24 August 2023


David Booth, EricP, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam, Tim Prudhomme
David Booth

Meeting minutes

FHIR build

jim: Mostly getting the FHIR build working.
… It validates examples, and some of them fail. I would have expected them to be fixed before merging.
… So far, it's just been extra spaces.
… Goal was to get a script to convert a single XML file to RDF.
… But it requires setting up some context. Trying to figure out how to do that.
… Trying to replicate a test from the FHIR build. This is the org.h77.fire core.

eric: After converting, it would be good to do a shex validation, which would require jena.

w5 ontology version IRI is stored as a string #131

jim: Looks like an easy fix.

eric: The w5 bindings are in the resource definitions, along side of SNOMEd and othe rbindings.


tim: Working on prototype helathcare app using FHIR RDF. Background on opthomology.

jim: Core generates the examples. Kindling generates the ontologies.
… But there's another code base that generates turtle from FHIR. When it's done I'd rather use that one, becaues it uses jena.

eric: It's probably working, if you want to use it. It's in a clone. I haven't done release engineering on it yet.

eric: New examples are in XML.

jim: The execution happens in another repo called FHIR.

jim: Whole site build takes about 20 minutes. Trying to make a script to generate a single example from XML.

Update the SPARQL scripts to add the OWL ontology declarations #126


eric: You can add that to any fhir:nodeRole fhir;treeRoot node.

jim: We don't need the version.

eric: I'm not entirely sure that this ont statement is needed.

jim: It loads to protege without it.

eric: We need a way to say to load both the fhir ont and the obs turtle.

ACTION: Jim to update the SPARQL script for converting RDF lists, to add ont declaration


Summary of action items

  1. Jim to update the SPARQL script for converting RDF lists, to add ont declaration
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/repo/repo called FHIR/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: eric, jim, tim

All speakers: eric, jim, tim

Active on IRC: dbooth