14:57:27 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 14:57:31 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/08/24-hcls-irc 14:57:36 rrsagent, make logs public 14:58:20 Meeting: FHIR RDF 14:58:23 Chair: David Booth 15:02:17 Topic: FHIR build 15:02:28 jim: Mostly getting the FHIR build working. 15:03:04 ... It validates examples, and some of them fail. I would have expected them to be fixed before merging. 15:03:14 ... So far, it's just been extra spaces. 15:03:50 ... Goal was to get a script to convert a single XML file to RDF. 15:04:06 ... But it requires setting up some context. Trying to figure out how to do that. 15:05:58 ... Trying to replicate a test from the FHIR build. This is the org.h77.fire core. 15:06:03 ... Not HAPI FHIR 15:06:46 eric: After converting, it would be good to do a shex validation, which would require jena. 15:10:51 Topic: w5 ontology version IRI is stored as a string #131 15:15:38 jim: Looks like an easy fix. 15:19:23 eric: The w5 bindings are in the resource definitions, along side of SNOMEd and othe rbindings. 15:31:54 Topic: Intros 15:32:34 tim: Working on prototype helathcare app using FHIR RDF. Background on opthomology. 15:34:56 Tim_Prudhomme has joined #hcls 15:39:43 jim: Core generates the examples. Kindling generates the ontologies. 15:40:14 ... But there's another code base that generates turtle from FHIR. When it's done I'd rather use that one, becaues it uses jena. 15:40:45 eric: It's probably working, if you want to use it. It's in a clone. I haven't done release engineering on it yet. 15:42:02 eric: New examples are in XML. 15:42:27 jim: The execution happens in another repo. 15:42:38 s/repo/repo called FHIR/ 15:43:16 jim: Whole site build takes about 20 minutes. Trying to make a script to generate a single example from XML. 15:45:34 Topic: Update the SPARQL scripts to add the OWL ontology declarations #126 15:45:41 https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/126 15:47:23 eric: You can add that to any fhir:nodeRole fhir;treeRoot node. 15:47:39 jim: We don't need the version. 15:50:21 eric: I'm not entirely sure that this ont statement is needed. 15:51:08 jim: It loads to protege without it. 15:52:20 eric: We need a way to say to load both the fhir ont and the obs turtle. 15:52:51 TallTed has joined #hcls 16:04:14 ACTION: Jim to update the SPARQL script for converting RDF lists, to add ont declaration 16:04:37 Present: Tim Prudhomme, EricP, Rob Hausam, Jim Balhoff, David Booth 16:09:39 ADJOURNED 16:10:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:10:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/24-hcls-minutes.html dbooth