12:34:16 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 12:34:20 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/09/06-rqtf-irc 12:34:20 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:34:21 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jasonjgw 12:34:25 chair: jasonjgw 12:34:28 present+ 12:34:33 scribe+ 12:34:45 agenda+ Well-known URI proposal for accessibility. 12:34:45 agenda+ Contrast research request from Accessibility Guidelines Working Group. 12:34:45 agenda+ Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements. 12:34:45 agenda+ Miscellaneous updates and topics. 12:51:40 scott_h has joined #rqtf 12:58:28 present+ 13:00:46 present+ 13:02:07 scribe+ 13:02:12 scribe+ 13:02:17 zakim, next item 13:02:17 agendum 1 -- Well-known URI proposal for accessibility. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:02:58 meeting proposed on web security 13:03:07 meeting scheduled 13:03:13 TPAC - well populated 13:03:39 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2023 13:04:48 discussion at TPAC< suggesiton RQTF should investigate 13:05:14 info forwrded to APA 13:06:47 IETF mechanism a better fit 13:07:00 EO involved, just acccessibility for now 13:07:15 Why talk with web security: what two kinds of content under accessibility 13:07:22 - human readable 13:07:27 - well-fromated metadata 13:07:56 next steps - bring back to this taskforce as informaiton/advisory TPAC review 13:08:17 one other thing EO asked for: canvas/where do we have metadata right now? 13:10:22 APA taking week after TPAC off, does RQTF? 13:10:37 makes sense for RQTF too 13:10:38 zakim, next item 13:10:38 agendum 2 -- Contrast research request from Accessibility Guidelines Working Group. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:11:29 jasonjgw: To investigate different approaches for evaluating color contrast for WCAG 3 13:11:45 jgwWanting research to be conducted 13:12:08 ... Accessibility Australia are working out the details 13:13:06 scott_h: Just chatted with Rachael and discussed how to go at it 13:13:22 ... Have the university link to create formal research 13:14:03 ... Offered for staff to test method and analysis, etc 13:14:28 ... There's still some lack of clarity in AG about what's needed, but we're getting there 13:14:47 ... We'll look for any available research, and make a plan for what's needed 13:14:55 ... It's preliminary, but we're underway 13:15:34 jasonjgw: Notes it's a well defined problem -- somethng we like! 13:15:53 ... Perhaps a report in October? 13:15:59 scott_h: Sure 13:16:16 zakim, next item 13:16:16 agendum 3 -- Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:17:23 jason has worked through all COGA comments nad noted first impressions 13:17:35 further comments welcome 13:17:54 Janina did significant edits 13:17:59 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/ctaur/js2308a/index.html 13:18:45 Scott's list helpful, but needed significant editing to amke it work 13:19:07 broading assistive technologies rather than screen reader 13:19:28 avodiing naming partiuclar products - better to identify types of problems 13:20:16 quesiton: when to reference 2.2 instead of 2.1? 13:20:55 answer: assuming recommendaiton, should move to 2.2 13:21:18 another suggestion: add pointers to ATAG 13:21:50 sevarl more rounds of review required 13:24:40 guidance neds to go beyond WCAG - include ATAG, ARIA< etc 13:25:39 also oint of interest - pointss are paid as each point has 'needs to be on' and 'needs to turn off' 13:27:11 restructure: put under complexity? 13:27:54 perhaps a table for similaar contnet, but also want to make the point 13:28:39 more complexity to come, intentions to provide large language model based assistance in code authroing and text authoring: another level of UI 13:29:41 scott_h: Notes Ms embedding Code Pilot in Win 11 13:30:31 jasonjgw: Believe both Ms and Google are testing integrating AI into office suites 13:30:43 present+ raja 13:31:02 generating AI with multi modal 13:31:03 raja: Especially with respect to multi-modal 13:31:17 need to understand what is generated: music, pictures, etc. 13:31:25 raja Can create music, pictures, but cannot understand or describe 13:31:29 but cannot describe what is made - can make pictures form keywords, but can't describe the pictures 13:31:37 or can create audiot files but can't caption them 13:31:48 raja; Can't describe the pictures, but can't caption the audio files they create. Have to add a layer 13:32:15 raja: we want speech captioned, and pictures described; still issues with generative AI 13:32:35 issue at the moment 13:32:35 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 13:32:47 jasonjgw: Key is for authors to check that what AI produces matches what they produced and asked for 13:34:07 prompt engineering 13:36:38 raja: Understand with text, but I'm trying to generate video -- but I don't know what the audio track is saying 13:36:40 discussion - making a video or picture, but not sure what it's saying 13:37:31 non-human collaborator content needed 13:39:35 jasonjgw: notes corporations are going to be pragmatic about this kind of included tech; but also risk averse 13:40:41 y week after TPAC: decide if changes shoudl be merged 13:42:01 ACTION: Scott and Jason to review edits 13:42:09 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 13:42:09 Cannot create action. Validation failed. Maybe one of the names is not a valid user for w3c/rqtf? 13:42:32 zakim, next item 13:42:32 agendum 4 -- Miscellaneous updates and topics. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:43:23 jasonjgw: normally we take week following TPAC off, what's the sense here? 13:46:02 [discussion to meet or not] 13:46:09 jasonjgw: Suggests deciding on the 18th 13:52:17 zakim, end meeting 13:52:17 As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, scott_h, janina, raja 13:52:19 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:52:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/09/06-rqtf-minutes.html Zakim 13:52:27 I am happy to have been of service, jasonjgw; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 13:52:27 Zakim has left #rqtf