06:41:43 RRSAgent has joined #trustable-internet 06:41:47 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-trustable-internet-irc 06:51:40 RRSAgent, do not leave 06:51:40 RRSAgent, make logs public 07:20:14 tidoust has joined #trustable-internet 08:10:19 y-sakuma has joined #trustable-internet 08:21:44 q+ 08:21:51 ack y 08:22:10 q+ 08:22:14 ack z 08:22:18 ack y 08:31:20 Jay has joined #trustable-internet 08:31:49 zakim, start meeting 08:31:49 RRSAgent, make logs Public 08:31:50 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Jay 08:38:19 y-sakuma has joined #trustable-internet 08:38:41 Jay has joined #trustable-internet 08:41:41 ryuichi has joined #trustable-internet 08:57:33 present+ 09:01:00 present+ 09:01:00 tidoust has joined #trustable-internet 09:02:35 ra has joined #trustable-internet 09:06:59 shigeya: update trustable internet concept which was announced at last TPAC 09:09:49 nhk-ryo has joined #trustable-internet 09:09:49 weiler has joined #trustable-internet 09:09:49 present+ 09:09:49 kaz has joined #trustable-internet 09:09:49 shigeya: user generate content to share: trustable internet, Japanese gov. promotion: Trusted Web, Originator Profile: is not mentioned today. 09:09:49 What is meant by "trust" here? 09:09:49 sandro has joined #trustable-internet 09:09:49 meeting: Updates on the "Trustable Internet" project 09:09:49 ... We will present first two issue. 09:09:49 q+ 09:09:49 rrsagent, make log public 09:09:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 09:09:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-trustable-internet-minutes.html kaz 09:09:58 q? 09:09:58 Sakuma: This is mainly update of "Trustable Internet" 09:09:58 zakim, who is on the call? 09:09:58 Present: Jay, y-sakuma, weiler 09:10:03 present+ 09:10:11 ... [agenda bashing] 09:10:27 igarashi has joined #trustable-internet 09:10:41 present+ Tatsuya_Igarashi 09:11:28 present+ Sandro_Hawke 09:11:28 i/update trustable i/scribenick: Jay/ 09:11:28 ... [video of this concept] 09:12:32 i/update trustable i/topic: Opening/ 09:12:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 09:12:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-trustable-internet-minutes.html kaz 09:12:45 ohmata has joined #trustable-internet 09:14:02 present+ Takuya_Sakamoto, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Ryosuke_Abe, Ryo_Yasuoka, Nimura 09:14:09 dmitriz has joined #trustable-internet 09:14:50 present+ Bruno_Vavala, Dmitri_Zagidulin, Hisayuki_Ohmata, Kunihiko_Toumura, Masayuki_Fukui 09:15:03 q? 09:15:24 ... summary of "Trustable Internet" 09:15:30 q- 09:16:14 i/We will present/topic: Presentation/ 09:16:25 ... [explain PoC in IETF demo] 09:16:28 i|We will present|-> https://github.com/y-sakuma-fjlab/ti_tpac2023_breakout/blob/main/W3CTPAC_TrustableInternet.pdf Slides| 09:17:25 shigeya_ has joined #trustable-internet 09:20:03 shigeya has joined #trustable-internet 09:20:36 [sharing some questions as they come to mind: how does one discover endorsements? Must they be provided by the Endorsee or can they be found independently?] 09:20:45 ... slide:endorsement data structure: 09:21:30 ...slide: example of endorsement 09:21:46 [how are these authenticated? What Identifiers and PKIs are used to validate the claims?] 09:23:17 ... slide: Necessary of standardization 09:23:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 09:23:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-trustable-internet-minutes.html kaz 09:24:04 present+ 09:24:28 [would you explain more how this differs from the Trusted Web proposal being presented this afternoon?]] 09:25:21 ... open discusiion 09:25:35 q+ 09:25:48 q? 09:25:48 sam: ome questions 09:25:53 present+ Osamu_Nakamura, Naomi_Yoshizawa, Wonsuk_Lee, Sami_Tikkala, Hiroshi_Ota, Lee_Wegener 09:26:06 s/some questions/where would you like to queue?/ 09:26:56 present+ In_Song_Lee, Yen-Lin_Huang, Michiel_de_Jong, Theo_Warren, Hyojin_Song 09:27:39 q? 09:28:16 ack w 09:28:28 chair: Sakuma 09:28:50 shigeya: discovery isse: basic data model endorse creator create endorsement. 09:29:05 s/isse:/issue:/ 09:29:08 q+ 09:29:19 s/ ome / some / 09:29:23 ... challenging issue. 09:30:35 ... Fleshing the info is important issue to discuss. 09:32:53 But where does that extension find its data? 09:33:40 q? 09:34:18 One big question is who is trusted to provide that data feed. 09:34:46 q? 09:35:00 shigeya: next question is how to validate the data. 09:36:30 q? 09:36:33 ... neutral of authentic is important. we need more progress. 09:36:45 I heard you say you're using a private root of trust - I would be more interested in something that could leverage existing authentication infrastrcture.... 09:36:50 ack sam 09:37:14 ack weiler 09:37:21 q+ 09:37:45 I suggest people look at some prior work done by the Credible Web CG, especially https://www.w3.org/2018/10/credibility-tech/ and https://credweb.org/reviewed-signals 09:38:21 would you explain more how this differs from the Trusted Web proposal being presented this afternoon?] 09:38:54 shigeya: this is very flexible structure. 09:39:12 q? 09:39:19 ack me 09:39:26 naomi has joined #trustable-internet 09:40:04 ... Trusted Web is generalized Identity scheme. This model is corporated with another system. 09:40:13 takuya has joined #trustable-internet 09:41:00 ... Details will be discussed in this evening. 09:41:35 +1 re: transport being hardest, though I'd call the problem more one of "discovery" 09:42:34 sandro: how to create, consume has some problem on tranport. 09:44:34 How do protect your cosumption metrics from Sybil attacks? (forged identities) 09:44:50 s/sandro: /@@@:/ 09:45:27 s/forged identities/one party pretending to be many people/ 09:47:02 s/@@@:/Michiel:/ 09:47:52 shigeya: 2 things. how to easy acceible from user. 09:48:48 zakim, who's on the call? 09:48:48 Present: Jay, y-sakuma, weiler, kaz, Tatsuya_Igarashi, Sandro_Hawke, Takuya_Sakamoto, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Ryosuke_Abe, Ryo_Yasuoka, Nimura, Bruno_Vavala, Dmitri_Zagidulin, 09:48:50 ... Hisayuki_Ohmata, Kunihiko_Toumura, Masayuki_Fukui, shigeya, Osamu_Nakamura, Naomi_Yoshizawa, Wonsuk_Lee, Sami_Tikkala, Hiroshi_Ota, Lee_Wegener, In_Song_Lee, Yen-Lin_Huang, 09:48:50 ... Michiel_de_Jong, Theo_Warren, Hyojin_Song 09:49:18 ktoumura has joined #trustable-internet 09:49:44 Michiel: Social web CG is discussing this issue. 09:49:44 q? 09:49:44 q? 09:49:44 q? 09:49:45 q? 09:49:55 q+ to ask who is ready to work on this? 09:50:03 ack sandro 09:50:03 sandro, you wanted to ask who is ready to work on this? 09:50:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 09:50:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-trustable-internet-minutes.html kaz 09:50:14 hyojin has joined #trustable-internet 09:50:23 q+ 09:51:58 sandro: @ 09:52:29 credweb.org 09:53:11 ... recommend credweb.org to check 09:53:12 q? 09:53:20 ack kaz 09:54:18 kaz: In general, all stakeholder should each CG, org... 09:54:20 +1 gather stakeholders 09:54:35 +1 to gather stakeholders 09:54:46 s/should/should check/ 09:55:13 q? 09:55:25 igarashi has joined #trustable-internet 09:56:48 https://www.w3.org/community/credibility/ 09:56:49 s/all stakeholder should each CG, org.../we should ask experts here, e.g., Sam, sandro and Michiel, for further information and have collaborative discussion about the existing groups./ 09:56:55 kaz: before to create CG, frequent communication with related group. 09:57:44 I suggest to create a draft of CG chater and then ask the communities if they are interested in the CG. 09:57:50 my email address: shigeya@wide.ad.jp 09:57:51 s/before to create CG, frequent communication with related group./Before creating a new CG, would suggest you talk with the experts here to gather information about the existing groups. Then you can see if we really need a new CG./ 09:58:07 q+ 09:58:08 q? 09:58:16 ack igarashi 09:58:24 igarashi: 09:59:35 ... Trust anker is very important. 09:59:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 09:59:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-trustable-internet-minutes.html kaz 09:59:54 s/anker/anchor/ 10:01:13 y-sakuma: next action: continuous discussion 10:01:13 [adjourned] 10:01:14 rrsagent, make draft 10:01:14 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make draft', Jay. Try /msg RRSAgent help 10:02:08 s/all stakeholder should check each CG, org/we should gather all the stakeholders around this proposal. I'd suggest we start with experts here, e.g., Sam, Sandro and Michiel, for further information about the existing groups./ 10:02:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 10:02:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-trustable-internet-minutes.html kaz 10:10:54 naomi has left #trustable-internet 10:14:00 kaz has joined #trustable-internet 10:25:16 I note that the video shown seems to be available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_wEfEO5vTg 10:25:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 10:25:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-trustable-internet-minutes.html sandro 12:05:13 tidoust has joined #trustable-internet