14:50:38 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg 14:50:43 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/06-vcwg-irc 14:50:43 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:51:14 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 14:51:15 Meeting: Verifiable Credentials Working Group Telco 14:51:15 Date: 2023-09-06 14:51:15 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ae05a21b-c065-4e69-8d5e-352a0d391513/20230906T110000/ 14:51:15 chair: brent 14:51:15 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2023-09-06: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ae05a21b-c065-4e69-8d5e-352a0d391513/20230906T110000/ 14:58:08 present+ 14:58:16 brent has joined #vcwg 14:58:46 present+ brent 15:00:47 present+ seabass 15:01:37 GregB has joined #vcwg 15:01:43 present+ 15:01:46 bumblefudge_ has joined #vcwg 15:01:47 present+ gregb, manu 15:02:04 present+ bumblefudge, TallTed 15:02:27 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 15:02:30 present+ 15:02:42 przemek has joined #vcwg 15:02:56 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 15:03:16 present+ 15:03:45 present+ Przemek 15:03:45 present+ dlongley 15:03:48 brent: you have no audio? 15:04:12 present+ JoeAndrieu 15:04:27 i scribe 15:04:32 scribe ++ 15:04:39 present+ 15:04:44 scribe+ 15:04:59 present+ orie 15:05:04 s/scribe ++// 15:05:19 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OXEEkZ-ffd4PBdGVJ2c0vjfcnqoGXeOO0RvC5eMEx7M/edit#gid=179611341 15:05:27 DavidC has joined #vcwg 15:06:07 topic: TPAC in sevilla 15:06:22 brent: still accepting last-minute agenda requests from the group 15:06:40 present+ davidc 15:06:53 ... spreadsheet above to register attendance in-person and/or virtual 15:07:18 present+ selfissued 15:07:25 Topic: Work Item status updates/PRs 15:07:52 q+ 15:08:07 ack manu 15:08:18 manu: statuslist work item update: would like to discuss at TPAC, hoping to iterate slightly to facilitate that 15:09:06 ... big question is whether to allow multiple formats/legacy format. single bitstring version versus multiple bitstring version 15:09:36 ... the two designs have different privacy properties and there may be usecases for each 15:09:47 q+ 15:09:56 ack brent 15:10:11 ... so the question is whether both are optional, or one is an optional extension or legacy version of the other... tradeoff may be time to recommendation 15:10:31 q+ 15:10:37 ack manu 15:10:41 brent: multiple versions sounds good, if different use-cases can be defined 15:11:07 pl-asu has joined #vcwg 15:11:44 selfissued: are the two versions so different aside from length of bits? 15:11:44 manu: review the PR, the differences are substantial 15:11:44 selfissued: such as? 15:12:15 manu: TTL, different privacy attack surface... i can summarize in an issue if that would help 15:12:30 oliver has joined #vcwg 15:12:31 present+ 15:12:36 selfissued: I would object to complexity or optionality here, strong preference for minimizing the delta 15:13:01 Orie_ has joined #vcwg 15:13:02 present+ 15:13:05 selfissued: I would like to close the PR adding multibase to Jose/Cose 15:13:09 Sounds like adding security considerations is probably a safe thing to do though (re status list concerns) 15:13:11 q+ test suite / cr question 15:13:15 q+ 15:13:16 q+ 1254 15:13:20 present+ pdl-asu 15:13:24 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-jose-cose/pull/144 15:13:27 q- 1254 15:13:36 q- test 15:13:38 steele has joined #vcwg 15:13:39 q- suite 15:13:42 q- / 15:13:44 q- cr 15:13:46 q+ to discuss 1254 15:13:46 q- question 15:13:51 selfissued: jose and cose already have native key formats, I don't see why other key formats should be allowed 15:14:26 decentralgabe: clarification of CR requirements 15:14:38 present+ dlehn 15:14:38 ack Orie_ 15:14:42 pl_asu has joined #vcwg 15:14:49 present+ 15:15:05 https://w3c.github.io/vc-jose-cose/#key-discovery 15:15:05 orie: provide clarity for vc-jose-cose#144 - intention was to close as many red issues quickly 15:15:34 ... as possible. see link 15:15:46 kristina has joined #vcwg 15:15:57 kristina_ has joined #vcwg 15:15:59 present+ 15:16:03 ... discovery of keys is a topic that covers many of these, in particular around `controller` documents 15:16:32 ... as we have been discussing this, a normative reference to the data integrity spec was rejected, so we opted to paste in some relevant text from there 15:16:52 present+ nsteele 15:17:44 ... ; I opened this PR because I feel that minimizing external concepts and being as silent as possible on DIDs leaves a gap in the implementability around key discovery 15:18:18 s/... ; I/.../ 15:18:42 q? 15:19:53 ... In the interest of timeliness, I would like to know as soon as possible what is acceptible to the group 15:20:04 selfissued: I believe that nothing involving multibase will be acceptible to the group 15:20:15 ack seabass 15:20:15 seabass, you wanted to discuss 1254 15:20:34 selfissued has joined #vcwg 15:20:39 topic: localization and #1254 15:20:47 present+ 15:20:59 s/topic: localization and #1254// 15:21:53 brent: Orie has requested that this PR be moved forward with concrete suggestions, re: multibase and/or otherwise 15:22:13 topic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+-label%3Abefore-CR+-label%3Apost-CR 15:22:22 topic: IUssue Triage 15:22:33 topic: Issue Triage 15:23:04 s|topic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+-label%3Abefore-CR+-label%3Apost-CR|| 15:23:11 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1267 15:23:13 s/topic: IUssue Triage// 15:23:38 brent: oliver, can you walk us through #1267 and why it should be pre- or post-CR 15:24:27 awoie: This issue resulted from ping group review, and a clarification or addition to security considerations would probably cover it, I believe 15:24:27 q+ 15:24:53 q+ 15:25:01 ... I can't think of any normative changes that this would necessitate, and I don't have strong opinion on pre- versus post 15:25:04 ack seabass 15:25:15 brent: if non-normative, post- should be fine 15:25:21 present+ 15:25:38 seabass: OHTTP hasn't cleared IETF yet, so even if we wanted to add a normative reference we can't yet 15:25:38 ack manu 15:25:40 http has not been published by ietf yet!? 15:25:47 ohttp 15:25:52 https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-integrity/#fingerprinting-network-requests 15:25:56 'oblivious' HTTP 15:26:09 +1 manu 15:26:19 manu: the precedent is in the link i've just shared 15:26:21 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-ohai-ohttp/10/ 15:26:48 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1263 15:26:50 seabass: I can take this issue and add a note post-CR 15:27:12 q+ 15:27:38 ack ivan 15:28:04 ivan: I would argue this issue (1263) should be pre-CR 15:28:33 q+ 15:28:44 ... diagram and vocabulary should reflect what's in the normative spec text; nowhere in the spec does it specify that these can be used in VPs 15:28:52 The vocab does not perfectly reflect the spec for abstract classes and domain and ranges... thats part of the challenge. 15:29:02 ack TallTed 15:29:07 ... if there is a desire to include these in the vocabulary or the diagram, we can do that, but only if the relevant spec text changes pre-CR 15:29:16 q+ 15:29:41 TallTed: I understand the normative text is upstream of the diagram, but the diagram is consequential and without it I would not have noticed this VC/VP delta 15:29:53 +1 TallTed (IRC) to importance of diagram to be correct and available 15:30:03 +1 TallTed 15:30:04 ... I think these discrepancies deserve attention 15:30:08 ack Orie_ 15:30:34 q+ 15:30:40 orie: There is another example where vocab, diagram and text seem misaligned: abstract categories 15:31:06 s/categories/classes/ 15:31:37 q+ to agree to have abstract classes in spec defined (for those that want to do RDF) 15:31:42 orie: abstract class for CredentialSchema types are, for example, very important in the work items around JSONSchema 15:31:56 ack ivan 15:32:12 ... so I support clarifying this and making it more explicit pre-CR 15:32:20 ivan: I volunteer to be assigned this issue 15:32:38 ... and as a sidenote, I want to briefly summarize what Orie means by abstract classes 15:33:35 if you don't like RDF just think of the abstract classes and Interfaces in TypeScript : ) 15:33:41 ack manu 15:33:41 manu, you wanted to agree to have abstract classes in spec defined (for those that want to do RDF) 15:34:05 FWIW, I think the classes should be in the spec, or removed from the vocab, since its confusing if they only appear in vocab. 15:34:12 +1 yes, the VCDM just uses a simple object / class-based modeling constraint to express information as opposed to "anything goes" 15:34:14 ... abstract classes allow properties to be inherited by subtypes, this is a powerful tool 15:34:26 which happens to map cleanly to RDF statements of subject -> property -> value 15:34:29 ... (scribe struggles to summarize) 15:35:08 Topic: Issue Discussion 15:35:18 We should have a section in the specification that defines the abstract classes for those that care about RDF, that'll close that loop, I'm not hearing any objections to that path. 15:35:23 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1254 15:35:32 q+ 15:36:05 ack manu 15:36:15 seabass: this one is going well and almost done, maybe today, will move on to the other issue assigned to me soon 15:36:58 manu: my one thought on 1254 is that internationalization guidance (w3c-wide) is being updated lately, and i don't know if you want that in your PR or in a separate one 15:38:04 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1264 15:38:12 seabass: actually I think the PR was only mentioning `@language` in reference to security of LD documents 15:38:17 Great, that sounds like it's not an issue then, Sebastian! :) 15:38:22 q+ to speak to 1264 15:38:23 ... so not related I don't think 15:38:26 ack manu 15:38:26 manu, you wanted to speak to 1264 15:38:28 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1264 15:39:19 selfissued has joined #vcwg 15:39:27 manu: in w3c i18n review, github user aphillips who is in this issue has been trying to align our spec with recent w3c i18n guidance 15:40:08 ... specifically around `@language` annotations in credentials and documents 15:40:21 q+ to ask for us to add a note telling people to not use the feature, for reasons stated. 15:40:36 ... which I don't think many implementers have been following, at great peril for i18nal machine-readability 15:41:09 q+ 15:41:16 ... I don't think there's a standard way to use this feature in standard-tooling JSON, and I don't think many implementers are using it in JSON-LD 15:41:45 ... so the concern here is that cross-processing as outlined in the spec (reading JSON-LD as JSON) could be hindered with little tradeoff if no one's using it 15:42:17 ... so my questions are 1.) would the group object to describing this as a recommended way of doing i18n 15:42:28 present+ bigbluehat 15:42:43 ... and also 2.) would the group object to that description warning implementers about the base64 footgun this presents to cross-processing 15:42:50 ack Orie_ 15:42:50 Orie_, you wanted to ask for us to add a note telling people to not use the feature, for reasons stated. 15:43:19 q+ to clarify "not recommending it" 15:43:34 orie: thanks for that explanation. do i understand correctly that this is being removed in v2? 15:43:51 ... i would prefer we took a strong position that we are discouraging it if no one implemented it after we recommended it in v1 15:44:11 ... i think it's worth mentioning that it was in v1 and not in v2, if not also an explanation of why 15:44:26 ack seabass 15:44:31 ... ideally something that makes the recommendation simple, because too much detail can overwhelm confused implementers 15:45:38 seabass: I would actually argue that i18n is very important here, and I think putting the `@language` inline might confuse JSON parsers less than annotating from `@Context` 15:46:04 ack manu 15:46:04 manu, you wanted to clarify "not recommending it" 15:46:51 +1 to being clear... lets not give many options, lets give a single clear recommendation. 15:47:01 manu: that is an option, but Orie's point on a clear and rationaled default recommendation should be taken seriously here 15:47:17 wrong ~= re recommended something that people are not using. 15:47:28 s/re/we/ 15:47:57 ... and I wouldn't characterize this as having recommended A in v1 and recommending not-A now, it's more like I think we have insufficient feedback from implementers 15:47:57 q+ 15:48:07 ... and I would appreciate feedback 15:48:17 1. record erratum (really, bug) on v1; 2. explain in v2 why changed from v1, why NOT to do that thing we thought was a good idea before we had experience to date; 3. push I18n WG to produce some kind of whitepaper for all SDOs to refer to (because it seems like non-W3C orgs may not be doing such a great job with I18n, and *everybody* needs *every* SDO to do better with I18n) 15:48:42 i'd be ok outlining many paths forward, and then picking one. 15:48:46 ... since I feel like the v1 text was a compromise solution without a clear enough recommendation or rationale 15:49:05 q? 15:49:09 ack seabass 15:49:20 ... which would take some time to create in v2, i.e. writing up multiple options and considering their pros and cons 15:49:27 we should say UTS-46 / WHATWG URL for i18n. 15:49:59 seabass: I am more bullish on timeline because I do not think we have that many options to weigh or people defending each 15:50:07 ... would consensus on this call be possible? 15:50:12 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Abefore-CR+sort%3Aupdated-asc 15:50:27 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1240 15:50:34 q+ 15:50:49 ack manu 15:51:04 manu: I am on the hook for this PR 15:51:07 +1 Manu, its also related to the vocab vs spec. 15:51:23 yep ^ 15:51:29 ... which I am ready to work on, given the prior discussion about vocab vs spec 15:51:36 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1247 15:52:13 seabass: status update: I am going to work on it in the next few days 15:52:32 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1185 15:52:39 q+ 15:52:44 ack manu 15:53:05 q+ 15:53:47 ack Orie_ 15:53:49 manu: oops new comments inthread, will PR soon 15:54:41 orie: related to your last comment on processing the data model in JSON-LD, I think a quick sentence or two would be enough. i'll propose inthread 15:54:47 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1264 15:54:59 brent: sebastian has a resolution proposal 15:55:40 q+ 15:55:40 ... call for refinements or changes before they go into the minutes? 15:55:48 q+ 15:55:50 q+ 15:55:54 ack JoeAndrieu 15:56:22 ack ivan 15:56:32 joeandrieu: I would change `support` to `specify` or `include` -- an additional/supplemental context file should be able to include it or apply it 15:56:35 q+ 15:56:47 q+ from me to JoeAndrieu (IRC) and ivan (IRC) 15:56:54 +1 that is 15:56:58 ivan: nit: not just language but language directionality was mentioned in the issue, and not here in the proposal 15:57:03 ack Orie_ 15:57:39 +1 to that advice from Orie 15:57:48 yes, +1 to what Orie is saying. 15:57:53 +1 15:57:55 orie: I would have expected the recommendation to be bipartite: not in core context, and how/if/whether to use in additional contexts 15:58:00 @language is a sledgehammer that shouldn't be used for VCs. 15:58:09 (when expressed in the base context) 15:58:16 ... or, as I thought i heard, that the recommendation was not to use it in either 15:59:03 +1 15:59:16 q+ 15:59:16 q+ 15:59:22 ack manu 15:59:27 brent: dlongley and orie have variations in the irc 15:59:28 q- 15:59:33 .. that overlap considerably 15:59:35 https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/#language-and-base-direction 15:59:54 this is so dangerous to decide without LOTS of evidence. see https://www.w3.org/International/articles/strings-and-bidi/ 15:59:57 manu: I think we need more time, there is already guidance in the link i just shared, and what orie is calling the second part is what's missing 15:59:58 I'd be good with dlongley's proposal 16:00:08 ack JoeAndrieu 16:00:14 ...and i worry that even that would not fulfill the i18n peoples' request 16:00:24 its an improvement over what we have now, its not sufficient. 16:00:31 yes ^ 16:00:35 notes we could also require all encoded values use type multibase to enable language in the context, but that is very unlikely to get consensus 16:00:43 also see https://www.w3.org/TR/string-meta/ 16:00:44 joeandrieu: I think it might be reductive to say it should never be used in `@context`s, there are places even in VC were it might make sense 16:00:58 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/06-vcwg-minutes.html ivan 16:01:38 ivan! 16:02:05 zakim, end meeting 16:02:05 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, brent, seabass, GregB, manu, bumblefudge, TallTed, decentralgabe, JoeAndrieu, Przemek, dlongley, bumblefudge_, orie, davidc, 16:02:08 ... selfissued, oliver, Orie_, pdl-asu, dlehn, pl_asu, kristina_, nsteele, bigbluehat 16:02:08 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:02:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/06-vcwg-minutes.html Zakim 16:02:16 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:02:16 rrsagent, bye 16:02:16 I see no action items 16:02:16 Zakim has left #vcwg