06 September 2023


LarsG, NicholasCar, roba, YoucTagh

Meeting minutes



approve minutes from last meeting

<roba> +1

<NicholasCar> +1

<YoucTagh> +1

PROPOSED: Approve last meeting's minutes


RESOLUTION: Minutes from last meeting approved

Status of actions from last meeting


No progress on any actions...

Open Github Issues


roba: This meeting also caters for PROF issues

NicholasCar: PROF is necessary for our work on CNEG, so need to work on that, too

roba: We need to update the WG note on prof
… will contact pchampin to figure out the process

NicholasCar: will assign myself to relevant issues

<NicholasCar> (I want to do that but can't yet)

NicholasCar: #32, #27

There is a PR for #32

Still IPR issues for NicholasCar


roba: Proposal is to remove multiple canonicals

YoucTagh: We decided to add text that profile
… takes presedence over media type
… (maybe we didn't say that profile takes presedence,
… but that is what the I-D says)
… there is a PR to fix that
… NicholasCar has already approved
… #46


YoucTagh: It's about media types that explicitly have a profile parameter

roba: We need to create a PR to fix that, e. g. replacing text/turtle
… with application/ld+json (or any other media type
… that has a profile parameter)


roba: Discussion in issue is to put it as future work
… implication is that we need implementations
… if we want to push it forward
… not high on priority but could be managed
… this is alwo related to #39

YoucTagh: If we just send a default representation
… we need to say which profile it conforms to

roba: The question is if the client knows that the server
… supports cneg

NicholasCar: If the client knows about conneg, it would
… do a HEAD request to figure out what the server has
… don't see the case of the server telling the client
… that it supports conneg
… because that is implicit in the conversation anyway

YoucTagh: If we use header-based negotiation, it makes sense

roba: Having 300 Multiple Choices does not really add value
… since that can be done through HEAD

LarsG: The absence of a Vary header with "accept-profile"
… is a sign to the client that the server does not
… support profile negotiation (as said by YoucTagh)
… that's what the I-D says

roba: See little rationale to implement this

NicholasCar: Our implementation answes with a default
… and the link header tells the client
… if he got what it asked for
… If you got what you asked for, everything is fine,
… and if you didn't, the server doesn't support it
… so that the client can do a follow-up request

roba: We don't have a specific requirement what to do in this case
… 300 Multiple Choices is a gentler way of engaging
… the client than just returning a default that the
… client might not be able to handle.
… Maybe 300 is a better default than 200

NicholasCar: Generally, servers answer with defaults
… whenever I don't specify media types, profles etc.

roba: Suggest to take this discussion offline, am willing
… to change behaviour of my implementation

NicholasCar: maybe replace "default" with "fallback"

roba: suggest that we add text that the server MAY respond

<NicholasCar> Here is a ConnegP resource returning a defalt view, since no profile is specified, with a notification in the HTML response to the Alt Profiles profile page: https://linked.data.gov.au/dataset/asgsed3/MB/10181560000

roba: with 300

NicholasCar: The logic is the same as with the Accept header

roba: Will update implementation

ACTION: NicholasCar to hassle pchampin re write access

<pchampin> got that action

<pchampin> apologies about today's call, but I'm swamped with TPAC preparation

YoucTagh: we need to balance proactive and reactive conneg
… the other uses 200 + defaults using linked headers.
… If you're not using defaults, you need to answer with 406,
… meaning that I'm not willing to give you a default or options

ACTION: YoucTagh to add his preferred choice to #39

ACTION: LarsG to put wording from I-D into #39


YoucTagh: Happy to provide a PR for that one

ACTION: YoucTagh to prepare PR for #45

Summary of action items

  1. NicholasCar to hassle pchampin re write access
  2. YoucTagh to add his preferred choice to #39
  3. LarsG to put wording from I-D into #39
  4. YoucTagh to prepare PR for #45

Summary of resolutions

  1. Minutes from last meeting approved
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Subtopic: #32//

Succeeded: s/explicitl/explicitly/

Succeeded: s/#9/#5/

Succeeded: s/Values/Choices/

All speakers: LarsG, NicholasCar, roba, YoucTagh

Active on IRC: LarsG, NicholasCar, pchampin, roba, YoucTagh