06:31:02 RRSAgent has joined #WebRTC-usecases 06:31:07 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-WebRTC-usecases-irc 06:31:07 RRSAgent, do not leave 06:31:07 RRSAgent, make logs public 06:31:08 Meeting: WebRTC use cases and requirements under high-demanding real-time communication scenarios 06:31:11 Chair: Lin Li, Shishen Zhang 06:31:13 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/issues/41 06:31:15 Slideset: https://www.w3.org/2023/07/breakout_high_demanding_RTC_TPAC/high_demanding_RTC.pdf 06:31:18 clear agenda 06:31:19 agenda+ Pick a scribe 06:31:24 agenda+ Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy 06:31:24 agenda+ Goal of this session 06:31:25 agenda+ Discussion 06:31:27 agenda+ Next steps / where discussion continues 06:32:04 Ian has left #WebRTC-usecases 07:06:31 Ian has joined #WebRTC-usecases 07:06:36 Ian has left #WebRTC-usecases 07:09:27 Ian has joined #WebRTC-usecases 07:09:31 Ian has left #WebRTC-usecases 07:12:59 robin has joined #WebRTC-usecases 07:36:39 Roy has joined #WebRTC-usecases 07:37:09 agenda? 08:35:13 shanhuaqi_ has joined #WebRTC-usecases 08:35:29 lilin has joined #WebRTC-usecases 08:35:42 Lei_Zhao_ has joined #WebRTC-usecases 08:36:15 rainluo has joined #WebRTC-usecases 08:38:59 robin has joined #WebRTC-usecases 08:39:05 Roy has joined #WebRTC-usecases 08:40:13 RRSAgent, make minutes 08:40:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-WebRTC-usecases-minutes.html Roy 08:50:25 angel_ has joined #WebRTC-usecases 08:56:25 Zhao_Zhao has joined #WebRTC-usecases 08:56:56 xfq has joined #WebRTC-usecases 08:57:03 xfq_ has joined #WebRTC-usecases 08:57:13 present+ 09:00:01 xiaoqian has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:00:12 [slide 1] 09:00:21 RRSAgent, make minutes 09:00:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-WebRTC-usecases-minutes.html xiaoqian 09:01:00 atai has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:01:54 McCool has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:06:09 scribe: xiaoqian 09:06:09 present+ 09:06:09 Louay has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:06:09 present+ Louay_Bassbouss 09:06:09 present+ 09:06:09 ripple has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:06:09 present+ Andreas_Tai 09:06:09 zhang_shishen has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:06:09 xueyuan has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:06:09 MichaelWilson has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:06:09 audio is very quiet 09:06:09 Riju has joined #Webrtc-usecases 09:06:16 chunming has joined #webrtc-usecases 09:06:16 present+ 09:06:59 angel: today there will be 2 presentations, then we will have enough time for questions and discussion 09:06:59 much better 09:09:49 present+ Lin_Li, Song_Xu, Angel_Li 09:09:49 present+ 09:09:58 present+ Fraunhofer, McCool, Huaqi_Shan 09:10:16 [slides 2] 09:11:28 Lin: today we are going to share use cases from 3 companies 09:11:53 ... China Mobile, telco operator, for live-streaming of sports events and music concerts 09:11:54 Chen_Cheng has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:12:05 this session is planned to be recorded, any objections? 09:12:05 ... also meta verse convention 09:12:45 ... ByteDance, will talk about Education live-streaming, e-commerce, next-gen conference 09:12:46 ... Alibaba will focus on e-commerce 09:12:56 [slide 3] 09:13:08 s/[slides 2]/[slides2] 09:13:20 s/[slides2]/[slide 2] 09:13:50 Lin: a few use cases using "Cloud Box" 09:13:56 TPAC Demo relevant to WebRTC and Web&Network IG 09:13:56 https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/demos/web-networks.html 09:13:56 https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/demos/distrib-workers.html 09:13:59 [slide 4] 09:14:02 Lin's slides -> https://www.w3.org/2023/09/WebRTC-Use-Cases-and-Requirements-for-RTI.pdf 09:14:29 Lin: 5 steps for RTC Cloud 09:15:03 Song_ has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:16:27 ... during all these process, we have done a lot for optimization 09:16:53 [slide 5] 09:17:32 Lin: another scenario, live e-commerce, which allows interactive product showcasese 09:18:06 present+ 09:18:19 [slide 6] 09:19:42 ... another use case for e-commerce, anchor initiates live streaming via RTC client 09:19:47 [slide 7] 09:20:07 Lin: next scenario is about Metaverse Convention 09:20:23 ... everything is in your browser 09:20:57 ... use your mouse to control the view 09:21:31 ... kind of a cloud game powered by RTC 09:21:57 RRSAgent, make minutes 09:21:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-WebRTC-usecases-minutes.html Roy 09:22:05 ... virtualise the characters 09:22:41 ... we call it cloud rendering in the platform 09:22:51 [slide 8] 09:23:12 Lin: this is the basic steps how we designed this system 09:23:32 s/this is/these are 09:24:39 jesup has joined #webrtc-usecases 09:25:19 ... we are still using WebRTC, but a cloud based one 09:25:36 ... what we call RTC-C 09:26:02 ... there are also some other methods to push and to pull 09:26:37 [slide 9] 09:26:58 Lin: here are a few requirements we collected from these use cases 09:27:12 shanhuaqi_ has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:27:43 ... an API to set the duration of frame freeze 09:28:25 ... also a few parameters to add to the Statistics API 09:29:58 ... when the connection is bad, the estimating freezeCount algorithm couldn't fully meet the needs 09:30:45 ... the linear avg. of durations of the last 30 rendered frames is 200ms, which is not take as a freeze 09:30:52 [slide 10] 09:31:45 Q1: have you file the bug in the spec? what's the bug num? 09:31:52 answer: will do 09:33:09 Q2: for one particular codec, work is done in some other standard body (IETF), W3C might not be able to do anything about it 09:33:35 answer: yes we know, would like to explore a few future steps to solve the problem 09:34:15 the cloud game could pass audio and video for users close to the end user directly to the user, and let the local client merge and decide where/if to display. Probably one would do this only for a few streams. The client would need to render the environment and decode N streams, and encode 1 stream. 09:34:54 [slide 11] 09:35:17 JohnRiv has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:35:37 Lin: one more issue, it always failed to start the audio playback device when iOS app is in the background 09:35:48 ... here are the steps to repeat the bug 09:36:45 ... the bug was already reported to Chromium 09:36:47 -> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=13406 09:37:11 [slide 12] 09:38:13 You've reported this bug, good. There's no W3C work required here I believe; it doesn't change the API visible to JS/user code 09:38:15 Lin: as for the next step, we wonder if we can create a certain TF, or in the WNIG, or even a new CG to further discussion these requirements and explore the solutions 09:39:11 Angel: next is another presentation from ByteDance 09:39:27 ... from Shishen Zhang 09:41:00 q? 09:41:43 hta has joined #WebRTC-usecases 09:41:45 Riju has joined #Webrtc-usecases 09:41:52 q? 09:46:46 q+ 09:48:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 09:48:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-WebRTC-usecases-minutes.html xueyuan 09:51:13 ack jes 09:52:05 jesup: @@ 09:53:21 s/@@/why do you need the video there while playing the game? 09:53:44 shizhen: the game is using anchors, also they need the live chats 09:54:48 Q3: for the game's sake, this is quite similar to what we did for @@, we need a WebRTC CDN, when a lot of user can watch the screen 09:55:40 Shishen: they don't want to abandon the CDN 09:55:56 ... as it has been used a long time, a lot of vendors still rely on it 09:56:25 Song: addition more comments 09:56:42 ... the regular CDN is often for board casting 09:57:01 ... but the CDN Shishen mentioned was more for general usage 09:57:48 q+ 09:58:06 Q4: there have been some more discussion about key frames 09:58:24 Q5: we have an API for picturing the key frames, every 5s 09:58:51 ... unless you want more accurate key frames 09:58:53 My question was that for many games, it should be possible to run the game as a normal multiple-user game running in all the clients, exchanging data with a server which maintains game state but doesn't render the game. Rendering is done locally. In this case, the bandwidth required is far lower, though you would still try to use realtime channels, such as DataChannels. Audio and video can be shared simultaneously as needed, and the se[CUT] 09:59:09 ... but I'm not sure about implementing 09:59:13 ack McCool 09:59:44 McCool: I have a question about RTCC in the IoT device usage 10:00:19 rrsagent, make minutes 10:00:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-WebRTC-usecases-minutes.html xfq 10:00:26 Song: is that about the case 3, the bug in the iOS app in the background? 10:01:17 McCool: we can followup later, would like to know more details about the IoT use cases 10:01:50 ... please reach out to me 10:02:08 Lin: it's a very good question 10:02:29 ... in China, a lot of vendor also use similar technologies in the IoT cases 10:02:59 McCool: I wonder if anybody have adopted it, and how 10:03:20 ... in the IoT, we are also looking at the roadmaps 10:03:21 q+ 10:03:48 ack jesup 10:03:49 ack jes 10:04:35 jesup: for the car game example, another possible approach to have the video to the stream to the user interacting with others 10:04:54 ... mapping any video and audio attached to it 10:05:11 ... there may be issues with background noice 10:05:26 ... this might help to minimize the delay 10:05:40 ... there can be a lot of ways to reduce the latency 10:05:43 ... just some advice 10:06:18 song: would like to thank all for providing these use cases 10:06:31 ... some of them need further discussion 10:06:47 ... please write down your use cases and proposals 10:07:00 ... so we can followup with the WebRTC WG and the WNIG 10:07:42 ... even though these use cases were from 2 very different companies 10:07:46 https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/demos/web-networks.html 10:08:06 ... so I encourage people to look at the demos from the web-networks IG 10:08:47 lin: for example, see Hubs 10:08:51 ... in the distributed network area 10:09:20 Fraunhofer: thanks for the cases 10:09:36 q+ 10:09:43 ... we also want to see more testing in these cases, f.ex., in cloud gaming 10:10:03 ... we are also working on other ways other than WebRTC 10:10:11 ... like WebTransport 10:10:35 ... please also get to us, we like to have more f2f discussion about it 10:10:56 (know we are overtime, but I would like to summarize Distributed Workers briefly and relate to WebRTC and edge computing) 10:10:59 ... regarding the performance, to improve the UE 10:11:12 ack McC 10:11:47 McCool: since Distributed Workers is mentioned, I'd like to summarize it 10:12:11 ... I have a video for it, please watch it 10:12:23 [adjourned] 10:12:27 RRSAgent, make minutes 10:12:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-WebRTC-usecases-minutes.html xiaoqian 10:13:20 xiaoqian has joined #WebRTC-usecases 10:13:48 MichaelWilson has left #WebRTC-usecases 10:16:49 xiaoqian has joined #WebRTC-usecases 10:19:47 xfq has joined #WebRTC-usecases 10:20:43 JohnRiv has left #WebRTC-usecases 10:22:01 Roy has joined #WebRTC-usecases 10:22:01 McCool has left #WebRTC-usecases 10:22:44 xueyuan has joined #WebRTC-usecases 11:30:38 Roy has joined #WebRTC-usecases 11:59:45 xfq has joined #WebRTC-usecases 12:00:39 Roy has joined #WebRTC-usecases