13:44:11 RRSAgent has joined #ag 13:44:15 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/11-ag-irc 13:44:15 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:44:16 Meeting: AGWG Teleconference 13:44:19 chair: Chuck 13:44:36 meeting: AGWG-TPAC-Group-2023-09-11 13:44:39 Ben: one thing we should add is if there is some sort of menu that structure should be added 13:44:39 present+ Laura_Carlson 13:44:45 mattg has joined #ag 13:44:46 rrsagent, generate minutes 13:44:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/11-ag-minutes.html Chuck_ 13:44:55 q? 13:44:55 +AWK 13:45:26 q? 13:45:26 Zakim, who is here? 13:45:26 Present: Laura_Carlson, AWK 13:45:26 On IRC I see mattg, RRSAgent, Zakim, JohnRochford, daniel-montalvo, lisa, mitch11_, DanielHE_, atomasevich, Jaunita_, Wilco, AWK, laura, Chuck_, Francis_Storr, Ben_Tillyer, 13:45:26 ... Lauriat, Jennie, jon_avila, Jem, tzviya, jeanne, wendyreid, kirkwood, jamesn, \join_subline, ljoakley, ShawnT, thinkbulecount2, jedi, Mike5Matrix, MikoajRotnicki, sdd, 13:45:26 present+ 13:45:26 ... MojGraph, imlostlmao, gonzu_15, boneslady, Rachael, kevin, ChrisLoiselle, alastairc, bwang, cwilso, plh, jcraig, dmontalvo 13:45:26 q+ 13:45:26 Present+ 13:45:26 ack a 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 Present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 present+ 13:46:30 q? 13:47:04 mbgower_ has joined #ag 13:47:04 q? 13:47:04 Patrick_H_Lauke has joined #ag 13:47:04 present+ 13:47:04 User processes do not increase cognitive load 13:47:04 RM: Our subgroup was xxxx 13:47:11 TOPIC: User processes do not increase cognitive load subgroup update 13:47:20 ... looking at personalization to help with user needs 13:48:04 present+ 13:48:04 s/xxxx/User processes do not increase cognitive load 13:48:16 maryjom has joined #ag 13:48:24 present+ 13:48:25 RM: We were looking at an expansion of accessible authentication 13:48:40 Chuck_ has changed the topic to: User processes do not increase cognitive load subgroup update 13:48:46 ... also how to recover from avoiding mistakes, avoid distractions, etc 13:49:38 ... q- 13:49:38 shadi has joined #ag 13:49:38 s/... q-/ 13:49:38 q- 13:50:20 RM: lots of research needed for different areas 13:50:23 ... internationalized research 13:51:10 ... discussed needing users to be able to go back to a previous UI design 13:51:56 ... conversation around providing instructions for complex processes in text + at least one other way 13:53:20 ... research discussed about videos longer than 5 min needing chapters 13:54:20 ... discussed cognitive tests 13:54:33 q+ on using cognitive tests more generally 13:55:44 ack ala 13:55:44 alastairc, you wanted to comment on using cognitive tests more generally 13:55:45 ack ala 13:56:21 AC: We will need to tweak the cognitive tests in order to use more generally 13:56:26 q+ 13:56:30 ack Rach 13:56:42 RM: The thinking was to not lock ppl out 13:56:47 Patrick__ has joined #ag 13:57:05 q+ 13:57:10 ack mitch 13:57:11 ack m 13:57:24 ME: Thought of another resource 13:58:15 ... Germany goes beyond 2.1 AA and there are professionals there that we may want to talk with 13:58:27 q+ 13:58:30 ack Ch 13:58:37 CA: Any comments on how the subgroups operated - good/bad? 13:58:38 Ben_Tillyer has joined #ag 13:59:03 q+ 13:59:09 ack Patrick 13:59:20 PL: on the structure group 13:59:37 ... we had a lot of fundmental discussions 14:00:19 q+ 14:00:39 ... discussing when things are lists or headings as distinct from what happens when things are 14:00:41 q+ 14:00:41 ack ala 14:00:51 q- 14:00:51 Ack a 14:01:01 AC: there wasn't much research 14:01:31 ... related to the nature of 1.3.1 content area. Lots of WCAG-referring references. 14:01:41 ack Wilco 14:01:43 ... we moved past research quickly 14:01:46 ack w 14:02:02 Jaunita_ has joined #Ag 14:02:08 WF: Feel like 1.3.1 is a huge topic and needs more time 14:02:08 q? 14:02:17 agree with Wilco. "structure" is a large and fundamental topic that it felt too big to tackle 14:02:28 q+ timing and lunch 14:02:31 Jaunita__ has joined #Ag 14:02:31 CA: How well were you able to keep pace? 14:02:34 Present+ 14:02:35 Q+ 14:02:38 ack rach 14:03:01 RM: lunch was longer for in-person PPL 14:03:26 ack Jau 14:04:07 Juanita: Lots of research. We should find more still 14:04:29 q? 14:04:40 ... process went well overall 14:04:47 CA: Lesson learned? 14:04:55 Q+ 14:04:56 q+ 14:05:00 ack Jau 14:05:02 q+ 14:05:18 Ben_Tillyer_ has joined #ag 14:05:18 Juanita: When writing user needs should they be technology-agnostic? 14:05:39 ack ala 14:05:41 q+ 14:06:30 q+ 14:06:30 AC: people were saying that structured content is very wide and we could spend a LOT more time with it 14:06:39 q+ to ask if that means adding a column 14:06:41 ack Rach 14:07:09 ack Ch 14:07:09 Chuck_, you wanted to ask if that means adding a column 14:07:10 ..RM: Tried using a table during editing also 14:07:28 ss/..RM:/... RM: 14:07:51 ack Patrick 14:08:08 RM: We should make an effort to stay high-level rather than get too deep too soon 14:08:31 +1 to avoiding being tempted to fit this into WCAG 2. We ran into that too 14:08:34 PL: Very hard to not drive to get to the specific outcomes too soon 14:08:50 Capture the deep questions and move on to keep going. :) 14:09:14 q? 14:09:16 ack Lisa 14:09:19 metal health review https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eKNrofGubnpQE6mO-vxmI-1MW5nA2LDj0LxebREPRGA/edit?resourcekey#gid=1686096268 analisis between new and already in content useable: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K4tI9SV4lsDXzCdaEAXExeL3f061__Sy06lfGV9mLvY/edit#heading=h.qn1vctt0b01p 14:09:30 Lisa: put two links into IRC above 14:09:40 ... did review of research 14:10:42 Wilco_ has joined #ag 14:11:05 ... it would be interesting to centralize how the different task forces and subgroups handle research 14:11:21 ... looking to streamline the research 14:11:35 q? 14:11:56 CA: Sneak peek of what is coming 14:12:20 ... two new subgroups 14:12:31 ... "text uses appropriate layout and semantics" 14:12:34 also note jennie and shawns work at https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1RUiKsY_WUaFJFvdR6ezFJ8Jx35JkHssy 14:12:46 ... other is "user flexible" 14:13:11 q+ 14:13:24 CA: How is it over there? Inquiring minds want to know 14:13:25 ack Wilco 14:13:42 WF: (sarcastically) Terrible 14:14:19 CA: Moving to a new 15 minute break 14:15:35 Can you send the schedule? 14:16:17 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/TPAC_2023_Schedule#Monday_11_September_23_.28Meeting_Information.29 14:16:55 Thank you!! 14:17:10 rrsagent, make minutes 14:17:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/11-ag-minutes.html laura 14:18:43 q+ 14:19:09 daniel-montalvo has joined #ag 14:19:12 q+ to say are we supposed to click "Join" breakout room now? 14:19:13 ack m 14:19:14 mbgower_, you wanted to say are we supposed to click "Join" breakout room now? 14:19:41 zakim, draft minutes 14:19:41 I don't understand 'draft minutes', AWK 14:20:01 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/TPAC_2023_Schedule#Monday_11_September_23_.28Meeting_Information.29 14:20:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:20:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/11-ag-minutes.html AWK 14:23:53 Patrick_H_Lauke has joined #ag 14:25:40 Shawn L? You there? 14:25:40 Can you assign Mitch to our breakout room? 14:27:41 ljoakley1 has joined #ag 14:29:15 Me either. Shawn has found another "glitch" too. He cannot be logged in via multiple devices. He gets kicked out. 14:29:31 hm. I was able to do so but only with multiple zoom accounts. 14:29:38 Let's move this to AG plan. 14:41:05 daniel-montalvo has joined #ag 14:59:45 Patrick_H_Lauke has joined #ag 15:02:33 Patrick_H_Lauke has joined #ag 15:18:37 Patrick_H_Lauke has joined #ag 15:19:54 atomasevich has joined #ag 15:32:22 shadi has joined #ag 15:48:34 Patrick_H_Lauke has joined #ag 16:19:03 Patrick_H_Lauke has joined #ag 16:41:29 Zakim has left #ag 17:41:33 daniel-montalvo has joined #ag