06:28:55 RRSAgent has joined #schemata 06:28:59 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-schemata-irc 06:29:00 RRSAgent, do not leave 06:29:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 06:29:01 Meeting: "You say Schemata, I say Schemas" 06:29:01 Chair: Pierre-Antoine Champin, Ege Korkan 06:29:01 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/issues/8 06:29:01 clear agenda 06:29:03 agenda+ Pick a scribe 06:29:05 agenda+ Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy 06:29:07 agenda+ Goal of this session 06:29:09 agenda+ Discussion 06:29:11 agenda+ Next steps / where discussion continues 07:20:14 tidoust has joined #schemata 09:01:00 tidoust has joined #schemata 12:05:13 tidoust has joined #schemata 15:20:23 RRSAgent has joined #schemata 15:20:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-schemata-irc 15:20:33 glomb has joined #schemata 15:20:38 present+ 15:20:42 meeting: "You say Schemata, I say Schemas" 15:20:49 ChrisMungall has joined #schemata 15:20:49 cfollenf has joined #schemata 15:22:22 What @pierre is saying resonates with me, I love OWL, but I frequently see it mis-used for describing data and not the world 15:23:01 present+ Bert, Dingwei, atai, Ege, AaronCoburn, Dominik_T, pchampin, dape, ethieblin, Cristiano_Aguzzi, LaurensDebackere, phila, ktk, decentralgabe, michielbdejong, doerthe, aciortea 15:23:24 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:23:32 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:23:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-schemata-minutes.html Bert 15:25:11 Gerrit_ has joined #schemata 15:25:13 minyongli has joined #schemata 15:25:34 present+ Minyong_Li 15:26:11 andres has joined #schemata 15:26:54 meeting: "You say Schemata, I say Schemas" - TPAC 2023 15:30:45 the link for the presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iKg0K_tIFdZJ2DBLiHIqjAc5ydo7ifUYYkkkf2Nc_D4/edit?usp=sharing 15:31:20 mahda-noura has joined #schemata 15:31:35 q? 15:31:51 cris_ has joined #schemata 15:34:56 tgra has joined #schemata 15:37:32 TreeLDR looks great, I wasn't aware of it 15:38:05 q? 15:38:35 q+ 15:39:03 q+ 15:39:17 q? 15:39:53 q+ 15:41:41 dape has joined #schemata 15:41:48 q+ 15:42:37 q+ question on governance and release plan/stability 15:43:03 dezell has joined #schemata 15:43:11 present+ David_Ezell 15:43:24 ack q 15:43:24 question, you wanted to comment on governance and release plan/stability 15:43:38 q+ Ege governance and release plan/stability 15:43:51 sebastian has joined #schemata 15:46:32 phila has joined #schemata 15:46:35 q+ to governance and release plan/stability of treeldr 15:48:04 TreeLDR reminds me a lot of PG-Schema formalism: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2211.10962.pdf 15:49:38 q+ to ask about dynamic enumeration 15:49:38 q+ 15:50:09 q- 15:50:14 scribenick: Ege 15:50:37 doerthe has joined #schemata 15:50:42 cris: thank you for the presentations. it sounds great and starred it 15:50:47 present+ 15:51:17 ... it sounds too good to be true. Can you see limitations for a complicated schema 15:52:04 ack c 15:52:19 cm: We can incorporate such additional expressivity in next releases 15:53:03 th: all the concepts of owl are possible but maybe not everything you can do in json schema can be modeled 15:53:05 ack ktk 15:53:26 ktk: thank you, treeldr looks interesting. we wanted to do something similar 15:53:43 ... we also generated SPARQL queries and also html forms 15:54:31 ... we have a chrome based RDF debugger. If you do validation, you do not need a debugger anymore 15:54:51 ... you can create ridiculuosly long sparql queries 15:55:20 ... in typescript you compile, not runtime data 15:55:31 ... do you have a frontend 15:56:20 ... can I create from RDF DSL generation? 15:56:25 th: not at the moment 15:56:28 q? 15:56:31 q? 15:56:36 ack d 15:57:13 dp: I am impressed. How is the stability, are you planning to standardize? 15:57:30 th: we are in early stages 15:57:43 treeLDR: https://github.com/spruceid/treeldr 15:57:54 ack m 15:57:57 linkml: https://github.com/linkml/linkml 15:58:10 ... we can think of standardization but we are not there yet 15:58:21 cm: we have monthly community meetings 15:58:40 scribe+ 15:59:21 Ege: recently XXX proposed different vocabularies for validation. 15:59:36 ... we would be interested to explore how it can be standardized 15:59:38 ... Chris, you mentionned that some things were not possible in JSON-Schema. What did you have in mind? 16:00:17 ChrisMungall: things like referential integrity are not possible in JSON-Schema. Only a problem if you only use JSON-Schema. 16:00:17 q+ 16:00:22 ack Ege 16:00:23 Ege, you wanted to governance and release plan/stability of treeldr 16:01:48 Ege_ has joined #schemata 16:01:48 scribenick: Ege_ 16:01:48 pa: I did not catch what you said about dynamic XXX? 16:01:48 ... have you solved that? 16:02:19 cm: I do not know if we fixed that 16:02:19 s/pa/phila/ 16:02:19 s/XXX/enumerations 16:02:19 s/dynamic xxx/dynamic enumeration. Have you solved that?/ 16:02:28 ca: I have worked with Prisma recently, have you heard of it? 16:02:34 q? 16:02:37 ack phila 16:02:37 phila, you wanted to ask about dynamic enumeration 16:02:50 ack chris_ 16:02:59 ca: it is common in Node.js runtime workers since it works well with react etc. 16:03:04 ack cris_ 16:03:25 q+ 16:03:36 prisma: https://www.prisma.io/ 16:03:39 ack McCool_ 16:04:11 mm: wot uses schema to validate td but also for describing payload 16:04:30 ... what is a good place for linkml, can you use it in embedded devices 16:04:31 q+ 16:05:01 cm: I do not know about iot but generally it is used with DBs (mongodb etc.) 16:05:30 mm: we do different levels of correctness checking in wot 16:06:01 q+ to talk about profiles 16:06:11 cm: some languages also have warnings/recommendation so that can be picked up by linters 16:06:35 cm: you can also have profiles 16:06:50 pc: interested about profiles 16:07:08 pc: what are your thoughts on the motivation I have put in the beginning 16:07:32 ... cardinality etc. 16:07:42 th: layouts would be the solution 16:08:57 cm: it is a closed model. I would not recommend for open applications 16:09:16 q? 16:09:21 ack pchampin 16:09:24 ack phila 16:09:24 phila, you wanted to talk about profiles 16:09:46 not sure will have time... but what about RDF-star? 16:09:47 pa: I want to pick up on profiles. Profile negotation is an old thing but it getting picked up again 16:10:00 ... asking for json ld but using that shacl file 16:10:02 s/pa:/phila: 16:10:38 q? 16:10:38 https://www.w3.org/2022/06/dx-wg-charter.html 16:10:40 ... it would be good to check with data exchange wg 16:11:10 pc: topic of standardization has been raised 16:11:46 ... we can think of a cg 16:11:51 +1 16:11:57 +1 16:11:57 +1 16:11:58 +1 16:11:58 q+ 16:11:59 +1 16:11:59 +1 16:12:00 0 16:12:01 0 16:12:06 STRAWPALL: should we create a CG on this topic 16:12:06 +1 16:12:07 +1 16:12:14 q+ 16:12:15 +1 16:12:25 +1 16:13:06 pc: we can make a proposal for a cg based on the description of this proposal 16:14:12 ... staff should not make it but we can exchange after the session 16:14:21 q? 16:14:41 ack ktk 16:15:34 ktk: tooling wins in the end with such things 16:15:34 pc: we can use it for idea exchange 16:15:34 scribe+ 16:15:50 Ege_: would that fit into an existing group as well? 16:16:27 q? 16:16:31 pc: we should check 16:16:33 ack e 16:16:41 minyongli has left #schemata 16:16:47 ... and maybe meet in a new group next time 16:17:07 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:17:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-schemata-minutes.html pchampin 16:24:17 zakim, bye 16:24:18 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Bert, Dingwei, atai, Ege, AaronCoburn, Dominik_T, dape, ethieblin, pchampin, Cristiano_Aguzzi, LaurensDebackere, phila, 16:24:18 Zakim has left #schemata 16:24:20 ... decentralgabe, michielbdejong, doerthe, aciortea, glomb, ktk, Minyong_Li, David_Ezell 16:24:26 RRSAgent, bye 16:24:26 I see no action items