06:31:20 RRSAgent has joined #tradetrust 06:31:24 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-tradetrust-irc 06:31:26 RRSAgent, do not leave 06:31:28 RRSAgent, make logs public 06:31:30 Meeting: Interoperable and verifiable credentials for cross-border trade 06:31:32 Chair: Rachel Yager, Kylie Goh 06:31:34 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/issues/12 06:31:36 clear agenda 06:31:38 agenda+ Pick a scribe 06:31:40 agenda+ Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy 06:31:42 agenda+ Goal of this session 06:31:44 agenda+ Discussion 06:31:46 agenda+ Next steps / where discussion continues 07:20:14 tidoust has joined #tradetrust 08:58:10 Hendry has joined #tradetrust 09:01:00 tidoust has joined #tradetrust 09:50:46 hyojin has joined #tradetrust 10:06:28 rachely has joined #tradetrust 10:06:38 agenda? 10:08:59 agenda 1 = Speakers Introduction 10:09:13 Agenda 2 = Background 10:09:35 Agenda 3 = Digitalising Cross-Border Trade Documents with TradeTrust 10:10:08 Agenda 4 = TradeTrust Demo 10:10:23 Agenda 5 = Q&A 10:10:30 agenda? 10:11:05 Agenda 2 = OpenAttestation 10:11:23 agenda? 10:11:27 KyleHuang has joined #tradetrust 10:11:50 Agenda 2 = Background 10:12:13 Agenda 3 = OpenAttestation 10:12:21 agenda? 10:12:49 Agenda 4 = • Digitalising Cross-Border Trade Documents 10:13:11 Agenda 4 = Digitalising Cross-Border Trade Documents with TradeTrust 10:13:26 Agenda 5 = TradeTrust Demo 10:13:37 Agenda 6 = Q&A 10:13:41 agenda? 10:13:52 ryuichi has joined #tradetrust 10:14:04 agenda+ Q&A 10:14:10 agenda? 10:16:22 zakim, start meeting 10:16:22 RRSAgent, make logs Public 10:16:24 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), rachely 10:16:35 scribe+ rachely 10:17:38 benoit_ has joined #tradetrust 10:17:53 present+ 10:18:07 Sami has joined #tradetrust 10:18:07 Tony_England has joined #tradetrust 10:18:08 labrax has joined #tradetrust 10:18:09 present+ 10:18:10 present+ 10:18:13 present+ Sebastian Crane 10:18:17 present+ 10:18:34 decentralgabe has joined #tradetrust 10:18:35 hsano_ has joined #tradetrust 10:18:40 present+ 10:18:40 LaurensDebackere has joined #tradetrust 10:18:44 present+ 10:18:45 present+ 10:18:46 andres has joined #tradetrust 10:18:49 doniv has joined #tradetrust 10:18:51 present+ 10:18:53 David_turner has joined #tradetrust 10:19:02 present 10:19:13 present+ 10:19:15 take up item 1 10:19:26 phila has joined #tradetrust 10:19:32 present+ 10:19:46 Talk about overview of openattestation. 10:19:56 hsano__ has joined #tradetrust 10:20:00 present+ 10:20:43 prevent fraud and cost 10:20:43 verification purpose 10:20:43 Eric-Siow has joined #tradetrust 10:20:43 present + 10:22:01 openattestation 4 key attributes 10:22:44 osamu-n has joined #tradetrust 10:23:22 take up item 2 10:23:22 OpenAttestation is an open-source document endorsement and verification framework created by GovTech in 2018 10:23:29 Is there a link to the slides that I can open locally? 10:23:33 At version 3.0, and on GitHub • More than 10M verification collectively globally in 2022 10:24:50 Presentation: [W3C TPAC 2023 2308906.pdf](https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/files/12596215/W3C.TPAC.2023.2308906.pdf) 10:25:01 take up item 3 10:26:26 Thanks for the slides! 10:26:26 The challenges of cross-border trade documentation and the benefits of digitalisation 10:27:00 Chair: Rachel Yager 10:27:07 Inefficient Fragmented Systems • Manual handling • Vulnerable to fraud 10:27:37 • Costly connections • No interoperability Cost of documentation is 20%* of cost of shipping This inefficiency is costly 20% *Maersk and IBM’s Paper Trail Research in 2014 ^McKinsey Study “The multi-billion-dollar paper jam: Unlocking trade by digitalizing documentation” in 2022 Shipping Cost 10:28:33 Existential Symptoms and Issues to Digitalisation 10:28:42 Human mindset prefer original hard copies. 10:29:11 Lack of Trust • Transactions between companies with limited touchpoints • Companies forced to adopt paper as the most interoperable medium but struggle with determining authenticity and source of documents 10:29:23 Digital Maturity Varies Across the Cross-Border Trade Value Chain • The entire ecosystem is at various stages of development • If one part of the chain is paper, all other documents revert to paper 10:29:32 Siloed Digital Ecosystems • Existing technology solutions and platforms are generally not interoperable • Fractured ecosystem. Parties forced to choose one or multiple systems 10:29:45 Legal Uncertainty of Digital Transferrable Documents • Until recently^, only paper Transferable Documents were legally valid under statute law • Therefore, transfers of title ownership via such documents could not be performed electronically 10:29:45 Barry has joined #tradetrust 10:30:17 Presentation: [W3C TPAC 2023 2308906.pdf](https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/files/12596215/W3C.TPAC.2023.2308906.pdf) 10:30:33 we are at slide 10 10:32:11 ^Singapore’s 2021 amendment of its Electronic Transactions Act (ETA), one of the first few internationally, enables the creation and use of ETRs such as electronic Bills of Lading (eBLs), empowering practitioners to reap the benefits of digitalisation more easily. 10:34:03 Tradetrust’s 3 key functionalities: authenticity, source & title ownership for trade documents 10:34:03 TradeTrust is designed to provide industry the means to verify the authenticity and source of a document, as well as to create Electronic Transferable Records (ETRs) that are functionally equivalent^ to their paper versions (e.g. able to effect title transfers). • Uses Decentralised Identifiers (DID) and digital signatures to verify the source and authenticity of documents. • Uses Blockchain to create Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to repre[CUT] 10:34:45 TradeTrust is a framework 10:34:54 Not a technology platform 10:35:08 Slide 12: 10:35:38 Take up item 5 10:35:44 TradeTrust is a framework that comprises globally-accepted standards that connect governments and businesses to a public blockchain to enable trusted interoperability of electronic trade documents across digital platforms AND it is offered as a digital utility. 10:35:54 4 Key Components of TradeTrust 10:36:05 Legal Harmonisation 10:36:17 Standards Development 10:36:22 Accreditation Framework 10:36:29 Software Components 10:37:50 McCool has joined #tradetrust 10:37:58 A set of open-source software code that can easily integrate backend solutions to the TradeTrust network 10:38:11 Jay has joined #tradetrust 10:38:16 Presentation: [W3C TPAC 2023 2308906.pdf](https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/files/12596215/W3C.TPAC.2023.2308906.pdf) 10:38:32 Slide 13: 10:38:43 TradeTrust’s Key Design Principles 10:38:43 q? 10:39:02 Public Blockchain 10:39:22 Data Off-Chain 10:39:30 Payload Agnostic 10:39:37 Open-Source 10:39:49 MLETR-Compliant 10:40:04 agenda? 10:41:57 Follow Presentation: [W3C TPAC 2023 2308906.pdf](https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/files/12596215/W3C.TPAC.2023.2308906.pdf) 10:43:10 slide 14: verifiable documents' interoperability 10:44:09 slide 15: Dealing with transferable documents (Bill of Lading as an example) 10:46:08 slide 16: Enabling transferable documents’ interoperability across different digital ecosystems 10:50:34 slide 17: Typical pilot use case: cross-border trade financing involving eBLs 10:52:33 little red thing is tradetrust and demonstrated decentralization 10:52:54 slide 18 - 20 pilots with industry partners and overseas governments 10:54:34 slide 19 - GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS 10:54:49 q? 10:55:07 question? 10:55:15 questions? 10:56:26 Handout for the session: [OA_Handout.pdf](https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/files/12585290/OA_Handout.pdf) 10:56:52 Demo 11:00:32 • Redactable eBL o From a supplier, eBL can be reused for downstream supplier to its’ buyer. • Renderer in this case is hosted by the original issuer. • QR code allows a simple way to take part in the digital trade. 11:00:39 agenda? 11:01:25 slide 23: 11:01:44 W3C Verifiable Credentials Interoperability 11:03:22 Wrap Up 11:03:36 • Make OpenAttestation and TradeTrust successful • Participate in the W3C Verifiable Credentials Working Group • Website: https://www.openattestation.com/ • GitHub: https://github.com/Open-Attestation • Contact: openattestation_support@tech.gov.sg 11:03:44 q+ 11:04:07 ack next 11:04:13 q+ 11:04:38 q+ 11:04:39 q+ 11:04:53 q+ to ask about did discovery and how trust is established 11:05:06 ack Jay 11:05:13 q? 11:06:07 Why NFT? 11:06:31 ack phila 11:06:50 answer: no nft used 11:06:51 ack Jay 11:07:34 ack sami 11:07:35 Phila - good work 11:08:07 doniv has left #tradetrust 11:08:26 Sami - does model support document updates? 11:09:47 GovTech answer: changes are issued as separate. Original is not changed. Verifiable document will need to reissue. 11:09:52 q? 11:10:04 ack andres 11:10:06 andres, you wanted to ask about did discovery and how trust is established 11:10:39 q+ to ask who will pay for gas for public blockchain. 11:11:00 Andres - How do trust establish between the original document and the original materials/sources? are there legal contract? 11:11:20 Answer - openattestation uses DID methods. 11:12:22 q? 11:12:27 ack Jay 11:12:27 Jay, you wanted to ask who will pay for gas for public blockchain. 11:12:49 question - public key? 11:13:13 who will pay for the fees of public key? 11:14:53 commercially not a straight forward. Some countries ban crytocurrency. Will using tradetrust get into trouble with local policy. Technical capability lacking. 11:15:43 Answer: some use EBL to mask the crypto and wallet. 11:15:43 q? 11:16:11 zakim, end meeting 11:16:11 As of this point the attendees have been benoit_, Tony_England, KyleHuang, Sebastian, Crane, Sami, hsano_, LaurensDebackere, decentralgabe, andres, doniv, phila, hsano__ 11:16:14 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 11:16:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-tradetrust-minutes.html Zakim 11:16:22 I am happy to have been of service, rachely; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 11:16:22 Zakim has left #tradetrust 11:16:23 zakim, bookmark 12:05:13 tidoust has joined #tradetrust