23 August 2023


Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_McCool
Koster, Sebastian

Meeting minutes

Today's call

Kaz: Apparently, some of the WG participants are not aware there is a TD call today
… so I'd suggest we have a casual chat about urgent issues but not make actual decision today

McCool: agree


Ege: August 30 call will be cancelled
… but September 6 call will be held if Sebastian or Koster can chair it (Ege will not be available).

TPAC discussion

Ege: wondering about the procedure for use case handling

TD topics for TPAC

Ege: a list of topics on TD has been generated for TPAC discussion
… including use case review and manageable actions

Ege: general use case handling procedure should be discussed
… on the other hand, how to deal with topics which have been already discussed, e.g., manageable actions?

Kaz: would agree with McCool, and think we should clarify use cases, environment settings and usage scenarios a bit more
… for example, we need to think about combination with ECHONET-based systems for smart homes and OPC UA-based systems for smart factories
… and should clarify the relationship with those mechanisms too when we think about use cases for advanced features

McCool: yeah, smart cities also should be considered

Kaz: note that we still can have some initial chat about proposed use cases and features as brainstorming
… but we need to think about how to handle the use case discussion as a whole followed by requirements extraction and gap analysis

Clarification on existing PRs

PR 1877

PR 1877 - Remove editor's notes and convert one to normal note

Ege: would like to change "ednote" to "note"

McCool: that's totally editorial and fine

Kaz: note that the PR removes some of the contents too
… thought some of them were kind of informative and helpful

McCool: the first one is informative
… but the others are just notes for ourselves

Kaz: so would like to keep only "Other Injection Risks"

McCool: right
… but a bit concerned about JSON TM

Ege: let me check again

<Ege> IANA registration

<Ege> https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/td+json

Ege: "td+json" is registered

Kaz: if we still have problem with TM, we should keep the note after changing it from "ednote" to "note"

McCool: should say "Please look at the current IANA registration; in the future .td.json and .td.jsonld may also be allowed.

Ege: (updates the content of the note)

PR 1877 has been updated

Ege: would like to send an email to the whole group about this change

PR 1861 and PR 1863

PR 1861 - Desired namespaces for 1.0 and 1.1 resources


Ege: namespaces URLs are clarified within the above "NAMESPACES.md"

McCool: We should use the published W3C URL for that purpose

Ege: yes
… we can use redirection from W3C to GitHub so that we can maintain the content easily

Kaz: two comments about this
… 1. don't think it would be really nice to use year name like "2019" and "2022" as part of the URL, because we need to use "2024" for 2.0 version next year
… 2. don't think it would be really nice to use the "wot-thing-description" repo's "publication" area for name space resources, because that area is used as a tentative area for publication preparation. So would be better to have a separate repo like "wot-resources".

McCool: regarding #1, unfortunately, we chose to use the year name as part of the URL at some point :(
… on the other hand, regarding #2, we could use, e.g., a separate repo like "wot-resources" to manage the namespace files

Add rec11 resources

Ege: (adds comments to PR 1863 about the proposed policy)
… will send an email to the WG as well

updated comments

PR 1864

PR 1864 - Add work-items.md to the list

Ege: just fixing a MD


PR 1871

PR 1871 - Small README fixes

Ege: fixing the README.md

McCool: OK with merghing this


PR 1868

PR 1868 - Fix examples with wrong context url

McCool: should check with the WG

PR 1842

PR 1842 - Data schema clarification

McCool: fine but to be confirmed with the WG

How to handle the resolution

McCool: let's send a CfC to the group for Sep 6

Ege: CfC on creating a repo for namespace resources and copying the resources from wot-thing-description to the new repo

Kaz: and another notification message on 5 remaining editorial PRs (1877, 1870,1868, 1845 and 1842)

McCool: right

<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Changes+to+PR+HTML%22+-label%3A%22Requires+Director+Approval%22 5 remainig editorial PRs


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).