WCAG3 Harm from Motion Subgroup

21 August 2023


alastairc, Eric_hind, jeanne, jedi, Makoto, sheribyrne, tburtin

Meeting minutes

<Eric_hind> meeting name: Harm from motion subgroup meeting 5

find a volunteer to scribe

List out all possible outcomes - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jCOE4cO68V-QUiZEhJNkrQydNmW71ljaCGGu2Zmnlok/edit#heading=h.zeaz573vpb8t Eric_hind]

Eric: reviews agenda
… accepted suggestions for rewording

jeanne: I didn't finish reviewing the user needs to make sure each one has an outcome. I will work on that more.
… there is some overlap which could be clarified in the grouping.

Eric: I encourage everyone to review the outcomes, We can identify gaps once we group them.

Sheri: Is the list of triggers complete? I don't see optical illusions.

jeanne: I copied it from a user need because I thought it was useful. It is not complete, so please add to it.

Sheri: There is also a problem when text is written in a different orientation, like tabs that are written perpendicular to the main text of the page. They require head movement that can cause harm.

Eric: Sheri, do you want to add Optical Illusions to the list of Triggers.

Sheri: yes

Alastair: Is this list of triggers part of an outcome? If so, it needs to be phrased as an outcome.

jeanne: I wasn't thinking of it as an outcome -- maybe a checklist of what needs to be covered, or perhaps used in a definition.

Sheri: What is a dicohotic audio pattern?

Jedi: It is a difference in the patterns heard between left and right ear. Extremes of difference can cause problems with orientation in some people.

<alastairc> Sounds a bit like vestibular disoders but for audio instead of visuals.

Jedi: comprehension between the left and right ear can make it seem like the space is changing and cause problems with comprehension because words can merge when different words are heard from left and right.

group outcomes thematically

group outcomes thematically

The example list of themes <- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jCOE4cO68V-QUiZEhJNkrQydNmW71ljaCGGu2Zmnlok/edit#heading=h.mq4drqaegtzh

jeanne: I like the list, but it seems more like a list of techniques or methods. I would like to see the groups oriented by user needs.

Eric: that makes sense, lets create the categories.

alastair: Shouldn't the groups be more about what what the author should use?

jeanne: I think alastair is right. The groupings should be more oriented twoard the solution.

<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to say grouping?

jeanne: The writing process team didn't expect grouping, so what is the purpose of grouping?

Eric: I think it is so people can work on things offline.

jeanne: The writing process continues to evolve and if we need groupings we can add them. One guidleine group had 23 outcomes and grouped them by user need so that they were easier to understand.

alastair: I recommend putting a brief description of each outcome under each category so you know that all the outcomes have been covered.

[group writes grouping in the doc]

tburtin: +Sheri, also graphic stills like the old zig zag disability pride flag

tburtin: Have we addressed any issues with Auto playing content?

assign individual outcomes to members for further definition

Sheri: I think it included in visual animation

group takes assignments for off-line work:

Alistair takes Visual Animation

Jedi takes Audio animation

Makoto takes Flashing

Sheri takes Pseudo motion

Tiffany takes Users don't need to move

review Rain’s deck to share our work with AG - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fIJz7D312pOFImzKVCM9eTvQP8w0drJlf0td-xw6eOs/edit?usp=sharing Eric_hind]

jeanne: Have we adequetely covered pseudo motion in the Functional needs slide (slide 2)?

Sheri: add it to the functional needs for Use with neurological sensitivity to motion or pseudo motion

<Eric_hind> ?

Sheri: Change bullet to Use with photosensitivity (flashing or dark/light mode)

Sheri: Use without requiring physical movement that cannot be acvomplished without use of assitive technically (turning your head to read vertical text)

Discussion of whether or not to add a new guideline for pseudo-motion

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/inclused in pseudo-motion/included in visual animation

Maybe present: Alastair, Eric, Sheri

All speakers: Alastair, Eric, jeanne, Jedi, Sheri, tburtin

Active on IRC: alastairc, Eric_hind, jeanne, jedi, Makoto, sheribyrne