Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

12 September 2023


Andreas, Andreas_Bovens, atsushi, Cyril, Eric_Carlson, Evan_Liu, Francois_Daoust, Gary, James_Craig, Javier_(Igalia), jcraig, Marcos_Caceres, Matt, Nigel, Xiaohan_
Gary, Nigel

Meeting minutes

Welcome, Agenda etc

Nigel: Welcome everyone to TTWG at TPAC 2023.
… [introduces people in the room]
… Agenda for today:
… Any reflections from yesterday's joint meeting with MEIG, and planning for Thursday's joint meeting
… with MEIG and APA.
… [iterates through agenda]

Nigel: Any other business, or points to make sure we cover?

Evan: Is anyone working on adding spec feature to WebVTT for audio description?

Nigel: Not as far as i know - I know Apple did a TTS implementation using it,
… but there are no proposals for any changes to the spec, e.g. to support SSML, voice selection etc.
… As far as I know!
… And it doesn't seem like anyone wants to use it to play back pre-recorded audio, it's TTS only.

Evan: We've done some prototyping in Chrome

Nigel: Just a reminder at the beginning of the session.
… As always our work is done a friendly professional way, as per the code of conduct

W3C code of conduct (CEPC)

Reflections from Monday's MEIG joint meeting

<tidoust> Draft Media & Entertainment IG minutes

Nigel: We covered the IMSC-HRM and DAPT, and had an intro from Eric about
… the TextTrackCue proposal they will make later today.
… Any observations? (there don't have to be!)

Andreas: 2 things that come to mind.
… 1st, the presentation from Fraunhofer about CTA Wave tests
… We observed that they need tests for subtitles and test content
… They're testing device capabilities.
… Subtitles are left out but they plan an iteration to add subtitles
… Should we actively approach CTA Wave and offer our help?

Nigel: What sort of help might we offer?

Andreas: For the Media API snapshot, defining a baseline of what should be supported in browsers,
… maybe more WebVTT related.
… The other is about test content, what parameters, vectors to test, we could help with.

Francois: It was surprising that they didn't mention WebVTT or TTML
… In my understanding the TTML tests are not in WPT. To run them, how do you do that?
… The work they had to do was to adjust the test runner to work on TV sets.

Andreas: I don't know

Francois: Someone has to do the work and make a test runner work on TVs

Nigel: The IMSC and TTML tests are static resources, including test documents and
… for presentation tests, reference renders.
… The imscjs library includes a test runner - it brings in the tests and generates renders from them.
… And then diffs the renders against the references.

Francois: The Web Media API doesn't include TTML because that's not directly referenced and used in browsers.

Atsushi: WebVTT tests are in WPT.

Francois: Right, but CTA WAVE might not be interested in the TTML tests.

Nigel: CTA is interested in client side stuff, and ATSC 3 and CMAF defines IMSC as the subtitle format
… so they should be interested!

Francois: Yes, just specifically related to web media API, it would not be in scope.

Andreas: That was my recollection, I was not sure if TTML was in our out of scope.
… We can ask CTA Wave how this could fit.
… Testing it for smart TVs should be in scope of CTA's work.

Francois: Web Media API is a list of specs that the main core browser engines support,
… and therefore browsers in TV sets must support.
… It's a "baseline" published once every year for the last 5 or 6 years.
… Once in a while they add exceptions to say particular features do not necessarily need to be supported.

<tidoust> Web Media API Snapshot 2022

Nigel: Observation: Smart TV manufacturers are required to support TTML subtitles by ATSC 3, HbbTV etc
… so they're getting conflicting messages from W3C and elsewhere.

Francois: Yes, the Media API only lists what is commonly supported in browsers, so although
… they do have those requirements they aren't part of the common web requirements.

Andreas: Maybe it needs a rethink. There's a tendency to support some technologies by polyfills.
… We can ask our WAVE colleagues how to deal with that and how TTML should fit in this picture.

Xiaohan: Is TTML relatively new?

Nigel: No, it's been a Rec since 2010.

Evan_Liu: Is that the one with multiple versions?

Nigel: No, that's TTML1, that's the base spec.
… TTML2 adds a lot of features for global script layout.
… IMSC has 3 versions, first rec in 2016.

Xiaohan: If you want IMSC implemented in browsers then I can talk to the team.
… It's a chicken and egg problem - we need to know people want to use it too.

Nigel: BBC and Netflix use it a lot.

Andreas: It's widely used for high quality requirements, including speaker identifiers and other features.
… It's used a lot, often with polyfills that implement IMSC.
… Native support would be beneficial, and we talked about it in the past.
… Possibly we can talk about it later on when Eric and Marcos present the TextTrackCue proposal..

Xiaohan: It's supported now by TVs or cinema?

Andreas: There are standards that mandate support such as ATSC 3, HbbTV.

Nigel: By the way, you can upload IMSC to YouTube, and Exoplayer plays them back, so it's already in some Google products.

Evan_Liu: Is it better in every way than WebVTT?

Nigel: [attempts to give a balanced answer] It depends on the user group, I would say yes, but that's from
… an enterprise perspective for the BBC. However for some users wanting to quickly type a subtitle file,
… WebVTT is much more forgiving of errors. However the implementations focus on lowest common
… denominator for WebVTT, so bottom centre white subtitles are fine, but not all the other options.
… And that's not really good enough. Also WebVTT can't do rubys and text decorations and some other
… detailed rendering features that are important.

Xiaohan: A resource showing the differences and the advantages of supporting IMSC would be helpful.

Andreas: It's also important to be aware of the history of the development. We have 2 formats that
… want to solve the same problem. TTML predates WebVTT, but some W3C stakeholders stepped away
… from XML, founded WHATWG, and in that step also moved WebVTT there initially, when TTML
… was close to Rec. Now we have these two formats. Which is the better is as Nigel said, in the eye of the beholder.
… For TTML, a lot of requirements are supported, for different stakeholders.
… The issue at the moment is that some of the bigger companies can afford to build their own
… renderers for TTML to meet all the quality features, but a lot of people just use what is natively
… supported in the browser, WebVTT, which is not sufficient, so we see a lot of degradation in the
… quality experience for the audience. For example a lot of German broadcasters use WebVTT for
… browsers but don't use colour, which is required for speaker identification.

Evan_Liu: Do a lot of big broadcasters use TTML then?

Nigel: I don't have survey results, but when you look at the standards landscape that broadcasters use
… it's dominated by IMSC or the EBU subset of IMSC, EBU-TT-D. WebVTT is at best an optional "also".

Evan_Liu: When we look at usage for WebVTT it is very low so it is hard to justify spending time
… improving support for it.

Francois: Even some renderers of IMSC would use VTTCue to schedule timing, so you might not even be
… able to tell if the subtitles were WebVTT.

Nigel: If you can measure usage of the <track> element that would do it.

Evan_Liu: It looks like 0.15% of all WebVTT scripts include embedded styling, so nobody is using it,
… maybe because it isn't used in other browsers, even though it's in the spec, and Chrome has supported
… it for 4 years.

Xiaohan: do the big VOD players use WebVTT?

Nigel: I don't think so, even YouTube doesn't use it.

Evan_Liu: That's right, there are features that are needed that aren't supported, and some
… users want vertical text, like for Japanese, which isn't in WebVTT.

Nigel: It is in IMSC!

Andreas: Comment to Francois: polyfills must use VTTCue because the generic TextTrackCue
… is not implemented. Only VTTCue can be constructed.
… Regarding the style blocks, it's relatively recent to use them in WebVTT especially in an embedding context.
… It's not used because browsers don't support it enough. People try it out, see it doesn't work,
… then revert to using WebVTT like SRT, just timecode and text.

Matt: Background if it's of use. Our approach is to revert to WebVTT more than I would hope because
… as Nigel said earlier, lowest common denominator is applicable.
… It works well enough on connected TVs even with some styling information.
… We had difficulty with some TTML formats.
… We had difficulty using one format all the way through. It's just not posssible.
… Even when there is support between formats, there is a lack of fidelity in the contents of the file,
… so what you put in isn't what you get out.
… We lack good bodies of test material so developers can check they're propagating all the features
… needed from beginning to end of the chain.
… That's for ITV in the UK, which is also ITV Studios globally. We're a public service broadcaster in the UK
… and a fairly large creator of TV content, and our own streaming platform ITVX. Anything we try to
… do globally is broken by these challenges. We have to be more tactical than I would like..

Nigel: I would love to encourage TTML support in browsers. It would really help a lot of stakeholders and users.

Xiaohan: It would be great to have better explanatory materials to explain why we should spend the effort
… on it. If we implement it and then nobody uses it would not be a good story.

Francois: One aspect of this is to meet regulatory requirements in some regions.

Nigel: Xiaohan if there's anything I can do to support you in having that conversation, let's talk about it.

Andreas: One other topic from MEIG. The comment about all the profiles and formats.
… Yesterday Francois asked about the profiles of TTML. Possibly we need a short explainer.
… I think we may have a list of the profiles, but it may not be clear enough. Usually we get questions
… about the relationships between different formats. Maybe we should work on a document and a
… visualisation of that so it's clearer.

Nigel: Maybe a WG Note with backing across the two communities could help, being sensitive to
… not wanting to be antagonistic to any one community.

Andreas: Having a clear picture for those outside the community would be very helpful in answering
… the questions, which are always very similar.

Xiaohan: If I were writing a document like that I'd want to know the difference from the user
… perspective as well as the broadcaster perspective, and what the differences are.
… Some recommendation about what browsers should do would be helpful.
… As you can see, even though Evan is owning this in Chromium, we're a bit clueless, and there's a
… disconnection between this WG and our team.

Nigel: You're welcome to join, I think things may have improved since last time Google folk were involved.
… Moving on to planning for Thursday's joint meeting with MEIG and APA.

Agenda for that meeting

Nigel: [iterates through the agenda]
… From a TTWG perspective, I'm not sure which things will affect us.
… The SSML in DAPT and HTML one will be especially interesting.
… It's directly relevant as we think about how to manage potential additional SSML vocabulary via TTML,
… or if we can mix in directly.
… Anything anyone wants to mention/ask/make sure we cover in Thursday's joint meeting?

Andreas: I will present the work based on DVB's liaison today but this will possibly also affect APA,
… but I will not be able to be present on Thursday.
… Can we make sure we raise it on Thursday?

Nigel: Yes that's an important point, will do.


Nigel: Let's break now until 1130.

[Francois leaves]

HDR in PNG document updates

Using the ITU BT.2100 PQ EOTF with the PNG Format

Nigel: This was a WG Note from 2017 back from the time when we needed to support image based
… subtitles in IMSC Image Profile but PNG did not have native support for HDR.

Github: w3c/png-hdr-pq#12

Nigel: Chris Lilley raised this issue because over the years things have changed and this approach
… now appears to have problems.

Nigel: [reviews changes in the related pull request]

Nigel: Correct to say that there are no other comments for now from TTWG?
… I see that this has had review from Cyril Concolato, Chris Needham, Pierre Lemieux.

no comments from the group

SUMMARY: TTWG appears to be happy with this change.
… I've approved the pull request.

Liaison from DVB regarding accessibility services

Nigel: We received an incoming liaison from DVB, visible to members at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-tt/2023Sep/0002.html
… Andreas, I think you're able to discuss this?

Andreas: shows slides

Andreas's slides

Andreas: DVB has two standards soon to be updated, DVB-I and TV-Anytime.
… They are planning to consolidate and extend the signalling
… This presentation shows the generic content, but IPR issues mean we will not be able to minute
… discussions later.

[slide 2]

Andreas: DVB-I allows clients to seamlessly switch between broadcast and IP services.
… It's a metadata specification and system architecture that enables implementation of clientss.
… The main work is in ETSI TS 103 770, which has had one version published.
… The update is planned to be finalized this year.

[slide 3]

Andreas: TV Anytime is ETSI TS 102 833-2-1 and is a metadata specification
… for supporting search, select and use of TV content
… It has limited capability to signal access services.

[slide 4]

Andreas: One driver for change is EU 2019/882 also known as the European Accessibility Act (EEA)
… which mandates access to accessible access to AV media services.
… It will be enforced by June 2025.
… DVB wants to update their specification because of this too.
… The proposed approach is intended to harmonize this.
… There was no standard way to signal accessibility services provided by apps esp HbbTV apps.

[slide 5]

Andreas: Updating and harmonizing AD, subtitling, dialogue enhancement, siggning.
… For subtitling, need to enhance the purpose and type signalling.

[slide 6]

Andreas: New HbbTV signalling capabilities for apps.

[slide 7]

Andreas: Both specs will include work on accessibility signalling.
… Expected to influence other DVB specs than DVB-I in the long term.
… Advantage for client implementers is consistency of signalling.
… Feedback requested to liaison by October 2nd.
… Want to make sure we don't break anything, either implemented or best practices.

[slide 8]

Andreas: The chair of the DVB-I group is Paul Higgs from Huawei.
… Before I go into more details on the value list, any questions on the scope of that work?

Nigel: There's already a list of purposes in the DVB TTML specification. Are they reusing that or wanting
… to change it?

Andreas: Maybe a question for the detailed discussion.
… Worth noting that non-broadcast clients can access DVB-I services.
… There's an HTML5 reference application for DVB-I.
… So this applies more broadly on the web.

Eric: This is meant to be a signal sent along with the content describing the accessibility characteristics of the content?

Andreas: It's not distributed with the content at playout.
… It's ahead of that, a registry that tells clients what accessibility characteristics they could expect alongside
… any particular stream or service.
… It allows the client to select the most appropriate services.

Eric: It presupposes that the user knows the user's preferences?

Andreas: Yes

Eric: Or it presents a menu of options and allows the user to pick what they want?

Andreas: Yes. It also has a programme guide to help the user select a channel.
… Each service should indicate e.g. that it has a subtitle track in a particular language and intended for hard of hearing

Eric: Orthogonal question: have we looked at the European accessibility requirements from
… the perspective of what it's possible to express with the TextTrack specs that we have?

Nigel: You mean the kind attribute in the track element?

Eric: Yes. Do we need more data, or to extend kind?
… I've been blissfully unaware of the act.

Nigel: In this group I think we have not done a formal analysis of that.

Eric: Sounds like we probably should.

Andreas: The main thing that's of interest to this group is to ensure that the UI is accessible.
… It's a subset of WCAG.
… What this technically means will be defined by another ETSI spec, accessibility requirements for ICT products.
… The update of this specification will also be important for this group.

Nigel: Worth reminding that the Directive defers technical details to one or more of the European
… standards bodies before it can come into action.

Andreas: And then each nation in the EU needs to put it into their own laws. It's helpful but not necessary
… to have the technical specification at that time. It's a bit like "safe harbor" in FCC, a minimum set
… of requirements.
… Now I need to go through some details that cannot be documented publicly. These are in the
… liaison that they sent, in the additional material.

[further slides]

New TV Anytime elements (member only)

DVB TTML specification - see table 2

Nigel: Looking at the DVB TTML spec list, I think it's unclear if "same-lang-dialogue" includes
… all dialogue in it's original language or only the dialogue in a single language, with any other language
… text just omitted.

Eric: If there are multiple audio tracks in different languages then you cannot resolve what
… "same lang" or "other lang" means.
… It needs to be useful to the client, so that it can accurately apply these labels to allow the user to make a selection.

… I wrote an algorithm for matching up audio track and subtitle track in Webkit, that's open source.
… The code isn't that hard to read.

Andreas: There's also a DECE algorithm.

Nigel: It's public, quite complicated - there's a scoring system.

<MattS> hi all - joining later for the DAPT session...

Break for lunch

Nigel: Back at 1430

WebVTT issues

VTT Metadata Cue format is ambiguous; some metadata may be unintentionally presented to the user in a context outside HTML w3c/webvtt#511

github: w3c/webvtt#511

<jcraig> Slides... https://www.icloud.com/keynote/09dCEDKVwnUk_nhjBrkArTIcg#WebVTTMetadata_public

James: Hi everyone, we've been talking about this topic for at least a couple of years, we think we
… have a way forward thanks to a suggestion from Gary.
… I'm going to cover problems with VTT metadata today,
… Proposed solution with examples,
… and a Specific new use case for strobing
… [slide 3]
… Example of thumbnails metadata.
… Problem today is ambiguity
… [slide 5]
… Can't tell if it's metadata
… [slide 6]
… Or what type of metadata, e.g. key value pair vs JSON
… [slide 7]
… Proposal: ATTRIBUTES in VTT
… More or less the same as Gary's suggestion, a different name.
… [slide 8]
… Example: Dialog-Only "Subtitles"
… minimal usage is ATTRIBUTES block with a kind: attribute, should be the same as the HTML video track element's kind attribute.
… That definition in HTML is handled, but there is nothing to define VTT as subtitles outside
… that use case, e.g. in an MPEG container.
… srclang is one of the suggestions, here es-mx with a label: Español
… The difference between subtitles and captions being whether sound effects are included for
… the deaf and hard of hearing.
… [slide 9 (?)]
… Another example is descriptions aka Audio Description
… Using text to speech, or text to Braille.
… Users who cannot see the media but want to watch alongside friends and family.
… Or hearing viewers who do not want to disrupt their co-watchers, as Leonie Watson
… mentioned last year.
… The label in this case would be in an audio menu not a subtitle menu.
… [slide 10]
… Metadata example from before. kind: metadata.
… That's why we didn't choose METADATA.
… We introduced "type" where we're maintain a regisitry, TTWG would be a good home for that.
… I chose video-thumbnails here, but it doesn't have an accessible label.
… [slide 11]
… JSON version, with multiple languages of alt text in different languages.
… This allows the previous example to be accessible.
… The video-thumbnails could be in the registry pointing to a spec that defines the JSON format.
… [slide 12] Use Case: Video Strobing
… If you look at the description of #511, this proposal comes further down.

<jcraig> w3c/webvtt#512

James: Also see #512 is the impetus for this particular discussion.
… Apple released a feature in the Spring called Dim Flashing Lights which is a way
… to mitigate flash patterns as they happen in media, for people with light based discomfort or
… epilepsy. We'd like to timecode the risk times with WebVTT metadata.
… [slide 13] "Warning..." that refers to a few seconds of flashing at an unknown point in a 2 hour movie.
… People tell me their partner has to watch ahead to find the flashing section so they can skip over it on second watch.
… This metadata exists, but we'd like to push it forward to viewers.
… I have a small video which I'll show that has some flashing in it.
… [slide 14] genuine warning
… If you're sensitive, cover the bottom left portion of the screen.
… [slide 15, shows video]
… You can see the risk estimation is a lot lower on the right side than the lefft.
… Dim Flashing Lights is on GitHub.
… [slide 16] Open source links
… We auto-mitigate this ourselves without the need for this API by looking ahead in the frame buffer.
… We can't do it on 3rd party hardware though, e.g. AppleTV+ on 3rd party machines where we don't
… have access to the lower level GP level frameworks.
… In addition to the mitigation there are other user level features, like allowing the user to skip
… the sections they don't want. We have shipped something similar for HLS but would like it on the web
… and more standardised in VTT.
… [slide 17] Example metadata for flashing
… We have type: video-strobing which would point to a registry
… We also have intensity, flash type and algoriithm
… There are 3 types of flashing, general, spatial pattern or red. They're all listed in the WCAG.
… Our algorithm can identify general flash.
… This example has us intermingling our algorithm with others.

Nigel: Is your idea that one VTT file identifies flashes discovered by multiple algorithms?

James: Potentially yes

Nigel: And why does the user care about the algorithm?

James: The user probably would not, but it might be useful in choosing behaviour to work around the flash.

Eric: The user agent can use the type of flashing to work out whether to skip or mitigate a different way.

Nigel: That's type rather than algorithm?

James: Ideally this intensity value should be agreed on and testable.
… In some cases different algorithms give different intensity levels for the same flashing.
… The goal of listing the algorithm is to reconcile where that number came from.
… Ideally if we thought it was 90% no matter which one it came from, but if they have very different
… values we might actually trust the worst case.

Evan_Liu: Is this part of the proposal?

James: The proposal today is for the ATTRIBUTES block and this is our first use case.
… [Slide 18]
… Other potential Use cases
… Physical sensitivity warnings, content trigger warnings
… Motion induced vertigo, jump scares etc.
… I've seen these warnings in video games as well, e.g. upcoming violence or suicide.
… We could mark up a bunch of different things depending on what the video or game industry wants.
… [slide 19] Questions?
… That's all of the proposal today.
… We're proposing the ATTRIBUTES block.
… If that's useful I can help with the PR, and Eric could write an implementation.
… We could use this flash pattern as the first point outward from the registry.

Evan_Liu: For your video scrubbing example, it would be up to the content provider to decide when to apply these mitigations?

James: I can't speak for all, but typically for Apple's media library, the content provider just
… submits Yes/No for sensitivity. The goal would be to add this as another asset alongside ingest
… into Apple's library.
… I don't know how others do it.
… Apple produces content too so we'd do it too.

Andreas: I would support both parts of this.
… First question/comment: I think it's necessary because WebVTT is used outside the web context,
… so it's really a requirement to have this.
… For the ATTRIBUTE block you are adding a new attribute, "type". Should this also be added back
… to the <track> element, which has media data but no type.

Eric: A further question: If we do have this, we need to define the processing rules for
… a UA if the kind or type attributes in the HTML and the WebVTT document don't agree.
… If I know there's an ATTRIBUTES block do I even need the attributes in the track element?
… The only benefit to having the attributes on the track element is if someone is looking at the source to the web page..

Nigel: Doesn't that force the UA to download all the track element resources on page load to work out what to do?

Eric: That's a very good point
… Right now the mode by default is disabled which means nothing is loaded, but you still need
… to construct al the UI

Gary: I think that answers what to do if there are conflicting track attributes.

Eric: Yes, the track element should always win

James: That happens in SVG images with an img element where both have a label, the local one wins.

Gary: I think we didn't really answer if the idea is that we want a new type attribute in the HTML

Andreas: I wanted to add that - do we need attributes at all in the VTT - they can be used for other formats.

Eric: I think we do. Maybe type is too generic a name for it.
… As we proposed it here it is metadata type

Gary: It probably is better for the name in the VTT file to have a similar name to the HTML attribute
… but it doesn't actually have to be.

Eric: It will confuse people if they're different

Gary: The bikeshed name is metadata_type.

Eric: That makes sense

James: If that's the case we would have the same metadata_type name in both places.
… kind: metadata
… metadata_type: video_strobing

Evan_Liu: An enumerated list?

James: A registry of some kind, can be an informative resource.
… Some table that reserves a type value and has a pointer to where it is defined.

Andreas: In TTML, possibly in HTML too, you can add private values if you prefix with x-...

Eric: Yes it would be a good idea to have a rule for "official" types e.g. it cannot start
… with x- or whatever, or to override, then it must start with something like data-
… Having one place where people can go to find out how to author is a good idea.

James: I like the idea of supporting prototyping and then adding to the registry

Gary: Would the registry point to a note or a spec, or just reserve the name

Eric: It should point to a spec or a note

James: I think it should point to a spec

Nigel: Typically with a Registry we need to define the rules for adding values, so we could require
… a pointer to a document with a URL, and whatever other changes.

Gary: As long as this group is not responsible for writing those documents.

Andreas: This new block is for defining new attributes, and I can see people using it.
… Would you allow others to add their own new attributes to the block?

Eric: As long as we define the parsing rules in the same way as VTT does now,
… like take the first word, look in the list, if it's not there skip to the next line etc.
… Or an older user agent would skip things it didn't know about.

Gary: That's probably fine. My main concern is if someone uses some attribute that we want to add
… then the value might break.

James: That's why we have an interop problem in HTML now.

Nigel: Question about syntax. What level of complexity do we need to plan to support.
… How did you get to that key: value syntax?

James: I just thought most folk would want key value pairs, we could use javascript

Eric: Most of the time we aren't going to need multiple lines

James: In an attributes block I can't think of one

Eric: You might want something like alt text that describes the content of the file
… you could have a different block for that though

James: That's not defined by this spec?

Eric: Or a licence

Andreas: In attributes you cannot put multiple lines

Nigel: You can put escaped new line characters in

Andreas: Do we need that here?

Nigel: That's the question

Gary: You don't want multi-line attribute values

Nigel: alt text is the classic example

James: Like you said, you can use \n

Nigel: That's a question for the syntax specification, do we want to escape new lines

Gary: Does WebVTT support that now?

Eric: Not right now I don't think it does

James: One of the goals is to not break existing parsers.

Eric: You can use the existing parser for that as long as you don't have a blank line within a block

Andreas: One important question is if this new addition should be in the Rec track version of the document.
… Is this a proposal to add to the CR or the next upcoming stable version?

Gary: One thing I've been for a while trying to do is to try and get just what is currently
… implemented in VTT out as Rec. Adding new features would make that harder.
… That said, it doesn't mean we can't work on the feature.
… It might be worth adding it anyway before Rec.
… For me, and I should check how to do it, there's the evergreen spec stuff where small features
… can be added into Rec more easily and this seems like a good candidate for that.

Eric: I agree, it would be a shame to postpone Rec any more than we have to.
… Not having it in v1 of the spec isn't going to keep us from adding that to the feature set.

James: It can be in the ED or WD as soon as the group thinks it's a good idea.
… As soon as everyone who has a stake in that thinks it is ready to go we can take a flag off it.

Andreas: The registry can be created anyway.

Atsushi: I think we decided to bring the spec solely into TTWG? I haven't seen anything on that for a few years.
… Mostly the spec was developed under CG.

Nigel: I'm puzzled by the question

Gary: The CG still exists but noone is involved in advancing it from that side.
… Maybe we should close the CG?

Atsushi: When I looked a few years ago there was an objection to closing the CG.

Andreas: CGs can only work on CG drafts, so only we can work on the Rec track document

Atsushi: That is one of my naive questions. When I tried to update the repo to be just TTWG I believe
… someone objected.

Gary: I haven't heard any objections

SUMMARY: Strong support for this new ATTRIBUTE block but we probably don't want this to hold up the current version of WebVTT from progressing to Rec

Evan_Liu: If the UA does not support these new features does it need to parse the new block?

Eric: According to the current parsing algorithm it will not break anything

James: We'll work on a PR. Thank you.

Gary: Thanks.

DAPT issues

Eric and James and Evan_Liu leave

Matt and Cyril join

Cyril: Worth summarising the situation with Wide Review.

Nigel: Good idea

DAPT Accessibility Review

Nigel: It's on APA's agenda, not sure when they will get around to it or if they hope to discuss it with us
… in the joint meeting on Thursday
… Internationalisation: We have not made the review request yet.

Cyril: No, the template needs a pointer to the Explainer. Now that we have the Explainer
… there is no blocker, I just need to do it.


Nigel: I encourage everyone to check through this

Cyril: There's an explainer for how to write an explainer, so we used that as a template.
… We didn't invent a lot of new text.

Nigel: No, though I didn't do a comparison with other text elsewhere.
… Privacy and Security reviews are both requested

Privacy and Security Reviews

Nigel: Lastly, TAG review

TAG review (our wiki page)

Nigel: Has this been done?

Cyril: No not yet
… It's on my list - TAG and i18n are on my list

Nigel: That's the Horizontal Review part of Wide Review.
… The other part, contacting external organisations etc. is logged at

Wide Review outreach log

Nigel: In terms of responses, we did not receive many.
… ARIB responded to say they have no comments.
… And we got several acknowledgements of receipt of our messages

Cyril: I added Disney/Hulu, Warner, Apple and CableLabs.
… I will have a follow-up with Disney, they want to understand a bit more.
… I actually sent a message to James Craig about this to Apple, he hasn't responded yet.

Nigel: I have had very positive responses from two organisations, one wanting to be the first
… implementers! Another said they had already started using it, and it has been very smooth.

Cyril: I'm going to raise the remaining HR issues. How long should I give them - a month and a half, say?

Nigel: Sounds reasonable to me.

Nigel: [looks through the pull requests]
… Seems like there's nothing to discuss on these now, they need some work to be done.

Cyril: The best use of our time is to review those offline.

Nigel: Looking at the issues...

Consider removal of distinction between script and transcript in chapter 2.1 w3c/dapt#175

github: w3c/dapt#175

Andreas: I'm not sure if my point was clear or if you understood it?

Cyril: My understanding is that you're saying "DAPT Script", because it can refer either to
… a transcript or a script, is confusing. Is that right?

Andreas: You say in §2.1 that script and transcript are mutually exclusive in their meanings, but
… then you use one of them as a superset of the other.
… This basic description of transcript and script doesn't seem necessary. You always label
… a specific script with something else like "pre-recording script". The categorisation doesn't work for me,
… language-wise.

Cyril: Trying to see how to address your concern.
… One way is to remove the paragraph and just call everything a script?

Andreas: Yes that would work for me

Cyril: Or if we change DAPT Script to something else that doesn't use the word "Script" would that resolve it?

Andreas: I'm not sure if "DAPT Script" is the only use of "script" to make both.

Cyril: The first document you can produce is a transcript.
… Start by transcribing the original language, for dubbing.
… Then by adjusting and translating the transcript you produce the dub script.

Andreas: Ok

Cyril: I actually like the text, it's clear what is a transcript and a script. I can understand that
… "DAPT Script" being possibly a transcript could be confusing. That's why I was asking if changing that
… term could be less confusing.

Matt: From a linguistic point of view you can only ever transcribe something that already exists.
… You could end up with a script that is a transcript. You're unlikely to need a transcript of audio description,
… with the workflow you would try not to be in a scenario where you have no script for audio description.
… I can see the confusion but to my mind the origination of a transcript is always very clear.
… A script is forward looking, a transcript is backward looking.

Andreas: That was a comment I made long ago. By reading through it and making sense of it
… without being an expert in the domain of localisation. If there's a clear understanding of this
… differentiation then there may not be an issue. I just wanted to make sure that this is clear to others.
… If it's used this way in localisation it should be kept this way.

Matt: I definitely think they are not used interchangeable. But "script" has a broader range of meanings
… than "transcript".

Andreas: Would you say a "transcript" is not a "script"?

Matt: I would say a "transcript" is a kind of "script".
… From a workflow point of view a script is forward looking, but linguistically a transcript is a
… form of script.

Cyril: How do we resolve this issue?
… Is modifying the first paragraph to say that a transcript is a special type of script - would that help?

Andreas: That would be clearer to me at least, but then you have to rewrite the whole paragraph.
… Currently they seem to be mutually exclusive.

Nigel: Ok, I think I can do that.

SUMMARY: Reword §2.1 para 1 to allow for "script" to include "transcript" as a special case.

Reconsidering the role of character styles w3c/dapt#124

github: w3c/dapt#124

Cyril: The current text is kind of confusing because styles can be used for two things.
… One is indicating colors and font etc. when recording the script, for example in the dubbing application
… when the voice actor is recording.
… The other is when you're producing subtitles from transcripts for example, to preserve styles.
… The ambiguity is because the spec isn't clear which use case it is trying to resolve.
… We talked about it, and I discussed it with my Netflix colleagues.
… At this point I would be happy to remove every mention of styles from the spec,
… or just have a note that says that if you transform a DAPT Script into subtitles or captions you can
… preserve styles from a DAPT script.
… But really a DAPT script is not meant to be displayed as-is.

Nigel: When we talked about it Cyril we made the distinction between styling for thousands of audience memberss
… vs styling for individual voice artists.

Matt: When I saw style I was a bit confused.

Cyril: So removing styles would be okay?

Matt: I think so yes

Cyril: One of our use cases is to put Japanese text for someone on the right. If they could describe
… the positioning while transcribing then that can be used for subtitles later.

Matt: I can see similar examples avoiding graphics.
… I would agree, from a workflow point of view we wouldn't be getting the same people to do the styling.

SUMMARY: Simplify the specification by removing the styles, adding a note that styles may be used.

Nigel: That's assigned to you Cyril.

Consider identifying the original language on top of the current language w3c/dapt#148

github: w3c/dapt#148

Cyril: I don't know where we ended up with this.
… I proposed having a langSrc="pivot" value.

Nigel: Then if you reused a translation as a pivot then you'd have to change the value of "langSrc" everywhere.

Cyril: What's the other proposal?

Nigel: I proposed to identify the language from which the Text was translated.

group discussion

Atsushi: Strong +1 to keeping a trail of the source language from which text was translated.

SUMMARY: Change it so omitting langSrc implies it is original, otherwise the value of langSrc is the translation source language code.


Nigel: Back at 1700

<MattS> have dropped off the call now - have a great rest of session!

TextTrackCue presentation

Matt has left

Marcos, Pierre and Andreas Bovens join

Evan Liu returns

Marcos: I will present for 20 minutes, will post the slides
… Enhancements to TextTrackCue and WebVTT
… Why? Accessibility, Privacy and User control
… Users can define caption styles with system accessibility settings in OSes,
… e.g. font size, text and background color
… We want to support custom format but have them rendered by the browser engine
… For privacy, styles must not be leaked to the page
… Consistency across sites and overall experiences is the goal, including in Picture in Picture,
… live captioned video calls etc.
… Demo by Eric

Eric: [shares screen]
… What we have here is a cartoon I downloaded from YouTube. I downloaded the captions
… that YouTube generated.
… I generated an IMSC file from them.
… When we play it you see it's basically the YouTube style captions.
… The one supplied by the website.
… However if I go into my system settings, accessibility, captions I have my machine configured
… to show the subtitles a different way. If these captions were WebVTT based then the browser
… would render them and style them.
… I have a trial implementation of what we will propose, in Webkit.
… The way these are rendered uses imsc.js.
… I modified it to tag parts of the cue to identify the foreground and background as it's parsed.
… When I click this button I hide the imscJS output and instead show the text track populated
… with the DOM node generated by imscJS. I added attributes to the foreground and background.
… Even though the browser didn't parse it it is rendering the cues and using the style I chose in the system settings.
… But imscJS can't know anything about it and instead the authored styles are preserved.

Marcos: Changes to HTML
… TextTrackCue interface changes. Add a constructor with startTime and endTime and document fragment
… docFragment restricted to br, img, div, p, rb, rt, rtc, ruby, span, i, b which allows us to support
… all of WebVTT.
… usage example: we steal the first child element.
… Requirement is to have a cue and a background, can be the same element.
… 2 new global attributes: cuebackground and cue
… Serves as ::cue and ::cue-background pseudo elements
… Add .getCueAsHTML() method to TextTrackCue.
… May be able to move it down and have it backwards compatible.
… Or override getCueAsHTML()

Nigel: Move down?

Eric: Currently method on VTTCue, proposing to move it to TextTrackCue unless it causes a problem
… in which case have it on both classes and override in VTTCue.

Marcos: Add a private [[legacyUpdateFragment]](docFrag) internal method.
… Legacy to support WebVTT's .text attribute mutations.
… We don't want to support this mutation, there's no need for it.

Andreas: I don't understand this mutation

Eric: VTTCue's text attribute is read/write. You can modify it after construction.
… In hindsight that was probably not a good idea. We don't want to support it on TextTrackCue

Nigel: Why was it not a good idea?

Marcos: It's expensive, and there seems to be no use case in place of creating a new one.

Andreas: What about in an editor environment?

Marcos: TextTrackCue takes a document fragment and validates it so we don't want to support mutating it.

Eric: Internally the browser will copy that fragment, so even if you did change it nothing would happen.

Marcos: In the WebVTT world there was no assumption that there would be DOM nodes, but in reality
… that's how everyone is using it.
… [shows CSS styling using pseudo selectors]
… Make the constructor call into TextTrackCue. It should "call super". It's missing now, not a big deal.
… All parsed VTT results in a parsed HTML fragment by default.

Eric: It's just spec text change, you wouldn't be able to observe the difference.

Marcos: Relocate ::cue CSS spec text to CSS pseudo elements specification and specify ::cue-background
… I taked to fantasai - she thinks CSS behaviour should be moved to CSS specs.
… Then it's in an independent spec that others can use.
… Let the minutes reflect that we love and trust the CSS WG.
… Open questions.
… In WebKit today, TextTrackCue supports more than WebVTT.
… br, img, div, p, rb, rt, rtc, ruby, span
… WebVTT doesn't support img, for instance, should we reconcile this?

Eric: It was a low effort "week of code" work to implement.

Marcos: If this looks good we can open a pull request with no pressure, and we'd like a second implementer


Andreas: Thanks a lot for the presentation.
… We have discussed this for several years, it would be great to see this moving.
… One thing you mentioned is that it covers everything in WebVTT plus some more vocabulary

Andreas_Bovers and Marcos_Caceres leave

Andreas: Does it support everything in IMSC?

Eric: That's how I came up with this list. The list that's there is based on the node types
… that imscJS uses.

Gary: I was going to say that images in WebVTT has been brought up before?

Eric: It has

Gary: I don't see a reason not to allow it
… at least we might want something similar, e.g. to support non-HTML processors.
… It might need a similar allotment for images.

Eric: Wouldn't we have to extend the syntax.
… There's no markup to signal insertion of an image in WebVTT.

Gary: I was imagining an image tag like thing
… There are also privacy implications, that can be mitigated by inlining the image.

Eric: Yes, we'd have to define the processing rules, cross site behaviour etc.

Nigel: I would steer clear of images unless you have a strong use case.

Eric: I talked to Tess about it, thought about the pros and cons, thought we should add.
… I agree it would be better not to because it causes accessibility problems and is a hot button issue
… for some people.

Gary: We could always add it later.

Eric: Sure, if there's a strong use case.
… It makes it easier not to.

Nigel: There would be other options too, like IMSC or some other format.

Andreas: It's only about adding it to WebVTT?

Eric: It's just for parity. There is a reason not to add image, but it's the same as not adding to TextTrackCue.

Andreas: The case for images is where there's no font support for a language.

Eric: The issue is you cannot restrict it to that case.

Andreas: Any data points about usage of image?

Pierre: There are bug reports on imscJS asking for support for images, so it is absolutely in use.

Cyril: The link to the explainer in the minutes is broken. Also please share the slides.

Eric: Marcos is going to share the slides - he had to run to another group he's sharing.

Cyril: The question in terms of API: is there a way for a website to opt out of system level override?
… The Netflix use case is to apply a user's Netflix-wide caption settings rather than the system settings.

Eric: Then why use this API at all?
… The answer is an emphatic "no" because it's important to make it difficult for sites to opt out.

Gary: When you give it the document fragment does it require the cue and cuebackground attributes?

Eric: Yes, it throws if they aren't there.
… If you test this you'll find it generally works but isn't shippable yet. The interaction between the
… user's styles and the inline styles isn't quite right. The specificity of the CSS can lead to it doing the wrong thing
… but that's not going to be hard to fix.

<eric_carlson> https://github.com/WebKit/explainers/blob/main/texttracks/README.md

Nigel: I want to know more about those attributes, and if there are any other constraints.
… Is there a maximum number of elements with each attribute?

Eric: they're just used for CSS styling, so it's fine to have any number.

Gary: Just like having two cues with the same time period.

Eric: Yes

Nigel: In the past we've had some queries about how to understand what the source styling is.
… I have a spidey-sense that that could be the detail in which the devil resides. Can we write down
… the expected behaviour here?

Eric: That's a system implementation issue.
… The "window" colour is applied to the element with the cue-background attribute, and the
… "background" is applies to the element with the cue attribute.
… In Apple's system settings.

Andreas: This would be a considerable improvement in the situation.
… This morning we also had some discussion of native support of formats like IMSC.
… I'm wondering how this could help for that.
… As Marco mentioned, WebVTT already defines how to translate itself into HTML.
… In case there's interest in the browser industry to support other formats, would a similar mapping
… from IMSC to HTML help?

Eric: I don't think this is going to make it any easier. When I added the support we have in WebKit
… it was 2 days of work or something. If a source base supports WebVTT and displays it using the shadow dom,
… as all the browsers do, it's easy to take the fragment and put it into the shadow DOM,
… It's just coming from a different place.
… From script rather than the VTT parser.
… The issue is the parser. They're notoriously hard to get right and a major source of security
… vulnerabilities. The major effort in supporting any format is the parser, getting it right and doing it safely.
… It would be many orders of magnitude more complex.
… I may be overestimating the work, it's significantly more than this.

Andreas: Do you expect that the document fragment would be generated outside the browser?

Eric: Yes, and it sanitises it and then sticks it in the shadow DOM

Nigel: What sanitising?

Eric: There's an API for this now, making sure it has no scripts etc.
… Fixes up dangling nodes, makes sure it's safe and filters out the things that are permitted.

Pierre: Quick question. I think you talked about this at the beginning. Is it to merely match the
… capabilities or mimics a subset of WebVTT, or to support an intersection of WebVTT and IMSC. In your
… mind what's the scope of this?

Eric: In my mind it's to allow people who can't use WebVTT to do what they're doing now but
… to hand over rendering as well as scheduling to the browser, so we can display the captions in PiP,
… full screen etc to make the experience better for the user and the developer.
… The list of node types in there now are based on what is in imscJS. That's how I came up with the list.

Pierre: There's one missing though, region, which is why I'm asking.
… It's useful to semantically associate subtitles across events.

Eric: If it's important we can add it.

Pierre: Going from memory, things like multi-row align, and others that are considered essential
… for subtitles or need to be added into CSS.

Eric: If it's not supported in CSS that's where the discussion needs to happen.
… What we should do is make it possible for captions to work given the constraints we have with CSS
… If there are problems with CSS we should fix that rather than going around it.

Pierre: Exactly, that's why I'm asking.

Gary: Hopefully when CSS gets the feature then this is an opportunity to get it.

Pierre: Right, this is HTML though, so if there's a feature missing in HTML and CSS this would be the
… right time to address it.

Eric: I wholeheartedly agree.

Gary: Yes it does help make the case that these should be revisited.

Pierre: linePadding is another one. You can polyfill in imscJS

Nigel: At the moment imscJS does things to support fillLineGap and linePadding, but it can only do it
… by manipulating the content in the DOM. If it no longer has access to that then it can't support those
… features unless the CSS layer natively supports them.
… Is there a way around that?

Eric: The script simply can't access the shadow DOM. We're going to have to figure it out.

<Zakim> nigel, you wanted to ask about speaker colours

Gary: Two questions.
… How free are the styles the document fragment can have?
… Is it all of CSS?

Eric: Currently, yes, but it's an open question as to whether it should be or not.
… We will have to define that because the VTT spec defines what you can apply using the pseudo elements.
… Maybe that's wrong, it happens automatically and I use the same pseudo class to define it as for VTT.
… It's possible some things are disallowed.
… If you had a style element...

Eric: It would throw, it's not allowed.

Gary: Second question, related to what Pierre brought up, around regions and VTT regions.
… It would be good to see how that could be implemented.

Eric: Yes, and there are new things in CSS that make more sense than what's in WebVTT

Gary: In a live scenario you may not have all the cues available ahead of time.
… Maybe the region API would be an extension of the VTT Region API.

Eric: maybe

Nigel: I'm wondering what the path forward is to being able to provide speaker identification data
… so that in the settings e.g. Apple's ones you don't just have the override all vs don't override options.

Eric: It's the user's choice

Nigel: That's not good enough - it breaks the usability

Eric: If you want to prevent color overrides that's a mistake

Nigel: That's not my target, it's to allow users to override per-speaker color, not just have a single choice.

Andreas: The immersive captions community group has produced a similar set of examples.
… An enhancement would be to provide a set of favoured colours and replace them.

Eric: That's a lot of user interface complexity.

Nigel: It's a system implementation issue but if the input data isn't there then there's no hope of them implementing it at all.

Andreas: Two things. First, adding bleeding edge CSS functionality that's not in IMSC or WebVTT would be a good thing
… for example the proposal from BBC to support styling that's in CSS but not translated into TTML styles yet.
… Maybe even if some styles are not defined in WebVTT, but they would be supported, that's a good
… thing.

Eric: Let's come up with a list

Nigel: I think support everything, why not?

Andreas: If they're not causing any harm, yes

Eric: Some things like background-image could be harmful. We need a list.

Andreas: Note that the player also has some user settings too and there's a need for how this is
… implemented and best practices.

Nigel: Want to register support for this.

Gary: Also support.
… WebVTT has these Node objects that can be quite complex to target with CSS.
… Do we want to support that?

Eric: ??

Gary: There's a voice object, e.g. ::cue(v.mary) - you would potentially want to support a user
… writing CSS to target that through this API.

Eric: That's a great point, I hadn't thought about that.
… We should work out how to identify those nodes.

Gary: Some are easy, a b element is just a b element. Others like voice are trickier.

Eric: Given that we can use inline style we may not need it, I haven't thought about it.

Gary: I'm thinking of it as a developer with an API, where the user is using our player on a page and
… they want to target CSS like saying mary should always be green.

Eric: Would that work just with class?

Gary: It should, but the same selector should work with either WebVTT or TextTrackCue

Eric: Let's look into that
… It should do, yes

Nigel: Do we need to discuss webvtt#516?

Eric: If we define the cue-background attribute and the CSS pseudo element then that issue
… will be solved.

Nigel: But it's not in WebVTT now?

Gary: This is to support window color. It would need a change in WebVTT.
… Doing that would align it more closely with the regulations, so there is a benefit to doing it.
… This also falls under the great changes we want in WebVTT but shouldn't block move to CR.
… I think the constructor one can go in as long as its backwards compatible.

Eric: It should be backwards compatible so it's just the semantics of the text.
… It won't change any implementation, it's just fixing up the spec text.

Nigel: Is the ability to construct a TextTrackCue not an implementation change?

Eric: I'm just talking about updating the wording of the text in the spec to describe what
… happens behind the scenes.

Gary: The wording could say something like "you might create a TextTrackCue if the ctor is available" potentially,
… wording to be figured out exactly.

Nigel: Just musing over the richer customisation options question, you can use CSS selectors to select
… based on attribute values or presence, so if there were some industry convergence on a set of
… attributes against which styling could be customised, then that could be extended to improve the
… options available to users.

Eric: Yes.

Andreas: Just to get my head around the changes proposed.
… As I understood, there will be a TextTrackCue ctor, so that will be a change in the HTML spec?

Eric: Yes.
… And we need to change both specs if its compatible to move the getCueAsHtml method to TextTrackCue

Gary: As a follow-up to that, would it include the special attribute tags?

Eric: yes

Gary: If you create a VTTCue and all getCueAsHtml() should that include the attribute tags?

Eric: Yes. Your VTT file would have to define the background. It's an implementation detail.

Gary: There's a chance that if there are issues then VTTCue.getCueAsHtml() wouldn't have those,
… that could potentially cause an issue.

Eric: I don't think there will be. We already have it as a private pseudo-class that goes onto the
… DOM node that holds those cues so we can apply the styles.

Gary: There's a potential issue if someone is not expecting these new attributes and their
… code breaks if they suddenly appear.

Nigel: Related to that, what you get back isn't what you put in, but is the sanitised version?

Eric: Yes, it's a sanitised cloned version so the script doesn't have access to the shadow DOM.

Gary: I'd expect it to be as close to what is being rendered as possible.

Eric: Yes, in our implementation I clone the node from the shadow DOM.

Nigel: Thanks for this, it's been a great discussion.

AOB Andreas

Andreas: Just want to follow up on discussions. There is a need to increase interoperability,
… and Pierre and I are looking at organising a meeting at NAB next year to bring industry together.
… Good to align with an other event. We are testing the water and checking interest in a half day
… event at NAB where the time could be used as a meeting or alternatively as a kind of subtitling plugfest
… where implementations of browsers or TVs can be tested against content by different providers.
… We will be happy to receive thoughts on this. I will send a message to the TTWG reflector, and yesterday
… I also sent one to the MEIG.

Meeting close

Gary: That was a good discussion there, I'm happy that there's some life in WebVTT still!

Nigel: Yes, thanks everyone for your great input today, we've had some great discussions and they
… weren't all ones I expected at the beginning of the day.
… We meet again on Thursday afternoon with APA and MEIG.

Gary: Thanks for taking minutes Nigel!

Nigel: Thanks!
… [adjourns meeting]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).