06:13:49 RRSAgent has joined #tr-design 06:13:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-tr-design-irc 06:19:06 tidoust has joined #tr-design 06:19:12 agenda? 06:25:34 agenda? 06:25:46 RRSAgent, do not leave 06:25:46 RRSAgent, make logs public 06:25:47 Meeting: Specification Markup and CSS Workshop for Editors and Team Contacts 06:25:47 Chair: Elika Etemad 06:25:47 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/issues/3 06:25:49 clear agenda 06:25:51 agenda+ Pick a scribe 06:26:03 agenda+ Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy 06:26:03 agenda+ Goal of this session 06:26:05 agenda+ Discussion 06:26:07 agenda+ Next steps / where discussion continues 07:20:14 tidoust has joined #tr-design 09:01:00 tidoust has joined #tr-design 12:05:13 tidoust has joined #tr-design 15:02:37 RRSAgent has joined #tr-design 15:02:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-tr-design-irc 15:02:48 [planning to start 5min late, take your time] 15:06:57 tidoust has joined #tr-design 15:14:37 jyasskin has joined #tr-design 15:18:08 caribou has joined #tr-design 15:18:31 astearns has joined #tr-design 15:18:32 present+ 15:18:55 -> https://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/TR/2021/README 15:21:05 spectranaut_ has joined #tr-design 15:21:10 present+ 15:23:30 johanneswilm has joined #tr-design 15:29:12 (fantasai walks us through the document) 15:31:21 xfq has joined #tr-design 15:32:04 r12a: unicode code point stuff is not quite complete 15:32:11 can someone share a link that fantasai is shows us? 15:32:20 https://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/TR/2021/README 15:32:20 -> https://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/TR/2021/README 15:32:30 thanks! 15:32:54 the CSS file hasn't been updated onto the server yet to support unicode codepoint markup 15:33:13 r12a: planning to build in support for expanding out this markup into respec/bikeshed 15:33:52 ??: I always trip over referencing things in other specs, especially when the same keyword is used across multiple specs. I just use an tag. 15:33:56 oriol has joined #tr-design 15:34:04 fantasai: Bikeshed's autolinking isn't part of the stylesheet. 15:34:10 s/??/khushal/ 15:34:30 fantasai: Stylesheet is mostly CSS, with a bit of Javascript. 15:35:22 fantasai: Respec and Bikeshed do a bunch of processing and spit out an HTML file that uses the stylesheet. 15:36:08 ... WGs should review their custom styling and see about upstreaming it. 15:36:24 what about all of these tables: https://w3c.github.io/core-aam/#mapping_role_table 15:36:28 ... Or check if there's already something in the stylesheet to adopt. 15:36:57 ... We got an issue seeing if we can upstream it. 15:37:14 q+ 15:38:01 jyasskin: There will be a discussion about how to improve things when upstreaming, and that's good. 15:38:36 fantasai: We want to align things with the current visual pattern. Or check if it's super-specific and turn it into something that most of our WGs would find useful. 15:39:15 florian has joined #tr-design 15:39:23 fantasai: The blue boxes for properties were originally CSS-only, but we realized they were a structural definition and made them useful for more groups. 15:39:25 q+ 15:40:17 spectranaut_: We have these mapping tables (https://w3c.github.io/core-aam/#mapping_role_table) that define a ton of things, with custom CSS. It's annoying because in PR-Preview you don't have custom CSS. 15:40:38 fantasai: I think these could use the "dfn" class, or a data table. 15:40:57 spectranaut_: I tried the data table. It looked wrong. Maybe I'm just used to the current way. 15:41:13 spectranaut_: Where should we put custom CSS? 15:41:25 spectranaut_: We have a directory, and PR-Preview doesn't work. 15:41:27 q- 15:41:35 fantasai: Use colgroup for these. 15:41:52 ... to identify the first column of headings. 15:42:07 q+ to explain PR-Preview and bikeshed boilerplate. 15:42:33 fantasai: 15:43:19 fantasai: I put custom CSS into an external stylesheet or in the 15:43:27 spectranaut_: We have a bunch of specs that use the same format. 15:43:36 fantasai: Then external, or consider class=def 15:43:50 spectranaut_: I like class=def 15:44:13 ack florian 15:44:46 example of test boxes can be found in this spec for instance https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#text-transform-property 15:44:51 florian: I worked with Tab to include a feature that adds test annotation boxes. 15:45:20 ... On the right, you have little >TESTS boxes. The styling isn't in tr-design; it's injected in every spec. 15:45:26 fantasai: It makes sense to upstream it. 15:45:59 jyasskin: Upstream it. 15:45:59 ack jyasskin 15:45:59 jyasskin, you wanted to explain PR-Preview and bikeshed boilerplate. 15:48:04 jyasskin: 15:48:04 spectranaut_: I think we use Respec. 15:48:04 jyasskin: I can't help you then. ;) 15:48:08 spectranaut_: What's the difference? 15:48:29 [group]: Discusses several ways Respec and Bikeshed differ, and shows what Bikeshed source looks like. 15:48:37 -> https://speced.github.io/bikeshed/ 15:48:53 -> https://respec.org/docs/ 15:49:38 Marcelo: I was noticing the green and red dots. Does that come from CSS? 15:49:38 Documentation for that feature in bikeshed: https://speced.github.io/bikeshed/#testing 15:50:09 fantasai: Bikeshed is maybe using Javascript to generate that. Bikeshed source is a element. 15:50:09 Marcelo: Do they consider colorblindness? 15:51:01 fantasai: Tab themself is colorblind, so hmm. 15:51:36 ???: Events? For attribute values, we have quotations marks for the different possible values. 15:51:45 s/???/jwilm/ 15:51:47 ... I can't see that in the stylesheet overview page. Is it ok to use that style? 15:51:58 s/jwilm/johanneswilm/ 15:52:00 ... I'm just using the previous practice. 15:52:15 fantasai: This stylesheet doesn't provide anything for inline code. 15:52:31 ... Specs want to distinguish a lot of things for inline code, and there wasn't a strong enough pattern. 15:52:55 ... Specs with respec and bikeshed use consistent style because they generate specialized markup. 15:53:16 ... Bikeshed generates something specific for ''css-markup''. 15:53:31 ... 'single-quoted propertes' generate something a bit different. 15:53:41 ... It's not pulled up into the W3C-wide stylesheet. 15:53:45 gtalbot has joined #tr-design 15:53:52 ... We could do that, but we'll need to do a survey of all the code patterns. 15:55:40 gtalbot has left #tr-design 15:55:48 johanneswilm: I'm not sure about this, but we use different styling in different specs in the same WG. Is there a spec we should follow? We'd like to copy other WGs. 15:56:08 fantasai: If you have some styling that another group is using, and they're defining a significantly different technology, we should upstream that concept to the main stylesheet. 15:56:21 ... If it's specific to that technology, then maybe use a shared stylesheet. 15:56:32 ... If it's a broad enough category, we should upstream it. 15:56:48 ... CSS had default.css before a bunch of it got upstreamed. 15:57:28 ... It's a bit of a judgement call. Do you have particular examples? 15:58:01 johanneswilm: We and the editing WG don't have a consistent style. But we could try to copy another WG that's consistent. 15:58:02 q+ 15:58:16 scribe+ 15:58:24 ack jyasskin 15:58:26 jyasskin: What are you actually styling? 15:58:34 johanneswilm: No actual styles. 15:58:34 q+ 15:58:34 ... most of the specs I write don't need that much custom stuff 15:58:46 s/.../jyasskin: 15:58:47 ack caribou 15:59:15 Carine: We were using grammars, and we had to style productions. That could happen in another group. 15:59:18 bikeshed railroad diagrams? 15:59:22 s/Carine/caribou/ 15:59:49 caribou: The problem is that when there are changes to the main CSS, it might affect the group's styling. 15:59:59 caribou: So you have to restrict the group's styling to the minimum. 16:00:09 fantasai: We had some similar styling. 16:00:10 thanks for this useful and productive session @fantasai :) https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/pull/193 16:00:51 caribou: I'd love to have special styling for the diff markers. You have and , but I'm not sure we use that for WebRTC for marking REC candidate changes. Big green and red boxes. 16:01:03 https://github.com/w3c/input-events/blob/gh-pages/index.html <-- We don't seem to be using any respec shortcodes for "value". It's just directly like that in our source code. 16:01:05 fantasai: That's probably the WG styling. 16:01:48 caribou: So we have some trouble between the main and WG styling, because the colors conflict. 16:01:48 fantasai: Let's look over that. 16:02:19 ... We still don't have good practices for the amendments. In a way that's reasonably easy. 16:02:28 ... The spec mainly just supports and . They have very flexible markup models, so you can wrap lots of things in them. 16:02:59 fantasai: and s.> 16:03:24 ... Marking things up so that JS works is a bit of extra work. Because you have to associate the and s with the annotation. 16:03:46 caribou: We're using that, with 3 toggles. But our boxes follow the candidate correction boxes. Because our changes are much bigger. 16:03:53 ... 20-30 lines changed. 16:04:15 florian: I can give an example of a spec with a box that does that, and it's not too bad. 16:04:35 https://www.w3.org/TR/css-contain-1/#c3 16:05:36 florian: In CSS contain, there are some proposed corrections, some of which are small and use and But another replaces a whole a paragraph. Then it's just a proposed correction box that describes the text to insert. You have to make sure the change is understandable, but you don't have to have inline and all over the place. 16:06:07 fantasai: The main requirement in the Process is that you can understand what text is there. 16:06:48 florian: Another example in section 2 has the change outside the Correction box, but the buttons still work. 16:07:39 florian: Proposed Correction 2 is a bigger change. 16:08:05 caribou: I'd like a list of the proposed corrections for the recommendation. 16:08:24 florian: In this one, I made an index myself, but a bikeshed feature would be better. 16:08:36 caribou: Is it possible to have that as part of the table of contents? 16:09:04 +1 to putting it at the top 16:09:07 fantasai: In the Status of this Document, we have a link to proposed corrections. 16:09:18 s/have/could have/ 16:09:31 s/corrections/corrections index from the place where it mentions them already/ 16:10:09 -> https://github.com/w3c/tr-design/issues 16:10:17 https://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc/#dom-rtcrtpencodingparameters 16:10:36 fantasai: We work on the TR spec stylesheets on https://github.com/w3c/tr-design/issues 16:10:44 ... It's a side project and not extremely responsive. 16:11:10 ... can ping me by email if something needs attention though 16:11:55 fantasai: From an auditing perspective, look at what custom style you're using, and see if that should be replaced from something from the standard, or upstreamed, or stay. 16:12:18 audit checklist https://github.com/w3c/tr-design/issues/327 16:25:52 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:25:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-tr-design-minutes.html tidoust 16:26:19 thx tidoust 16:55:37 xfq has joined #tr-design 18:06:00 johanneswilm has joined #tr-design 20:28:58 xfq has joined #tr-design 20:42:08 xfq has joined #tr-design 20:55:54 xfq has joined #tr-design 21:08:00 tidoust has joined #tr-design 21:09:03 RRSagent, bye 21:09:15 RRSAgent, make logs public 21:09:23 RRSAgent, bye 21:09:23 I see no action items