updated based on the features we're excited about shipping 09:48:34 ... I think that would help fserb and I to drum up interest in this project 09:48:48 +1 09:48:54 myles: Question. You mentioned that there are some libraries that ppl use these effects on the Web today 09:49:15 ... from authors point of view, what features do you expect to be improved by replacing these libraries with in-browser support? 09:49:21 ... what's the user-perceived benefit are you aiming for? 09:49:39 fserb: There are few dimensions that ppl bring up 09:49:42 ... Definitely, performance angle 09:49:48 ... better way to declare some of those things 09:49:55 ... the runtimes have ?? issues 09:50:00 ... which is performance is abysmal 09:50:02 We often these libraries in performance traces 09:50:12 s/abysmal/pretty bad 09:50:19 ... if you want to do all path tracing from scratch, because no other way; but even on Rive side it's an issue 09:50:27 ... if you look at something like Greensock, which is different 09:50:37 ... (Rive and ?? are vector animation runtimes) 09:50:44 s/??/Lottie/ 09:50:53 ... Other type of library solution is like Greensock 09:50:58 ... closer to what we talk about wrt responsive side 09:51:04 ... builds JS tools to allow some control of paths 09:51:14 ... Maybe mistaken, I think Greensock does good job with path animations 09:51:19 ... but not anything about responsiveness? 09:51:33 ... I think integration with rest of HTML and CSS is pretty poor across the board 09:51:51 ... Can authors easily pick shapes or have integration with how they're building CSS designs and teams, able to integrate those things 09:51:54 ... no great solution at this point 09:52:09 ... totally doable if you want to do by yourself with observers in JS trying to rebuild things 09:52:13 ... but not great 09:52:17 ... integration part is not there 09:52:20 ... animation has perf issue 09:52:34 ... responsiveness / UI element side, even the tools don't really bridge the gap properly for good quality 09:52:37 myles: thanks 09:52:51 ydaniv: Wix is doing a lot with animation and SVG 09:53:02 ... so before there was SMIL animations 09:53:09 ... dropped in favor of using CSS animations 09:53:12 ... still very quirky 09:53:23 ... we want to be able to work with CSS Animations, Web Animations, to do whatever you can with CSS/HTML 09:53:26 ... inSVG 09:53:33 ... Lots of attributes you can't control through CSS 09:53:34 ... so you can't animate 09:53:37 ... e.g. d attribute on path 09:53:42 ... maybe supported in Chrome 09:53:52 ... gsock allows you to animate any number of points into any number of other points 09:53:58 ... which is why using gsock for morph 09:54:04 ... so the there are technical issues 09:54:18 ... [missed] 09:54:26 ... have SG and want to animate stuff, lots of quirkiness and bugs 09:54:37 myles: Sounds like you're saying, if we could take the current system we have of animations in SVG 09:54:46 ... and make it work better and work over browsers, it'll be fine 09:54:49 ... you're not looking for a new system 09:55:01 ydaniv: Yes. If it could be composited, accelerated, etc. work with HTML and CSS 09:55:06 ... would be great 09:55:12 q+ 09:55:13 myles: Thanks, that was helpful. 09:55:38 fserb: what I got from the room 09:55:48 ... seems we agree there's a space of use cases 09:55:52 ... particular on responsive side 09:55:57 ... that ppl care about, worth looking into 09:56:02 ... I do like some of the proposals that address steps on this 09:56:17 ... e.g. passing parameters 09:56:19 ... I haven't read the whole Shapes 2 proposal 09:56:26 ... but also outside of SVG, pure CSS solution 09:56:53 ... maybe worth mapping some of those piecewise solutions 09:56:57 ... that address use cases 09:57:02 ... and try to map if there are particular use cases 09:57:07 ... one seems to be parameterization of text 09:57:12 ... SVG is not RVG 09:57:24 ... Lea made comment only on text that maybe that's the way to move forward 09:57:29 ... [missed] 09:57:50 ...Main part goes to what nicole said, which is having those use cases that motivate the work may be the way to move forward 09:57:52 s/Lea made comment only on text that maybe that's the way to move forward/Lea made comment only on text that maybe that's the way to move forward, not sure if ironic or not/ 09:57:54 ... even for core SVG itself 09:57:58 ... Saying we care about this space 09:58:02 ... need to move forward on it 09:58:18 ... whatever way we can find to have motivation 09:58:38 ... seems to be a direction that sounds reasonable 09:58:58 ... Also, someone mentioned that parameterizatoin is complicated and hard to achieve 09:59:08 ... maybe trying to bridge those gaps... is it possible to address those cases? 09:59:22 ... but sense is that there's a lot that can be gained by solving these incrementally 09:59:44 fserb: others mentioned use cases and a11y 10:00:03 ... maybe next steps is proposals or drafts that could be reasonably put under umbrella of addressing responsive vectors and animations 10:01:33 fantasai: Might want to clearly scope out the problem, use cases, collect existing proposals 10:01:42 ... and then try to sell the managers on solving this package of problems 10:01:58 fserb: If anyone interested, reach out to me and nicole 10:02:24 mitch11: I would suggest that graphing and charting is a big use case 10:02:29 ... often resorting to canvas today 10:02:36 ... and has solved a lot of domain-specific responsiveness 10:03:06 fserb: thanks, i'll try to move these ideas forward 10:03:11 Session closed. 10:03:15 ydaniv has left #vector-graphics 10:03:24 thanks fantasia for the notes :) 10:03:46 fatansai argh 10:03:46 :) 10:03:51 why does this always happen to me? I'm sorry 10:03:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-vector-graphics-minutes.html fantasai 10:04:01 :) 10:20:43 mrobinson has joined #vector-graphics 10:20:43 mrobinson has left #vector-graphics 11:58:30 myles has joined #vector-graphics