06:36:39 RRSAgent has joined #a11yedge 06:36:43 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-a11yedge-irc 06:36:43 RRSAgent, do not leave 06:36:44 RRSAgent, make logs public 06:36:45 Meeting: Accessibility at the Edge, One Year On 06:36:47 Chair: Janina Sajka, Lionel Wolberger 06:36:49 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/issues/51 06:36:51 clear agenda 06:36:53 agenda+ Pick a scribe 06:36:55 agenda+ Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy 06:36:57 agenda+ Goal of this session 06:36:59 agenda+ Discussion 06:37:01 agenda+ Next steps / where discussion continues 06:37:16 Ian has left #a11yedge 07:07:49 Ian has joined #a11yedge 07:07:53 Ian has left #a11yedge 07:10:28 Ian has joined #a11yedge 07:10:29 Ian has left #a11yedge 07:29:31 Lionel has joined #a11yedge 07:30:08 ben_tillyer has joined #a11yedge 07:32:15 present+ 07:32:49 present+ 07:32:53 zakim start meeting 07:33:01 zakim, start meeting 07:33:01 RRSAgent, make logs Public 07:33:02 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Lionel 07:33:52 meeting: TPAC Breakout Session 2024 07:33:52 shawn has joined #a11yedge 07:33:52 Wilco has joined #a11yedge 07:33:52 kevin has joined #a11yedge 07:33:52 alastairc has joined #a11yedge 07:33:53 scribe+ 07:33:55 CharlesL has joined #a11yedge 07:34:00 present+ 07:34:36 present+ 07:34:43 nhk-ryo has joined #a11yedge 07:34:50 https://w3c.zoom.us/j/88565162415?pwd=U081cEQvSFRZOTRSV0h3dE94cXBFZz09 07:35:15 daniel-montalvo has joined #a11yedge 07:35:22 matatk has joined #a11yedge 07:35:29 mitch11 has joined #a11yedge 07:35:32 present+ 07:35:38 scribe+ mitch11 07:35:56 fbedora_ has joined #a11yedge 07:36:33 gpellegrino has joined #a11yedge 07:38:06 BrianE has joined #a11yedge 07:38:29 Present+ 07:38:47 present+ 07:39:54 present+ 07:42:42 atai_ has joined #a11yedge 07:43:02 atai has joined #a11yedge 07:43:05 (Would rather type than speak) Hello, I am an invited export and active member of AG WG 07:43:25 present+ Andreas_Tai 07:44:49 s/export/expert 07:45:22 jamesn has joined #A11yEdge 07:45:22 Lionel: any objections to recording? none 07:45:44 Introductions were done 07:45:53 topic: what we have done the last year 07:46:00 See https://a11yedge.github.io/capabilities/ 07:46:10 present+ Shawn(part) 07:46:41 janina: After many meetings we started centering in on a list of capabilities that overlays and edge technologies can do 07:46:49 ... We grouped them into high level categories 07:47:04 ... we went from spreadsheets to HTML 07:47:17 ... added a list semantics 07:47:33 ... the definition list for each capability was "source" or "edge" 07:47:37 ... "trade-offs" 07:48:07 ... There is good agreement that source is the best place for most things 07:48:15 ... so what drives edge activity? 07:48:34 ... one main driver, the Internet Almanac evidence that sites have tens if not over 50 third party services 07:48:41 ... that only mash up and work at the edge 07:48:49 ... overlays may be the solution for part of them 07:49:08 ... We realized opportunities, patterns 07:49:09 q? 07:49:36 ... some patterns are aspirational, capabilities we look forward to having but may be many years out 07:49:56 ... For example, "Kill Captcha" agenda, captcha being such a barrier to accessibility 07:50:16 ... having trusted third parties perhaps managing a profile for desired services 07:50:33 ... The analysis that the CG has succeeded in curating can be used as a checklist 07:50:54 ... It could be used to analyze a particular overlay service, and be specific about what it does well and what it does not 07:51:14 ... APA is interested in continuing this work stream, perhaps forming a task force 07:51:27 ... We have in APA low vision users, screen reader users 07:51:48 ... in general APA is interested in facilitating personalization, the act of personalizing or making web experiences more suitable to an individual 07:51:55 ... indivisual's needs 07:52:08 ... Imagine that you can configure your needs once, and apply it to all sites 07:52:25 ... why should I have to configure my desires at Company A, then Company B, Then Website C 07:52:37 ... the computer is supposed to serve the user, not the user serve the computer 07:52:48 ... a portable profile seems like a good thing 07:53:47 Wilco: I would like to dig into privacy concerns 07:54:03 I'll scribe now 07:54:38 Lionel: next we'll do a deep dive of capabilities draft report 07:55:10 ... moving to a word 'edge' that is less loaded 07:55:27 s/is less loaded/avoids triggering assumptions/ 07:56:28 ... showing the technology diagram https://www.w3.org/community/a11yedge/ 07:58:04 ...major headings: meeting user's needs; meeting content provider's needs 07:58:23 we applied user-centered design 07:58:39 ...we applied user-centered design 07:58:50 ...(summarizing the doc linked above) 07:59:38 ..."sometimes content changes dynamically" is an outdated phrase from WCAG, it has flipped 08:00:47 fbedora has joined #a11yedge 08:00:57 Amanda has joined #a11yedge 08:01:06 ...summarizing https://a11yedge.github.io/capabilities/ 08:02:24 ..."trade-offs" is a work in progress, would like to acknowledge advantages more 08:03:39 ...highlighting the "Text Transformations" section in the doc, e.g. font size widget on whitehouse.gov 08:05:18 ...source code is a determinant of font size, including third-party sources in pages 08:06:45 Suggestion: A section named "Benefit of being in the source" or "Negatives to being in the edge" for each section, to ensure balanced views are expressed and understood for each point 08:07:42 q+ to ask if all capabilities are in the right place 08:08:37 subtopic: aspirational 08:08:37 ... summarizing the section "Fully Automated Transformations" 08:09:52 q? 08:10:00 q? 08:10:07 q? 08:10:14 ack kevin 08:10:14 kevin, you wanted to ask if all capabilities are in the right place 08:10:33 Kevin: I have skimmed the document 08:10:45 Wilco has joined #a11yedge 08:10:55 ... for each capability, what discussion was conducted whether or not the edge is the right place for this capability 08:11:04 ... for example, font optimization may be best handled by the browser 08:11:15 ... that meets the 'configure once, use everywhere' approach 08:11:18 q+ 08:11:22 q+ 08:11:26 ... then the SP is not beholden to including an overlay on their service 08:11:48 janina: We did talk about that. If it was singular that would be very, very true 08:11:56 ... the browser does count as edge tech 08:12:05 ... but the phone is an app, the desktop has multiple browsers 08:12:24 ... we see propagation as needed into all the different device-specific browser agents 08:12:30 q? 08:12:44 David: Suggest we clarify further user agencay 08:12:46 q? 08:12:53 ack Wilco 08:13:04 Wilco: we talked about privacy a lot in last year's session 08:13:23 ... a lot of people don't feel comfortable coming out with a disability to unknown third parties 08:13:33 +1 to Wilco's comment, myself and my peers have this concern 08:13:35 ... not comfortable with organizations 08:15:03 q+ 08:15:52 q+ 08:17:01 q+ 08:17:34 q- 08:17:43 q? 08:18:26 ack CharlesL 08:19:02 Lionel: Very committed to privacy personally and will continue to express this here 08:19:11 ... I follow this draft note, https://w3c-ccg.github.io/data-minimization/ 08:20:16 CharlesL: concern that the doc doesn't go far enough to warn against perception that fully automated add-ons solve all problems 08:20:44 q? 08:20:58 ack ben_tillyer 08:21:13 ben_tillyer: I also am interested in privacy 08:21:23 ... I do not have time to read all privacy policies on the web 08:21:44 ... even if I could read them, I would not understand them as they are written in legalese 08:22:07 ... regarding "set once use everywhere" seems to imply that one company might have a monopoly on this 08:22:46 ... if there is no monopoly in the edge space, there will be multiple providers 08:23:01 ... I think users can be identified by CDN and other data 08:23:20 janina: the big players are each trying to be 'your one stop shop' on this 08:23:33 ... the Edge Community Group vision is a bit wider 08:23:57 ... there are enough emerging and already existing W3C technology to enable you to choose who will be your proxy agent in this 'configure once, use everywhere' 08:24:13 ... we discussed that NGOs and advocacy groups could take this role 08:24:16 q? 08:24:43 ack Wilco 08:25:06 Wilco: user agency is currently through the browser, which I can switch. 08:25:27 ... but this technology proposed is chosen by the website not by the user 08:25:43 ... am I not expected to disclose disability? 08:26:25 Lionel: Some providers require clicking a button to enable, which reveals something. Others apply modifications same for all users. 08:26:51 ... User choice for privacy in choosing products 08:27:27 ... Compare Apple: widely regarded as more privacy preserving, yet terms and conditions are voluminous 08:27:41 q? 08:27:42 q? 08:28:02 subtopic: next steps 08:28:23 q+ 08:28:47 ack mitch11 08:29:02 Janina: shall we break out the aspirational capabilites? 08:29:19 mitch11: That can be time based. Can say, we were considering this on this date, and now find it aspirational 08:29:39 q+ 08:29:58 q? 08:30:01 ack mitch11 08:30:08 ack kevin 08:30:12 ack mitch 08:30:14 q? 08:30:34 Kavin: a challenge that overlays has presented. Some organizations may have led to overlays getting a bad name. 08:30:55 ... we need to weigh in, more of whether each item is needed and if there's a right way to do it 08:31:26 s/if there's a right way to do it/if it's being done in the best place 08:31:43 +1 to Kevin 08:31:53 ... there may be a place to increase privacy, as handling at the edge is closer to the user 08:32:10 ... make clear 'this could be done at the edge, but there may be a better way to do it' 08:42:12 matatk has joined #a11yedge 08:44:35 matatk has left #a11yedge 08:55:19 rrsagent, sraft minutes 08:55:19 I'm logging. I don't understand 'sraft minutes', shawn. Try /msg RRSAgent help 08:55:24 rrsagent, draft minutes 08:55:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-a11yedge-minutes.html shawn 09:00:00 daniel-montalvo has joined #a11yedge 09:00:18 ben_tillyer has left #a11yedge 09:00:21 CharlesL has left #a11yedge 09:05:33 rrsagent, make minutes 09:05:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-a11yedge-minutes.html Lionel 09:06:09 nhk-ryo has left #a11yedge 09:06:16 kevin has left #a11yedge 09:06:53 rrsagent, make minutes 09:06:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-a11yedge-minutes.html Lionel 09:06:59 agenda? 10:20:43 daniel-montalvo has joined #a11yedge 10:48:23 daniel-montalvo has joined #a11yedge