12:02:10 RRSAgent has joined #wot 12:02:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/06-wot-irc 12:02:14 luca_barbato has joined #wot 12:02:16 meeting: WoT-WG/IG 12:02:22 mjk has joined #wot 12:02:48 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster 12:03:01 Mizushima has joined #wot 12:03:09 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#6_September_2023 12:04:09 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:04:17 present+ Michael_McCool 12:04:22 chair: McCool 12:04:38 present+ Daniel_Peintner 12:04:43 dape has joined #wot 12:06:09 sebastian has joined #wot 12:06:09 McCool has joined #wot 12:06:35 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch 12:07:10 topic: Guests, New members 12:07:17 MM: no guests 12:07:28 ... we have a pending new member request 12:07:31 i/no/scribenick: sebastian/ 12:07:33 rrsagent, make log public 12:07:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:07:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/06-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:07:45 topic: Minutes: 12:07:46 s/Minutes:/Minutes/ 12:07:56 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/08/09-wot-minutes.html Aug-9 12:08:27 MM: any objections or change requests? 12:08:37 none 12:08:46 minutes approved 12:09:00 topic: Quick Updates 12:09:07 q+ 12:09:17 no new updates 12:09:25 topic: Policies 12:10:11 MM: let's skip this topic today. Talk this after TPAC 12:10:22 Kaz: I'm agree 12:10:34 topic: Cancellations 12:10:46 s/I'm agree/I agree. Let's skip this for today./ 12:11:01 MM: Are there regular meetings planed during TPAC? 12:11:02 no 12:11:14 q+ 12:11:18 ack k 12:11:37 MM: How about after TPAC? 12:12:00 DP: We plan to have API meeting just after TPAC 12:12:06 ack dape 12:12:31 s/TPAC/TPAC on Sep 18./ 12:12:50 MM: Suggest to have regular meetings again after the week of TPAC 12:12:56 q+ 12:12:56 cris_ has joined #wot 12:12:57 no objections 12:13:18 topic: New WG Charter 12:13:38 Kaz: we received enough supports 12:14:06 ... 24 supporters 12:14:31 ... there is one objections 12:14:53 matsuda has joined #wot 12:15:14 ... and there is a bigger question 12:16:03 ... I'm working on this issue with the strategy team 12:16:09 -> https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/416 bigger issue on the Charter template 12:17:05 ... the current charter is running until end of September and I'm also in exchange with Chris 12:18:13 rrsagent, make log public 12:18:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:18:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/06-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:19:51 proposal: Regarding https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/416, we agree to let the W3C strategy team decide whether or not to apply the suggested changes (privacy mitigations, security "all known") to our new (now approved) charter. 12:19:59 present+ Tetsushi_Matsuda, Cristiano_Aguzzi 12:20:04 q? 12:20:07 ack k 12:20:08 ack k 12:20:36 resolution: Regarding https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/416, we agree to let the W3C strategy team decide whether or not to apply the suggested changes (privacy mitigations, security "all known") to our new (now approved) charter. 12:21:07 topic: Publications 12:21:07 q+ 12:22:14 Kaz: all 3 PRs are done but we still need to wrap up the existing questions from BBC and Adobe 12:22:29 ... I'm working on this topic 12:23:14 ack k 12:23:17 q+ 12:23:49 MM: Let's wait for the next TD meeting. Will the TD meeting take place today? 12:23:59 MK: Yes, prepeared an agenda 12:24:14 s/I'm working/I've talked with PLH about the changes, and got approval. So I'll work on the changes. The question is when to publish the final Recommendations./ 12:24:49 q? 12:25:41 MM: We should resolve all open issues before publication. Recommend to publish until end of September 12:26:23 ack k 12:26:24 q+ 12:27:11 Kaz: we need also to schedule time for the press release and ontology installation 12:30:08 MM: Joint yesterday OPC UA meeting. It seems they finished the first draft. There was a question about validation and JSON Schema. 12:31:14 q+ 12:34:00 ack s 12:34:13 kaz: note that we need to clarify how to proceed with the liaison with OPC as well 12:34:15 ack k 12:34:21 i/note/scribenick: kaz/ 12:34:25 scribenick: sebastian 12:34:59 subtopic: Ressource Repository 12:35:42 MM: publications needs to ensure resources are frozen at point of publications 12:36:38 ... different options possible 12:36:44 q+ 12:37:17 q+ 12:37:19 ... Option 1: creat a seperate wot-resource repo that consilidate all resources 12:37:20 q+ 12:37:50 ack k 12:37:53 ... Option 2: each TF manages resources in their own repo 12:38:24 Kaz: everything would be easier when we go for Option 1 12:38:39 q+ 12:39:03 CA: prefer also option 1 12:39:09 ack cris_ 12:39:10 q+ 12:39:27 q? 12:39:57 DP: is Option 1 a copy of the TF repo? 12:40:05 s/everything would be easier when we go for Option 1/It would be easier to manage the resources if we go for option 1, though we need to clarify the policy and procedure about how to manage the new resource repository./ 12:40:23 q? 12:40:25 ack d 12:40:27 ... we should never use github reference, we should only use w3.org resources 12:40:30 q+ 12:40:56 MM: yes, we should use redirection bedind w3.org 12:41:06 s/bedind/behind 12:41:45 q+ 12:41:59 ack m 12:42:43 ack s 12:42:45 mm: suggest we do option 1, starting with TD, then Discovery can follow format, then we DO set up wot-resources to make sure the resources are frozen 12:43:11 q+ 12:43:16 s/option 1/option 2/ 12:43:31 s/wot-resources/wot-resources (option 1)/ 12:43:44 ack k 12:44:06 sk: is wot-resource a copy of the TD/Discovery/Architecture repo? Or do we have only a single repo in the future? 12:44:28 q+ 12:45:26 Kaz: I'm okay either way, but it is easier to manage the resources if we use one specific repo 12:46:37 q+ 12:46:40 MM: answear SK question. Its just a copy and it will not include everything what is in the source repo. 12:48:17 ack c 12:49:02 s|I'm okay either way, but it is easier to manage the resources if we use one specific repo|I'm OK with using option 2 as a tentative solution, but it would be much easier to manage all the related resources if we use one specific repository for WoT-related resources, and use its subdirectory of that repo for WoT specs and versions than asking the Webmaster to allocate redirection from www.w3.org/YYYY/spec-variation/resource-variation for every year, every 12:49:02 spec and every resource. I personally think it would be nice to simply use www.w3.org/ns/wot to be redirected to github.com/wot-resources.| 12:49:22 MK: I need to understand the origin problem. Is this urgent? 12:49:28 q+ 12:49:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:49:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/06-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:49:53 cris: I don't like to have copies of the same rec file in two repository. It would better to move resources than copy them 12:50:57 s|every year, every|every year, every spec and every resource. In addition, I personally think it would be nice to simply use www.w3.org/ns/wot to be redirected to github.com/wot-resources for that purpose.| 12:50:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:51:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/06-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:51:10 q? 12:51:13 ack mjk 12:51:18 ack mc 12:51:35 ack l 12:51:36 ack k 12:52:08 subtopic: Notes 12:52:17 MM: any news 12:52:36 Kaz: Sorry, I'm working on this 12:53:19 +q 12:53:21 q+ 12:53:26 s/Notes/Notes Publications 12:53:36 topic: Press Release 12:53:51 s/Sorry but still working on this. Due to the recent change of the Process and Patent Policy, we need some edits, but already working on the changes./ 12:54:22 MM: we have a draft press release available 12:54:32 ... collecting testimonials 12:55:06 ... due to vacation time this takes a while 12:55:32 q+ 12:55:49 https://www.w3.org/press-releases/2020/wot-rec/ 12:55:50 ... realistic to have this done until end of September 12:55:59 s/https/-> https/ 12:56:19 s|rec/|rec/ WoT 1.0 Press Release| 12:56:28 ack ktoumura 12:56:58 ack lu 12:57:01 mailto:w3t-pr@w3.org 12:57:06 LB: I can ask the chief coordinator, is there a template available? 12:57:34 12:58:03 suggest Sept 25 as the deadline to finalize Testimonials 12:58:08 KT: Hitachi wants also to provide a testimonial. Where should I porvide this? 12:58:23 actual publication can be Sept 28 (Thursday that same week). 12:58:35 q? 12:58:45 please also email team-wot with Testimonial 12:58:47 MM: you can send it to team-wot 12:59:34 MM: lets make September 20 as final deadline to provide testimonial 12:59:48 s/20/25 13:00:04 ack k 13:00:15 q+ 13:00:55 i/you can/kaz: w3t-pr is the final destination all the resources to be sent. We can once consolidate the resources on team-wot and then forward the results to w3t-pr./ 13:01:03 topic: TPAC 13:01:03 i/final/scribenick: kaz/ 13:01:09 ack c 13:01:22 CA: We should plan the joint meeting with WoT CG 13:01:24 i/can send/scribenick: sebastian/ 13:02:31 +1 13:03:00 13:03:31 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/schedule.html TPAC Schedule 13:04:37 13:05:08 q+ 13:05:19 q+ 13:05:58 13:07:42 MM: we need to link the topics of the different agenda points 13:08:19 ... I created a folder to collect materials like presentations 13:09:00 MM: it is uncertain what we do with the Profile and Architecture topic 13:09:38 ack k 13:09:41 q+ 13:10:07 q+ 13:10:19 ... we should have a open discussion who can take over the lead about this point 13:10:42 MM: Michael Koster can you moderate this topic? 13:10:59 MK: Friday should work, yes 13:11:24 LB: I can take over the Profile part 13:11:56 13:12:54 q? 13:13:50 Kaz: 13:13:59 s/Kaz:/ 13:14:06 q? 13:14:07 ack ka 13:14:46 Kaz: we should concentrate on policy and basic summary 13:15:08 https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/b9a57d94-1dd0-44dd-aa7e-90b510b4f98a/ 13:15:14 s/we should/given we don't have much time for each topic during TPAC, we should/ 13:15:43 s/summary/summary during TPAC, and discuss the details after TPAC./ 13:16:19 i/https/mm: yeah/ 13:16:42 CA: there will be planned joint WoT CG / WG meeting on Friday 12:15 - 13:00 during the WoT CG meeting 13:17:02 ... still waiting for confirmation from the WG 13:17:33 s/given/This is a general comment for the WoT discussion at TPAC. Given/ 13:18:44 MM: we need careful if there is no technical requirement discussions in the agenda 13:19:09 SK: ok from my side, I will join the CG meeting 13:19:40 CA: thanks, then this is then confirmed then 13:19:47 q? 13:19:48 ack c 13:20:00 q+ 13:20:58 ack k 13:21:37 Kaz: Commercial Use Case will be a brainstorming session 13:22:03 MM: Eventually TAG will also joint, but it is uncertain 13:22:08 s/joint/join 13:22:25 s/Commercial Use Case will be a brainstorming session/I'll moderate the commercial use cases session, but I'd expect that will be a brainstorming discussion on people's expectations./ 13:22:39 q? 13:23:02 ack lu 13:23:33 topic: Liaisons 13:23:34 q+ 13:24:49 MM: any news? 13:25:44 SK: OPCF works on the topic to use Thing Descriptions to onboard field devices into OPC UA systems 13:27:06 mm: @1 13:27:09 kaz: @2 13:27:12 q+ 13:27:15 ack k 13:27:17 Kaz: we should clearify the procedure between the OPCF 13:27:33 s/mm: @1// 13:27:39 s/kaz: @2/ 13:27:43 mm: @1 13:27:49 kaz: @2 13:27:58 i/mm:/scribenick: kaz/ 13:28:02 scribenick: sebastian 13:28:33 topic: TF news 13:28:46 MM: there was a Scripting meeting? 13:28:51 s/@1/Technically, Kaz is the official liaison contact from the W3C Team, so should organize liaison calls./ 13:29:03 s/@2/If it's OK by you, can work on that too./ 13:29:36 q+ 13:29:49 ack dape 13:29:51 ack d 13:30:03 DP: yes, we need also discuss about a topic. Suggest to do this after TPAC 13:30:03 https://iiwot24.nws.cs.unibo.it/ 13:30:42 q+ 13:30:43 CA: lets move this topic after TPAC 13:31:03 ack c 13:31:51 MK: TD call will take place today to finalise the open issues 13:33:23 CA: there will be a workshop again, invite you to submit papers 13:33:24 ack k 13:34:57 q+ 13:36:38 ack k 13:36:43 Kaz: would be nice to have summary of the breakout sessions (TPAC agenda) 13:36:49 adjourn 13:37:13 s/adjourn/mm: (updates the TPAC WoT agenda for that purpose)/ 13:37:19 i/updates/scribenick: kaz/ 13:37:31 i/adjou/scribenick: sebastian/ 13:37:35 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:37:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/06-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:43:33 EGE has joined #wot 15:59:16 Zakim has left #wot 17:25:40 kaz has joined #wot