06 September 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, sebastian

Meeting minutes

Guests, New members

McCool: no guests
… we have a pending new member request


<kaz> Aug-9

McCool: any objections or change requests?


minutes approved

Quick Updates

no new updates


McCool: let's skip this topic today. Talk this after TPAC

Kaz: I agree. Let's skip this for today.


McCool: Are there regular meetings planed during TPAC?


McCool: How about after TPAC?

Danil: We plan to have API meeting just after TPAC on Sep 18.

McCool: Suggest to have regular meetings again after the week of TPAC

no objections

New WG Charter

Kaz: we received enough supports
… 24 supporters
… there is one objections
… and there is a bigger question
… I'm working on this issue with the strategy team

<kaz> bigger issue on the Charter template

Kaz: the current charter is running until end of September and I'm also in exchange with Chris

<McCool> proposal: Regarding https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/416, we agree to let the W3C strategy team decide whether or not to apply the suggested changes (privacy mitigations, security "all known") to our new (now approved) charter.

RESOLUTION: Regarding https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/416, we agree to let the W3C strategy team decide whether or not to apply the suggested changes (privacy mitigations, security "all known") to our new (now approved) charter.


Kaz: all 3 PRs are done but we still need to wrap up the existing questions from BBC and Adobe
… I've talked with PLH about the changes, and got approval. So I'll work on the changes. The question is when to publish the final Recommendations. on this topic

McCool: Let's wait for the next TD meeting. Will the TD meeting take place today?

Koster: Yes, prepeared an agenda

McCool: We should resolve all open issues before publication. Recommend to publish until end of September

Kaz: we need also to schedule time for the press release and ontology installation

McCool: Joint yesterday OPC UA meeting. It seems they finished the first draft. There was a question about validation and JSON Schema.

kaz: note that we need to clarify how to proceed with the liaison with OPC as well

Ressource Repository

McCool: publications needs to ensure resources are frozen at point of publications
… different options possible
… Option 1: creat a separate wot-resource repo that consolidate all resources
… Option 2: each TF manages resources in their own repo

Kaz: It would be easier to manage the resources if we go for option 1, though we need to clarify the policy and procedure about how to manage the new resource repository.

Cristiano: prefer also option 1

Danil: is Option 1 a copy of the TF repo?
… we should never use github reference, we should only use w3.org resources

McCool: yes, we should use redirection behind w3.org

McCool: suggest we do option 2, starting with TD, then Discovery can follow format, then we DO set up wot-resources (option 1) to make sure the resources are frozen

Sebastian: is wot-resource a copy of the TD/Discovery/Architecture repo? Or do we have only a single repo in the future?

Kaz: I'm OK with using option 2 as a tentative solution, but it would be much easier to manage all the related resources if we use one specific repository for WoT-related resources, and use its subdirectory of that repo for WoT specs and versions than asking the Webmaster to allocate redirection from www.w3.org/YYYY/spec-variation/resource-variation for every year, every spec and every resource. In addition, I personally think it would be nice to simply use www.w3.org/ns/wot to be redirected to github.com/wot-resources for that purpose.

McCool: answer SK question. Its just a copy and it will not include everything what is in the source repo.

<kaz> spec and every resource. I personally think it would be nice to simply use www.w3.org/ns/wot to be redirected to github.com/wot-resources.|

Koster: I need to understand the origin problem. Is this urgent?

Cristiano: I don't like to have copies of the same rec file in two repository. It would better to move resources than copy them

Notes Publications

McCool: any news

Kaz: Sorry but still working on this. Due to the recent change of the Process and Patent Policy, we need some edits, but already working on the changes.

Press Release

McCool: we have a draft press release available
… collecting testimonials
… due to vacation time this takes a while

<McCool> WoT 1.0 Press Release

McCool: realistic to have this done until end of September

<McCool> mailto:w3t-pr@w3.org

Luca: I can ask the chief coordinator, is there a template available?

<McCool shows the old press release>

<McCool> suggest Sept 25 as the deadline to finalize Testimonials

Toumura: Hitachi wants also to provide a testimonial. Where should I porvide this?

<McCool> actual publication can be Sept 28 (Thursday that same week).

<McCool> please also email team-wot with Testimonial

Kaz: w3t-pr is the final destination all the resources to be sent. We can once consolidate the resources on team-wot and then forward the results to w3t-pr.

McCool: you can send it to team-wot

<sebastian> McCool: lets make September 25 as final deadline to provide testimonial


Cristiano: We should plan the joint meeting with WoT CG

<cris_> +1

<sebastian> <McCool shows the joint sessions overview>

TPAC Schedule

<sebastian> <McCool edits the wiki page and who is attending the meetings>

<sebastian> <McCool shows the joint meetings during the WoT WG sessions>

McCool: we need to link the topics of the different agenda points
... I created a folder to collect materials like presentations
... it is uncertain what we do with the Profile and Architecture topic
... we should have a open discussion who can take over the lead about this point
... Michael Koster can you moderate this topic?

Koster: Friday should work, yes

Luca: I can take over the Profile part

<sebastian> <McCool split Profile and Architecture in the agenda in different slots>

Kaz This is a general comment for the WoT discussion at TPAC. Given we don't have much time for each topic during TPAC, we should concentrate on policy and basic summary during TPAC, and discuss the details after TPAC.

McCool: yeah

<cris_> https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/b9a57d94-1dd0-44dd-aa7e-90b510b4f98a/

Cristiano: there will be planned joint WoT CG / WG meeting on Friday 12:15 - 13:00 during the WoT CG meeting
... still waiting for confirmation from the WG

McCool: we need careful if there is no technical requirement discussions in the agenda

Sebastian: ok from my side, I will join the CG meeting

Cristiano: thanks, then this is then confirmed then

Kaz: I'll moderate the commercial use cases session, but I'd expect that will be a brainstorming discussion on people's expectations.

McCool: Eventually TAG will also join, but it is uncertain


<sebastian> McCool: any news?

<sebastian> SK: OPCF works on the topic to use Thing Descriptions to onboard field devices into OPC UA systems

<sebastian> Kaz: we should clearify the procedure between the OPCF

McCool: Technically, Kaz is the official liaison contact from the W3C Team, so should organize liaison calls.

kaz: If it's OK by you, can work on that too.

TF news

McCool: there was a Scripting meeting?

Danil: yes, we need also discuss about a topic. Suggest to do this after TPAC

<cris_> https://iiwot24.nws.cs.unibo.it/

Cristiano: lets move this topic after TPAC

Koster: TD call will take place today to finalise the open issues

Cristiano: there will be a workshop again, invite you to submit papers

Kaz: would be nice to have summary of the breakout sessions (TPAC agenda)

McCool: (updates the TPAC WoT agenda for that purpose)


Summary of resolutions

  1. Regarding https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/416, we agree to let the W3C strategy team decide whether or not to apply the suggested changes (privacy mitigations, security "all known") to our new (now approved) charter.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).