06:52:48 RRSAgent has joined #smartcities 06:52:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-smartcities-irc 06:53:15 Ian has left #smartcities 07:14:45 Ian has joined #smartcities 07:14:52 RRSAgent, do not leave 07:14:52 RRSAgent, make logs public 07:14:54 Meeting: Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities 07:14:54 Chair: Kazuyuki Ashimura 07:14:57 Ian has left #smartcities 13:40:08 RRSAgent has joined #smartcities 13:40:08 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-smartcities-irc 13:40:24 meeting: Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities 13:43:41 hiroki_endo has joined #smartcities 13:44:40 shiestyle has joined #smartcities 13:44:59 aciortea has joined #smartcities 13:49:15 aciortea_ has joined #smartcities 13:49:16 hirata has joined #smartcities 13:53:44 Daihei has joined #smartcities 13:53:50 present+ 13:54:09 ohmata has joined #smartcities 13:56:43 McCool has joined #smartcities 13:57:00 present+ 13:58:30 rrsagent, make log public 13:58:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:58:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-smartcities-minutes.html kaz 13:59:22 present+ 13:59:24 present+ Kaz_Ashimura 14:00:09 dezell has joined #smartcities 14:00:17 present+ David_Ezell 14:00:31 nhk-ryo has joined #smartcities 14:00:35 Kaz: opening annoucement 14:00:42 present+ 14:01:17 Asking all to give a short self-intro 14:01:17 q+ 14:01:17 matsuda has joined #smartcities 14:01:26 Mizushima has joined #smartcities 14:01:34 LaurensDebackere has joined #smartcities 14:01:39 present+ 14:01:42 Daihei Shiohama Media Do International Publishing Business Group c-chair 14:01:42 phila has joined #smartcities 14:01:47 ota has joined #smartcities 14:01:47 present+ 14:01:53 minyongli has joined #smartcities 14:01:55 Agenda shared 14:02:20 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 14:02:26 Ryo Yasuoka, NHK 14:02:32 Hendry has joined #smartcities 14:02:32 Hiroki Endo NHK 14:02:53 Hisayuki_Ohmata, NHK 14:03:02 Shinya Takami, KADOKAWA and co-chair of Publishing Maintenance WG 14:03:19 Kaz: Smartcity Workshop 14:04:09 TPAC2022 Smartcity meetings 14:04:29 Clarified needs of vocabraries 14:04:53 Tomoaki Mizushima, IRI 14:05:25 Status of draft charter 14:06:31 Ege has joined #smartcities 14:06:35 present+ 14:06:36 https://w3c.github.io/wot/charters/smart-cities/smart-cities-ig-charter.html 14:08:13 (I have looked into the "definitional" issue, it's not that difficult - have not had a chance to comment on the issue). 14:08:17 q+ McCool 14:08:55 q+ 14:08:58 ack McCool 14:09:46 mm: we can give some simple definition in the Charter 14:09:55 ... should include it in the Charter and the IG's name 14:10:10 ack m 14:10:20 pa: agree 14:10:28 .. if you have the definition, it's OK 14:10:43 ack phila 14:11:14 q? 14:11:46 Basically a digital twin consists of a virtual model, a real entity, and a link between them - three components 14:11:52 ktoumura has joined #smartcities 14:12:27 then we need to elaborate a bit on each component. right now the charter emphasizes the "link" too much (IoT devices) but not the "model" (3D model? AI predictions? State shadowing? Time series databases?) 14:13:21 as mentioned by phila, people have different interpretations of the term, so we need to define it clearly and early in the doc if we use it 14:13:42 kaz: (transferred comments from Kasuya-san) 14:13:51 hirakawa: working on common data dictionary 14:13:52 oyoshiba_ has joined #smartcities 14:14:09 ... IEC has database of terminology 14:14:49 ... unfortunately, existing standard is not well-defined 14:15:00 ... so IEC is working on smart standards 14:15:08 ... there is a WG for that 14:15:16 ... some groups now discussing that 14:15:33 ... CDD will be a common platform for all the ICT systems 14:15:44 ... for interoperability purposes 14:15:59 ... standardized terminology is essential 14:16:17 ... it's a good way to work with WoT 14:16:37 ... for IEC's Common Data Dictionary 14:17:43 matsuda: ECHONET Consortium is working on development of smart home appliances 14:17:44 q? 14:18:04 ... one of the important constituents for smart cities 14:18:18 ... considering further collaborations 14:18:53 q+ joshua 14:19:04 joshua: from Uganda 14:19:24 ... smart city is important to improve QoL 14:19:39 ... to deal with climate change, etc. 14:20:20 ... any projects or SDOs working on smart cities? 14:21:02 ... probably some UN bodies with a focus on this, and there are various "targets" that Cities are aspiring to hit 14:21:31 jsalvachua has joined #smartcities 14:22:21 https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement 14:22:52 kaz mentions SDOs involved so far 14:22:53 q? 14:22:55 ack j 14:23:00 q+ McCool 14:23:52 mm: probably should cite this information 14:24:01 ... UN FCC from UN 14:24:16 q? 14:24:19 ack mc 14:24:36 ... how to deal with energy consumption, etc., 14:25:09 q? 14:25:44 q+ 14:25:51 joshc: identify things 14:26:12 ... getting information on air pollution 14:26:49 q+ to talk about identifiers 14:26:49 ... but UI is defined by each application 14:27:21 ... depending on geolocation now also 14:27:28 ... difficult to handle it properly without proper geolocation information 14:27:39 mm: narrow group focus 14:27:53 ... UI to access the data 14:28:08 ... one of the purposes of DT is accessing data 14:28:23 ... data accessibility should be included in the scope 14:28:25 q? 14:28:27 ack m 14:28:35 ... about making DT useful too 14:28:56 kaz: yes 14:29:07 ... "accessibility" in general to be considered 14:29:08 q? 14:29:19 mm: yeah, useful for people 14:29:42 pa: use case document 14:29:52 ... identifier is important 14:30:20 ... for various devices and sensors 14:30:23 q+ 14:30:24 ... that's easy to do 14:30:49 ... but need for automatic identification 14:31:45 kaz: need some mechanism for users as well 14:32:03 ... a bit different from device identification of course, though 14:32:05 q? 14:32:14 q- 14:32:31 hirakawa: regarding environmental issues 14:32:50 ... KC19 and SC3D are working 14:33:03 ... some system on carbon calculation 14:33:32 ... product-based manufacturing facilities 14:33:48 ... CDD communicates with some kind of APIs 14:33:57 ... with such kind of environmental data 14:34:03 ack m 14:34:10 mm: another question on identifier 14:34:24 ... linked data uses URIs 14:34:30 ... identify devices 14:34:44 ... one thing to be added is citizen services 14:34:52 ... need to guarantee privacy 14:34:55 shiestyl_ has joined #smartcities 14:34:58 ... privacy-driven way 14:35:14 ... need to figure out what would be the right way 14:35:41 ... need to include more user-centric viewpoints 14:35:44 q? 14:35:47 Geun-Hyung_ has joined #smartcities 14:36:15 Phila: whispers that my session this morning was about how GS1's identifiers are increasingly encoded in URIs. Analogous organisations are doing the same. We all recognise the need to connects IDs to the Web 14:36:17 kaz: let's collaborate even more 14:36:23 @phila you beat me to it :) 14:36:38 sebastian has joined #smartcities 14:36:43 present+ GeunHyung_Kim 14:36:44 umejima: very interesting topic 14:37:14 ... one point to be considered 14:37:45 ... in japan, all the electric power meters are handled in IoT manner 14:37:45 ... active or not 14:38:01 ... how to connect Web standards with device standards is my question 14:38:11 ... would like to work with W3C 14:38:35 kaz: power management should be one of the key use cases 14:38:44 mm: it includes sensing 14:39:07 q? 14:39:16 q+ mm 14:39:33 mm: question about relationship among smart city, smart building, etc. 14:39:46 ... how the flow would work together? 14:39:56 ... request power consumption, etc. 14:40:21 ... battery for my house and my car 14:40:36 ... one component missing is actions 14:40:44 ... get feedback, etc. 14:40:49 umejima: agree 14:41:19 ... different mechanisms use different data models 14:41:31 mm: can we automate actual data transfer? 14:41:53 ume: would like to highlight various levels of connection 14:42:20 mm: so many companies working on their own narrow silos 14:42:44 q? 14:42:48 ack m 14:43:08 q+ to ask about digital twins in general 14:44:00 one issue: how to *motivate* stakeholders to cooperate in supporting standards for data sharing? What's in it for them? 14:44:35 kaz: like WoT, would like to think about Web-based interconnection 14:44:38 q? 14:44:42 ack d 14:44:42 dezell, you wanted to ask about digital twins in general 14:45:19 de: part of the digital twins might include garbage collection 14:45:32 ... tracing memory trucks 14:45:42 ... Michael talked about actions 14:45:56 dape has joined #smartcities 14:45:59 ... how IoT can be in conjuction with DT? 14:46:17 ... would keep WoT inline 14:46:38 ... how to standardize the mechanism? 14:47:36 mm: one critical problem will be handled by the next Charter of WoT 14:47:50 ... the new WoT WG Charter is approved by the AC review 14:48:08 ... smart cities is expected as promising use case 14:48:28 ... need to handle geolocation information properly 14:48:32 ... historical data also 14:48:40 q? 14:49:02 ... WoT focus is interoperability of Things 14:49:39 kaz: yeah 14:50:16 ... thought ECHONET also working on history management and grouping 14:50:16 ... useful for smart homes but actually useful for smart cities as well 14:50:16 q? 14:50:26 ktk has joined #smartcities 14:50:36 mm: in-zone vs outof-zone 14:50:40 p+ 14:50:49 q? 14:50:53 q+ 14:51:00 s/p+/ 14:51:09 mm: DT has 3 parts 14:51:56 ... synchronization with Things 14:51:56 ... data model 14:51:56 ... including simulation 14:51:56 ... spatial data and time data 14:52:17 joshc: reminded me of some use case 14:52:41 ... estimation of occupation within a bus 14:53:31 ... another is calculation of doctors close to you 14:53:31 q+ 14:53:31 ... depending on public transportation 14:53:41 kaz: ambulances and fire trucks as well 14:53:47 joshc: exactly 14:53:56 ... capacity of day-care services 14:54:03 s/ces/ces too/ 14:54:06 ktoumura has joined #Smartcities 14:54:07 ack ktk 14:54:14 ack m 14:55:06 mm: would figure out what "City" would like to do 14:55:06 ... various services to be provided 14:55:06 ... fire trucks related to emergency 14:55:08 q? 14:55:51 kaz: reminded me of earthquakes in Japan too 14:55:56 mm: yeah 14:56:42 ... Canada is also learning disaster management 14:56:42 q? 14:56:42 topic: Wrap-up 14:56:56 s/joshc: reminded me of some use case/ktk: reminded me of some use case/ 14:57:36 -> https://github.com/w3c/smartcities-workshop/issues GitHub issue for your comments 14:57:40 ktoumura_ has joined #smartcities 14:58:12 kaz: please give your comments directly to the GitHub Issue too 14:58:22 [adjourned] 14:58:34 aciortea_ has left #smartcities 14:58:50 ktoumura_ has left #smartcities 15:02:49 shiestyle has joined #smartcities 15:06:01 shiestyl_ has joined #smartcities 15:07:33 minyongli has left #smartcities 15:07:45 nhk-ryo_ has joined #smartcities 15:08:42 phila has joined #smartcities 15:19:40 shiestyle has joined #smartcities 15:33:38 kaz has joined #smartcities 15:34:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:34:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-smartcities-minutes.html kaz 15:46:32 phila has joined #smartcities 16:02:19 s/joshc:/ktk:/ 16:02:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:02:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-smartcities-minutes.html kaz 17:02:10 shiestyle has joined #smartcities 21:22:33 shiestyle has joined #smartcities 21:52:27 shiestyle has joined #smartcities