06 September 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ege_Korkan_listen-only, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes


agenda for today

Kaz: given we just have 3 participants a team contact, I'm not sure if it would make sense to have an official call
… However, we can still share ideas for TPAC preparation

Binding Templates publication

Kaz: working the publication after the summer vacation and procedures on Proposed RECs and Charter
… need some editorial updates on Process 2023, etc.
… would like to publish the Notes (Binding and Scripting) this week or next using the auto publishing tool, Echidna

Sebastian: after the publication, we should publish the Binding Template sub document for MQTT, etc., as well

Kaz: for that purpose, we need to clarify the document structure, e.g., TD and Binding sub document, or potential registry

Sebastian: that's partly true, but we already have an HTML document

Kaz: we should be careful about the document structure as a whole

Koster: what we've been working on informally is having TD 2.0 spec and Binding registry
… also using protocol binding less defined
… we had Modbus and so on, though
… we could probably look at what the document requirement would be
… my question is about the structure requirement
… do we have enough requirements already?

Kaz: btw, Luca has just joined, and now we could make the call an official one

Koster: ok



Koster: Aug 23 call was the latest one
… (goes through the minutes)

Kaz: regarding PR 1868 and 1842, Ege should have mentioned them on the mailing list as well
… I can respond to his original email mentioning this

Koster: regarding the minutes themselves, I don't see any problems

minutes approved

Next meetings after TPAC

Koster: do we want to have a meeting immediately after TPAC?
… on September 20

(no objections)

Koster: let's have the next TD meeting on September 20

Sebastian: maybe we might want to think about changing the date/time for the next Charter period

Koster: ok
… what about availabilities and public holidays?
… don't think any for September

Thing Description 1.1



PR 1867

PR 1867 - Documenting TD resources next to the spec

Cristiano: reviewed the proposed description

Koster: there is a list of documents within the README.md. right?

Cristiano: right

Kaz: OK with adding this kind of description on the resources related to the WoT Thing Description spec
… However, the description of the PR itself should be also more descriptive :)
… we can merge this PR and think about how to improve the README.md later


PR 1861

PR 1861 - Desired namespaces for 1.0 and 1.1 resources

Cristiano: clarifying the current status and the desired status of the URL redirections

Kaz: OK with merging this as an initial proposal, but would suggest we add "DRAFT" to the title of the file
… Given Ege is not here, we should wait for this PR, though

Sebastian: good to summarize this kind of information

<EGE> We can add DRAFT without an issue

Kaz: given Ege is OK to add "[DRAFT]", let's add that to the title, and then merge this PR

Koster: ok
… (adds "[Draft]" to the title)
… any objections to merge this PR?

(no objections)


Quick preview of TPAC discussion

TPAC WoT agenda wiki

Koster: need to clarify our prioritization

Sebastian: we won't have very long time during TPAC for TD/Binding

Kaz: if the three topics listed at "Thing Description Final Topics", that's fine
… summarizing planned activities
… binding registry
… and potentially, manageable actions

Koster: yeah, those topics would be good

<EGE> I find the registry topic important since we can get feedback from a wider w3c presence

<EGE> (just what koster said now :) )

Koster: would be good to talk about binding registry during TPAC to get wider input
… the procedure on who does what would be also important
… regarding "manageable actions", Matthias did much about that
… maybe I can use 5 minutes

Kaz: I'd assume Sebastian will moderate the slot
… and we should clarify who will talk about which item within how long time

<EGE> I can talk about the registry mechanism and kickstart the discussion

Koster: Sebastian can talk about the summary
… 20mins for summary
… 20mins for registry
… 5mins for manageable actions
… then Q&A

Cristiano: so we'll have a slot for manageable actions too

Koster: yes. just 5mins, though

Kaz: (added time assignment and speakers to the agenda wiki)

updated TD topics


Koster: those are the items for today
… any other business?


Luca: might be good to start to think about something
… what you can expect for the WoT Thing Description?
… e.g., about the base URL
… would like to open some discussion for WoT Discovery too
… would be good to expand the capability of TD too

Koster: sounds like we need essential clarification

Luca: sometimes TD would not really be self-contained

Kaz: we could talk about that during the commercial use case session next Friday with some use case description

Luca: you can not reject valid TD even with a broken consumption

Koster: maybe we should clarify best practices

Kaz: we don't have any dedicated slot for best practices or implementation guidelines during TPAC
… so my suggestion is talking about the problem during the use case discussion
… "use case discussion" doesn't only mean the "WoT Use Cases and Requirements Note" but also means possible setting for WoT-based IoT implementations including various Internet standards

<EGE> See you there!

Kaz: So having this discussion during the use case session would be useful not only for the use case discussion itself but also for the implementation guideline discussion.


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).