WoT Discovery

04 September 2023


Andrea_Cimmino, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes




(speakers names to be fixed later)

TPAC Planning

Discovery topics for TPAC 2023

WoT Use Cases and Requirements

(refers to the WoT Use Cases and Requirements spec)
… (adds a link to the Use Cases spec to the agenda wiki)

4.1.3 Search and Discovery

4.2.5 Discovery

3.1 Discovery

It seems we use "#discovery" for section 4.2.5
… while we use "#Discovery" for section 3.1

Kaz: We should use different IDs for them

yeah, should fix it
… then we should review high-priority work items


(shows the requirements.md document under the wot-discovery repo)

Luca: would be great if you could clearly split the descriptions into the discovery part and the directory part

what do you mean?
… technically, directory is part of discovery as a whole
… directory service is one way to pick a URL

Luca: the part of directory is important but we don't need a full directory for all our requirements

the overall purpose of WoT Discovery is finding a Thing Description

Luca: one concern is how to get the information
… but another concern is how to aggregate the information

we have to be careful about the terminology
… do you want to apply re-structuring for the requirements.md?


Luca: The introduction phase produces the Thing Description. Right?

No no, the introduction phase produces a URL of some Thing Description

Luca: Before getting actual Thing Description, you can do something
… We don't need a full directory service

Kaz: I basically agree with McCool, but can understand Luca's point too
… this requirements.md is an initial version of the possible requirements for WoT 2.0
… We still need to improve this description based on new use cases for WoT 2.0
… At that time, various settings of environments should be considered including both (1) discovery via a specific directory service and (2) discovery simply using some internally stored information without any directory


Luca: wondering about security bootstrap

WoT Discovery - 4. Architecture

if we don't have "base", we can get a full URL via "form"
… would say using URL is relative would not be a good practice

Luca: would create an issue

for TPAC discussion, it would be right level of discussion to review the existing requirements with cross-references

Kaz: yeah
… and for WoT 2.0 discussion, it would be nicer to clarify several possible/typical settings for each use case so that we can discuss what would be needed in which cases

… somebody requires but somebody not
… should document both satisfied and unsatisfied requirements
… will send an email to ask the entire group for review
… any other topics for TPAC?


(shows the list of work items for Discovery)

Higher Priority
Discovery Query Filters
Discovery JSON Path Query Language
Placeholder - Sort-by Filtering
Related to query filters, since can be used to prioritize results
Need to define what to do with TDs that don't have field used for sorting
Placeholder - Improve Security
Subset of Discovery Improvements
Placeholder - Validation
Subset of Discovery Improvements
Placeholder - TD Versions
Subset of Discovery Improvements
Placeholder - Version Selection
Subset of Discovery Improvements
Placeholder - Additional Introductions
To be researched, but to support additional ecosystems
Examples: MQTT Discovery, OPC UA Discovery

note we don't have discovery for CoAP yet
… that is one missing piece
… need to think about which protocols to be supported
… we do support CoAP for TD server but not support it for Directory


PR 513

PR 513 - Add wot-discovery to the list of the implementations

Toumura: would be better to use the resource under wot-testing instead of implementations/hitachiintro.md


Kaz: just to make sure, as Toumura-san suggested, the link for Hitachi's implementation is already changed to wot-testing?


PR 514

PR 514 - Initial survey of other discovery mechanisms

Toumura: no discovery mechanism for CoAP so far

(adds several topics for "New requirements")
… CoAP directories (e.g., "more protocols for exploration")
… MQTT and OPC UA discovery (e.g., "more protocols for introductions")

TPAC WoT agenda wiki - Discovery section


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).