06:34:03 RRSAgent has joined #haptics 06:34:07 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-haptics-irc 06:34:07 RRSAgent, make logs public 06:34:09 Meeting: Feel the Vibe: enhancing haptics for accessibility and more fun 06:34:09 Chair: qqharryhwang, Selen Xu 06:34:10 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/issues/19 06:34:12 Slideset: https://www.w3.org/2023/07/breakout_haptics_TPAC/haptics.pdf 06:34:14 clear agenda 06:34:16 agenda+ Pick a scribe 06:34:20 agenda+ Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy 06:34:22 agenda+ Goal of this session 06:34:25 agenda+ Discussion 06:34:26 agenda+ Next steps / where discussion continues 07:20:14 tidoust has joined #haptics 09:01:00 tidoust has joined #haptics 09:18:57 Roy has joined #haptics 09:19:10 RRSAgent, make minutes 09:19:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-haptics-minutes.html Roy 10:22:01 Roy has joined #haptics 11:30:38 Roy has joined #haptics 12:00:39 Roy has joined #haptics 12:05:13 tidoust has joined #haptics 13:34:28 RRSAgent has joined #haptics 13:34:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-haptics-irc 13:34:38 RRSAgent, make minutes 13:34:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-haptics-minutes.html Roy 13:34:56 agenda? 13:37:51 xiaoqian has joined #haptics 13:41:42 scribe: Roy 13:42:31 [slide 1] 13:42:39 RRSAgent, make minutes 13:42:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-haptics-minutes.html Roy 13:51:55 angel_ has joined #haptics 13:52:13 mattreynolds has joined #haptics 13:53:53 xfq has joined #haptics 13:56:16 present+ angel_, Roy, xiaoqian, xfq 13:57:47 tidoust has joined #haptics 13:58:11 jocelyntran has joined #haptics 13:58:31 present+ Selen_Xu 13:59:22 wendyreid has joined #haptics 13:59:22 harry has joined #haptics 13:59:22 present+ 13:59:22 present+ Harry_Wang 13:59:26 rrsagent, make minutes 13:59:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-haptics-minutes.html xfq 13:59:31 present+ 14:01:19 Selen has joined #haptics 14:01:21 [round table introduction] 14:01:35 atai has joined #haptics 14:05:27 cabanier has joined #haptics 14:05:42 present+ 14:06:15 harry: welcome to haptics for accessibility session 14:07:01 ... emails available for further discussion 14:07:18 [slide 2] 14:07:23 slides -> https://www.w3.org/2023/07/breakout_haptics_TPAC/haptics.pdf 14:07:35 harry: go through ToC 14:08:06 [slide 3] 14:08:13 harry: introduction of Tencent Game team 14:08:13 present+ 14:08:27 CharlesL has joined #haptics 14:08:36 present+ 14:08:46 [slide 5] 14:09:00 harry: background of haptics 14:09:16 ... Haptics amend human machine interaction 14:10:01 [slide 6] 14:10:39 harry: Haptics Taxonomy 14:11:46 [slide 7] 14:11:46 chunming has joined #haptics 14:13:32 [slide 8] 14:15:01 [slide 9] 14:15:44 Harry: here are some reasons worth mentioning to improve usability and accessibility 14:16:29 [slide 11] 14:17:32 [slide 12] 14:18:23 [slide 13] 14:18:28 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:18:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-haptics-minutes.html Roy 14:19:11 [show how to start designing a Haptic Effect] 14:19:44 [slide 14] 14:20:38 Selen: Versatility and flexibility are the core design concepts throughout the entire solution 14:21:22 [slide 18] 14:22:04 Selen: show how to implement haptics with their SCK 14:22:10 s/SCK/SDK 14:23:36 [slide 19] 14:23:45 Selen: MTGPA Haptics .HE Format shows in picture 14:24:21 ... data format is also compiled with IEEE standard 14:25:09 [slide 15] 14:25:13 [slide 16] 14:25:17 Selen: Sync to Audio and Video Design 14:25:39 ... designed 2 solutions 14:25:56 ... Vibration playback mechanism and Vibration Synchronization Scheme 14:26:12 [slide 17] 14:26:49 Selen: Haptics has implemented in Games 14:27:21 [slide 21] 14:27:53 Selen: background of users, and haptics can help visually impaired users to gain more information and understanding. 14:28:10 [slide 22] 14:29:02 Selen: use cases include: chat, news, videos etc., 14:29:02 present+ chunming 14:29:22 [slide 24] 14:29:43 Selen: Haptics solution for input method 14:30:02 [slide 25] 14:30:10 Solution for maps 14:30:30 [slide 26] 14:30:48 Selen: Promote Haptics as a Common Human Language 14:31:10 ... Integration with Web contents, support by Web platform, adoption in Accessibility guideline 14:32:27 ... harry will introduction standardized about haptics 14:32:47 [slide 28] 14:33:00 Selen has joined #haptics 14:33:50 Selen_ has joined #haptics 14:35:05 harry: the fragmentation will cause a compatibility issues, there are several advantages to standard haptics, since we improve the usability 14:35:24 [slide 29] 14:35:48 [slide 30] 14:36:09 harry: haptics stack show in slide 14:36:56 ... some standardization work has start in different org 14:37:56 ... including: ISO MPEG-I, IETF Haptics Media, IEEE P2861.3/Haptics Industry Forum etc 14:38:05 [slide 31] 14:38:23 [slide 32] 14:38:47 harry: Haptic Data Model in MPEG 14:39:28 ... 3 types format 14:39:37 ... depend on situation 14:39:48 [slide 33] 14:40:08 harry: Haptic File Format 14:40:18 ... 3 types format 14:40:27 [slide 34] 14:40:42 harry: introduction of encode and decode 14:41:09 ... 2 types of input and 3 types of output 14:41:24 [slide 35] 14:41:57 Harry: IEEE P2861.3 Haptic Enhancement for Mobile Game, for mobile haptics platform: interface, data, evaluation 14:42:59 angel: suggest to jump into your proposal 14:43:13 Harry: sure 14:43:19 [slide 39] 14:43:38 harry: Some Thoughts on W3C Vibration API 14:44:06 ... doesn't support sophisticated haptic wave forms 14:44:39 ... doesn't support precision haptics 14:44:55 [slide 40] 14:45:13 harry: Some Thoughts on W3C Gamepad Extension API 14:45:28 +q 14:45:33 Selen has joined #haptics 14:46:23 ... show possible amendment for W3C standard 14:46:31 xueyuan has joined #haptics 14:46:46 [slide 42] 14:47:04 harry: examples 14:47:20 [slide 43] 14:47:29 q? 14:47:34 harry: some takeaway 14:48:20 ... raise some questions 14:48:36 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:48:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-haptics-minutes.html Roy 14:50:16 ack mattreynolds 14:50:16 ack matt 14:50:25 mattreynolds: I edit that API, and implement into Chromium 14:50:43 ... I can give you more context here 14:50:47 q+ 14:51:16 ... basically decided that is going to be delegated to legacy device support 14:51:56 ... planning on adding new effects to interface 14:52:02 ... still a lot of work to do 14:52:21 harry: are you consider a new API for that? 14:52:46 mattreynolds: yes, MS is working on an update to explainer 14:53:31 ... can't tell you exactly last I heard 14:53:31 q? 14:53:32 https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers/blob/main/HapticsDevice/explainer.md 14:53:54 ... also we want this work for service too, and with more devices 14:55:06 ack cab 14:55:06 ... I don't think we are going to tie specific to USB 14:55:19 cabanier: good to see this going 14:55:51 ... we have an applications to create waveforms 14:56:42 Harry: I assume also support openXR APIs? 14:57:03 cabanier: yes 14:57:37 harry: there are also some XR work in W3C, how you promote those in two groups 14:57:38 q+ 14:57:47 ack chunm 14:57:53 cabanier: @@ 14:58:21 q+ 14:58:34 chunming: does haptics consider feedback from user? 14:59:06 harry: no guidelines to say that, we also confused. 14:59:32 ... now way to determine 15:00:09 ... if we define haptics as human language, I think we should work on guidelines and rules 15:00:35 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:00:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-haptics-minutes.html xiaoqian 15:01:33 Matio: maybe could be possible to make some simplified font of device, to create feedback 15:02:05 ... not only to accept some but by some movements to create 15:02:29 q+ 15:02:43 PHANTOM 15:03:07 q? 15:03:08 ack mattr 15:03:08 Phantom from 3D Systems 15:03:11 mattreynolds: last slide open questions 15:04:03 ... 1 is the easy one to implement, we can cross the system API 15:04:34 ... 2 yes, to across the device 15:05:48 ... I think we have decided that it would be good to have active waveforms associated with haptic effects so that we could do the down sampling to support on plus or take full devices as well as the more modern devices. 15:06:31 ... 3 Probably didn't able to have things to extensive use case, especially for accessibility. I don't really have a good sense of that. 15:06:57 tidoust has joined #haptics 15:07:13 ... I think the rest of the room should provide feedback on that. And should there be a guideline for I think a guideline would be good, but probably should not be part of the specification. 15:07:20 ... @@1 15:07:29 wendyreid has left #haptics 15:07:42 q? 15:07:48 ack cab 15:08:06 cabanier: earlier question, controller can provide feedback 15:08:33 ... like 3 or 4 pressure sensitive sensors on there 15:09:03 ... use that develop can decide how to interactive 15:09:28 Harry: in conclusion what is proper way to move this forward 15:10:22 mattreynolds: little frustrating for us, by now we have a venue to discuss, we need to encourage MS to ring that proposal to a CG 15:10:39 ... no CG yet 15:11:01 angel_: what about incubate in WICG? 15:11:29 mattreynolds: not sure, sounds like a path 15:11:36 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:11:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-haptics-minutes.html Roy 15:16:21 xueyuan has joined #haptics 15:16:57 xueyuan has left #haptics 15:17:14 atai has joined #haptics 15:17:51 CharlesL has left #haptics 15:25:55 xfq has joined #haptics 15:26:04 xfq has left #haptics 15:30:32 xiaoqian has joined #haptics 16:21:16 zakim, bye 16:21:16 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been angel_, Roy, xiaoqian, xfq, Selen_Xu, wendyreid, Harry_Wang, mattreynolds, cabanier, CharlesL, chunming 16:21:16 Zakim has left #haptics 16:21:21 RRSAgent, bye 16:21:30 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:21:42 RRSAgent, bye 16:21:42 I see no action items