14:56:49 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 14:56:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/07-hcls-irc 14:56:54 rrsagent, make logs public 14:56:59 Meeting: FHIR RDF 14:57:04 Chair: David Booth 15:08:51 Topic: ElementDefinition summary flags #133 15:08:59 https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/133 15:11:33 tim: Summary info is for searching for data and not wanting to provide everything. 15:11:49 .. Not in the RDF ont right now, but it's in the element definition. Should it be in the ont? 15:12:41 eric: ShEx schema has a def for StructureDefinition, which means that any StructureDef (in principle) has an RDF representation. We exlude all the metadata when we're building ont. 15:13:05 .. I.e., we din't put much in there -- not the metadata. 15:13:24 .. We could, or we could write a script that emits the StructureDefs, to have access to everything in them. 15:13:39 tim: It's actually ElementDefinition 15:15:27 eric: Could emit it as an RDF representation of the ElementDef, as an instance of it, e.g., for Patient 15:17:20 structure def for all resources: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/structuredefinition-examples.html 15:17:52 https://www.hl7.org/fhir/patient.profile.json.html 15:19:01 eric: If this were dumped out as RDF, you'd have the info you need. 15:19:12 ... But you'd need to do som estring manipulation. 15:20:25 ... Adding a fhir:link would help, but it would have to point back to the shex, because in some resources it will have isSummary true and in some it will be false. 15:22:40 eric: COuld add it to the fhir ont. 15:22:43 https://www.hl7.org/fhir/elementdefinition.html 15:24:12 eric: Need to talk about the use of "identifier" in the context of the patient resource. 15:36:54 dbooth: Add this meta data to a separate ont file? 15:37:08 eric: It could require the regular fhir ont. 15:40:16 eric: We already have shapes for structure defs. Could have patient.resource.ttl, having some element defs w a string w patient.identifier, and you'd have to know that that is the same as patient.identifier in your resource. 15:40:57 ... Will you perform those string operations anyway? if not, and we put in a fhir:link pointing back to the ont, and instead of using bnodes for the property constraints, we could have named nodes. 15:41:20 ... Could also point at the shex and use shapepath to identify the spot in shex. 15:41:46 ... Other possibility would be do string manip. 15:42:40 tim: Fine w the strcutre def approach, as long as there is something tying it to class patient, that should be enough, if we have the RDF structure def of patient. 15:43:53 ACTION: Tim to come up w concrete proposal 15:44:19 Topic: HL7 working group mtgs 15:44:48 https://tinyurl.com/fhirrdf-2023-sep 15:54:39 dbooth: Some jira tickets marked as reverted, "reconsider for R6". 15:55:24 rob: Need to redisposition it, as completed, currently in R5, mark as preapplied, and ask ITS to approve it. 16:00:52 ACTION: DBooth to ask Paul Knapp about zoom 16:01:33 topic: Playground 16:02:43 houcemeddine: Need the variable for turtle. 16:03:26 ... Also, getting 404 for claim URL. 16:04:08 ... Wrong URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/shape/Claim 16:04:22 ... Right URL: https://build.fhir.org/claim.shex 16:05:09 rob: Also those URLs are not going to the same release. One is the CI build; the other is the official release. 16:05:56 eric: FHIR use case conventions, but the resource system doeesn't. 16:06:18 ... Capital letter things like Observation ... 16:07:15 houcemeddine: If you lowercase the name, then the file is there. 16:07:35 eric: Maybe it's just the way deepak is generating them. 16:08:38 eric: It's a very flat hierarchy. Might be easier to get case sensitive URLs in a subdirectory. 16:09:38 houcemeddine: Also another problem in converting JSON to Turtle. Fails for medication in R5. 16:11:31 eric: There was a skew between the schema and the data. 16:12:03 ... Probably need to get the newest examples. 16:14:29 ADJOURNED 16:16:42 Present: Avanti Paturkar, Allen Flynn, Rob Hausam, James Champion, David Booth, Tim Prudhomme, Jim Balhoff, Gaurav Faidya, EricP 16:16:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:16:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/07-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:17:53 Present+ Houcemeddine_Turki 16:17:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:17:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/07-hcls-minutes.html dbooth