13:49:50 RRSAgent has joined #forms 13:49:54 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/08-forms-irc 13:49:54 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:49:55 Zakim has joined #forms 13:49:55 Meeting: XForms Users Community Group Teleconference 13:49:55 Date: 08 September 2023 13:50:05 Chair: Steven 13:50:31 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2023Sep/0000 13:50:56 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2023/08/11-forms-minutes 13:51:17 rrsagent, make minutes 13:51:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/08-forms-minutes.html Steven 14:01:13 Present: Alain, Erik, Steven 14:04:56 Steven: What should happen if the bindings mismatch? 14:05:09 Erik: xforms-binding-error 14:05:16 Steven: Should they both get it? 14:05:30 Alain: Just the parent 14:06:13 Erik: Well, some processing has happened in the child at that point, so I'm not sure... 14:07:04 Steven: You will have initialised the instances in the child already 14:08:36 Alain: The error should be in the parent, and the child just dies 14:09:19 Erik: The default of an error is halting, with recovery if you cancel the default. 14:10:33 Steven: I think recovery is something you might want to do. 14:12:59 Erik: In all cases where processing halts, there is an error event first. 14:13:14 Steven: So both parent and child should get an event 14:15:36 Alain: There might be a case where the child offers to share, but the parent doesn't supply anything. 14:16:50 Steven: I'm not convinced 14:17:40 Steven: Moving to the element 14:18:13 ... do we agree that the @initial is not an AVT? 14:18:26 Erik: It is part of initialising 14:18:39 Alain: I don't see a use case... 14:20:11 Steven: Do we include attributes in the ahring? 14:20:14 Alain: Yes 14:20:17 Erik: Yes 14:20:55 Alain: Namespaces? 14:22:06 Erik: We have specified how we handle namespaces. There are a couple of ways to do it. You could import all inscope namespaces, or only the ones used. 14:22:38 Alain: In the embedded form, the namespaces should be declared 14:22:51 Erik: The document could be entirely new... 14:23:01 ... with thousands of new namespaces 14:23:58 Erik: Alain: There could be conflicts 14:24:05 s/Erik:// 14:25:30 Erik: It should be fine 14:25:56 Steven: Do we think this needs more thought? 14:26:07 Erik: I need to see an example that might be a problem 14:27:08 Steven: Why is this different from submission replace= for a sub part of an instance? 14:27:17 Erik: Seems similar 14:27:43 Alain: The author has to watch out for namespace issues 14:29:00 Steven: On to 14:29:17 ... should we make it exactly like 14:29:29 Alain: Make it exactly like dispatch. 14:29:43 Erik: COnsistency is good 14:29:49 s/CO/Co/ 14:31:23 Steven: When signalling the parent, is it required that there be a element? 14:31:43 ... and if so what should the error be? 14:32:18 Erik: Can we embed a form without a element? 14:32:25 Steven: Yes. 14:32:42 Erik: I think we should require a shared element. 14:33:52 Steven: On the other hand, if it's embedded, even without a shared element, why not? 14:34:20 Erik: Not a really important issue. 14:34:28 Steven: I suggest we allow it. 14:34:30 Alain: OK 14:35:13 Steven: I'll produce a new version 14:35:27 Topic: XPath 4.0 functions for node construction 14:35:27 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2023Jul/att-0000/00-part 14:35:35 Steven: Anythin we need to do? 14:35:41 s/thin/thing/ 14:36:09 Erik: Depends on whether the issue is still open. 14:36:17 Alain: We could use the same names... 14:36:46 Erik: Having functions to do this is good. I like it 14:36:56 ... but we have them anyway 14:37:20 ... element() ad attribute() 14:37:36 ... we could look to see if we need more 14:37:45 s/ ad / and / 14:38:01 Alain: We should avoid name conflicts 14:38:19 Erik: I see some new comments on the issue 14:38:36 ... consistency is not quite there. 14:38:43 ... We can chime in with opinions 14:39:17 Steven: No actions then, just keep our eyes open 14:39:30 ACTION: Steven produce new spec 14:39:39 Created ACTION-2343 - Produce new spec [on Steven Pemberton - due 2023-09-15]. 14:40:29 Close action-2330 14:40:29 Closed action-2330. 14:40:38 close action-2314 14:40:39 Closed action-2314. 14:40:44 Topic: AOB 14:41:22 Steven: I'm teaching XForms at the XML Summer School next week. 14:41:33 Steven: No call for two weeks. 14:42:02 [ADJOURN] 14:42:10 rrsagent, make minutes 14:42:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/08-forms-minutes.html Steven 14:43:11 i/Present:/Topic: The Control Element 14:43:14 rrsagent, make minutes 14:43:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/08-forms-minutes.html Steven 14:44:11 s/ahring/sharing/ 14:45:22 rrsagent, make minutes 14:45:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/08-forms-minutes.html Steven 14:50:04 Steven has left #forms 18:59:34 Zakim has left #forms