10:45:37 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 10:45:41 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/08/23-dxwg-irc 10:45:58 zakim, please start meeting 10:45:58 RRSAgent, make logs Public 10:46:00 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), LarsG 10:46:21 Meeting: DXWG CNEG Telecon 10:57:26 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2023.08.23 10:58:02 YoucTagh has joined #dxwg 11:03:08 roba has joined #dxwg 11:03:32 present + 11:03:38 present + 11:03:41 Chair: roba 11:03:44 present+ 11:03:54 ScribeNick: LarsG 11:04:10 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2023.08.23 11:07:27 present+ 11:10:15 PROPOSED: Approve minutes 11:10:21 +0 11:10:27 +1 11:10:29 https://www.w3.org/2023/08/09-dxwg-minutes.html 11:10:32 +1 11:10:32 +1 11:10:45 RESOLVED: Minutes approved 11:11:36 TOPIC: Check status of actions from last meeting 11:11:37 nicholascar has joined #dxwg 11:11:41 present+ 11:11:46 https://www.w3.org/2023/08/09-dxwg-minutes.html#ActionSummary 11:12:59 roba: LarsG has created PR which is approved 11:13:13 LarsG: will ping kcoyle to ask for input 11:16:25 roba: #23, #26 and #27 not yet addressed 11:16:48 roba: No discussion wich nicholascar on #32 11:17:23 s/#32/#32 yet/ 11:17:40 nicholascar: don't like full URIs here 11:18:24 ... AltP is not correct any more 11:18:31 ... should be AltR 11:19:45 roba: cpnr is defined in the document but altr isn't 11:20:09 q+ 11:20:24 ACTION: nicholascar to address #32 11:21:03 pchampin: is replacement of altp with altr correct? 11:21:28 ... we usually have a table with all prefixes in the document 11:21:58 nicholascar: will tend to that 11:22:08 q- 11:23:09 YoucTagh: revised #44 11:24:25 nicholascar: sceptical of solution 11:24:45 ... canonical should be the default 11:25:03 ... everything else is alternate 11:25:21 roba: will not implement preferred 11:25:36 ... so there will be no implementation evidence 11:25:45 ... thus feature at risk 11:26:00 nicholascar: seems like an error in our document 11:26:46 YoucTagh: Intention is to flag the preferred representation for a specific dimension 11:26:58 ... canonical is the global fallback 11:27:15 ... but we need a way to show which is the best representation 11:27:42 ... for a specific combination of dimensions 11:28:20 q+ 11:28:39 ack pchampin 11:29:03 pchampin: Agree that only one canonical allowed 11:29:17 ... so we need something else to convey the semantics 11:30:04 q+ 11:30:10 ... at the moment we have no way to convey the input dimensions 11:30:40 YoucTagh: that's what the "dim" is for 11:31:02 roba: Currently no driver for "preferred" 11:31:36 nicholascar: There is order of presedence (profle, media type) 11:31:56 ... in the model there are default formats for each media type 11:32:20 q? 11:33:21 ... we _can_ push this to any dimension (incl. lang) 11:33:41 roba: have implemented slightly differently 11:33:58 ... giving error message instead of default 11:34:35 ... do YoucTagh have use cases to support the proposal? 11:35:05 YoucTagh: Not now. Solution emerged from our last discussion 11:35:23 roba: Will catch up with nicholascar to see that their implementations 11:35:34 ... are similar and adhere to the spec 11:36:43 ... we still keep #44 open until the multiple "canonical" is resolved 11:37:22 SUBTOPIC: Review of §7.1 11:38:46 YoucTagh: Have reviewed the text 11:39:17 ... in the context of #7 11:39:42 ... still unclear if "the profile" refers to "data profile" 11:39:59 ... or to "functional profile". Is that on purpose? 11:40:18 roba: Should be "functional profile" 11:40:49 YoucTagh: Spec talks of "human browser" 11:41:11 ... we can use URLs without human browsers, however, 11:41:59 ... also conforming (with|to) - confusing for non-native speakers - 11:43:47 ... Listing in spec (Code listing 1) is not consistent with TTL file 11:43:56 nicholascar: will take care of that 11:44:54 ACTION: nicholascar to find solution for automatic linking of external content 11:45:11 pchampin: All documents in /TR must be self-contained 11:45:29 ... there is now an automated process for document publication 11:45:46 ... for documents in draft status 11:47:53 PROPOSED: use Echidna to auto-publish workind drafts from branch gh-pages 11:48:13 +1 11:48:14 s/workind/working/ 11:49:38 +1 11:49:44 +1 11:49:48 +1 11:49:49 pchampin: the point is to publish all EDs as WDs 11:49:51 +1 11:50:07 RESOLVED: use Echidna to auto-publish workind drafts from branch gh-pages 11:50:45 ACTION: pchampin to set up echidna to auto-publish working drafts from branch gh-pages 11:50:54 s/workind/working/ 11:52:55 YoucTagh: cnpr:rrd is not clear 11:53:24 ... this is already implied when implementing http or qsa 11:53:26 nic 11:53:54 nicholascar: It implies a hierarchy. We need a diagram to describe it 11:53:59 s/nic// 11:54:58 roba: It seems that the terminology as such is fine. 11:55:10 ... We need PRs to fix the minor issues 11:55:32 ... then we can mark the issue as due-for-closing 11:55:45 ... and high-light it to the group 11:57:10 q+ 11:58:06 ACTION: roba to update §7.1 based on YoucTagh's feedback 11:58:36 https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/issues 11:58:49 q- 11:58:54 q- nicholascar 11:59:09 TOPIC: Next meeting 11:59:27 nicholascar: We should look at the implementation report 12:00:09 roba: Also #37 12:00:18 nicholascar: Can prepare text for that 12:00:40 roba: We cannot assign tasks to nicholascar 12:00:58 ... can pchampin have a look at that? 12:01:08 pchampin: Will look into that 12:01:30 ACTION: pchampin to check why we cannot assign tasks to nicholascar 12:02:47 present- 12:02:48 RRSAgent, pleas draft minutes v2 12:02:48 I'm logging. I don't understand 'pleas draft minutes v2', LarsG. Try /msg RRSAgent help 12:02:59 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 12:03:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/23-dxwg-minutes.html LarsG 12:04:30 RRSAgent, please excuse us 12:04:30 I see 5 open action items saved in https://www.w3.org/2023/08/23-dxwg-actions.rdf : 12:04:30 ACTION: nicholascar to address #32 [1] 12:04:30 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2023/08/23-dxwg-irc#T11-20-24 12:04:30 ACTION: nicholascar to find solution for automatic linking of external content [2] 12:04:30 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2023/08/23-dxwg-irc#T11-44-54 12:04:30 ACTION: pchampin to set up echidna to auto-publish working drafts from branch gh-pages [3] 12:04:30 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2023/08/23-dxwg-irc#T11-50-45 12:04:30 ACTION: roba to update §7.1 based on YoucTagh's feedback [4] 12:04:30 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2023/08/23-dxwg-irc#T11-58-06 12:04:30 ACTION: pchampin to check why we cannot assign tasks to nicholascar [5] 12:04:30 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2023/08/23-dxwg-irc#T12-01-30