WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

21 Aug 2023



George, Shawn, Kevin, Tzviya, James, Janina, Valerie, KrisAnne, Rachael, Lionel_Wolberger_, MaryJo
Kris Anne


<agendabot> clear agenda

<shawn> scribenick:kakinney

<shawn> scribe: Kris Anne

Update on WCAG 2.2 publication

Kevin: We've had 5 formal objections to publication. 4 are related to the internationalization around 2 SC around text presentation. 1 was related to backwards compatibility of Wcag 2.0 related to the removal of 4.1.1

<shawn> rrsagent. draft minutes

Kevin: we have addressed this in the understanding docs
... , internationalization group met Thursday with AG to explore the issues and talk about concerns.
... AG will be preparing a response. The discussion was broad and varied. We need to more clearly explain the SC not change the SC.
... also looking at research for the text presentations of other languages.
... period for review has now ended. Closed on Friday, August 18, 2023

<Lionel_Wolberger_> present_

George: So we will revise the informative text?

Kevin: Yes, we hope that will be enough.

George: this is in the current spec and not in errata that follows publication?

Kevin: Unlikely to be an errata but we are trying to better explain the SC, and it can be added as a note or expand the understanding document.

George: Are they planning to send this to ISO?

<Rachael> I just want to note that an exception already exists on the AA that covers the concerns. AAA is not required.

<Rachael> So this should be more about improving understanding.

Kevin: Yes, there is the desire to do that and we need to make sure we respond to the issues so there is a consistent standard between WCAG and ISO.

Shawn: to clarify, there are potential changes to 2.0 and 2.1 to address the same issues.

Kevin: one is a 2.0 SC and one is a 2.1 SC.
... we may get into the same issues with the removal of 4.1.1 where we have to reflect that in earlier documents as well.

George: will we have to submit errata to the ISO standard for 2.0? They are asking me questions about this.

Kevin: we all acknowledge the challenges in how text is presented and how we handle non-Latin scripts. Parts of the SC need to be explained better, but we also need to learn more about other languages.
... how much should go into the SC to expand the knowledge that's there.
... the goal is to work with Internationalization on this to move it forward with them. So the resolution is more straightforward.

Infoshare and coordination checks

Janina: in ADAPT for APA we are trying to work on our recommendation for AA Symbols. and have the symbols communicate easily. We think we are close to what it should look like and we are almost getting the symbols correct. Creating cards with the symbols for TPAC.
... Lionel could show what we're doing if people want to see it.

Kevin: Lionel can you share what's currently prepared with the email list? And we can take it offline to discuss. send it to a team list that is not publicly archived.

Shawn: if the list says group- its not public.

wai@w3.org is team only.

<shawn> wai@w3.org -- team only

Publication checks

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts#Upcoming_Publications

Kevin: Anything we need to look at today? Hearing nothing...

Well-known URI proposal

<shawn> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2023Aug/0017.html

Shawn: elevator pitch is that its interesting, and overlaps with oterh work done in the field. We need to 1. know more about well known URI's and see if is appropriate. 2. what other related things have happened with accessibility metadata to get the big picture.

Janina: APA has requested a meeting with a group to take advantage of this pattern of URI's for human and machine readable. we requested a TPAC meeting.

Shawn: looks like we can hand this over to APA

Janina: we are happy to take it and we have a lot of good input but are also happy to have additional viewpoints in the meeting.

Shawn: it came to the EO chairs, but my feeling is that we can hand it to APA for the initial understanding of the landscape and tech aspects. If/when its to the human readable, can you then link in EO?

<shawn> KrisAnnë: I'm going to TPAC and happy to set up times

Janina: Happy to meet with EOWG to discuss this and other topics.

Kevin: I agree, its an interesting proposal and good to see where it goes.

Shawn: does Janina or anyone have updates about activities in the field on accessibility metadata

Janina: Machine readable metadata? No, not sure yet. I can ask RQTF for a quick search before TPAC. If you put it in a known location you can build expectations about it.

<jamesn> fyi well known URIs are at https://www.iana.org/assignments/well-known-uris/well-known-uris.xhtml

<tzviya> https://www.w3.org/2021/09/UX-Guide-metadata-1.0/principles/

George: Publishing CG have the experience guide for accessibility metadata as part of the EPUB 1.1 spec. Creating guidance

Janina: Looking for guidance for any metadata you can find on a different type of page.

James: Put in the commonly used URI's.

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say thanks to George, maybe that was it. thought there was some work out of Oz or RtF or other?

Shawn: Thank you George, i feel like there is more work done on accessibility metadata. I think its good for RQTF to do that background research.
... don't want to step on toes, but also not reinvent the wheel.

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to respond to shawn

Tzviya: I think I know what Shawn is talking about. Schema.org metadata pulled other metadata from Learning Ally. all the stuff in EPUB is based on this.

<tzviya> https://schema.org/accessibilityFeature

Tzviya: this is all connected in the standards world.

Shawn: thank you for this.


James: can we get this meeting in W3C calendar to not have to search for it each week.

Kevin: its a group that's not a "group" but I work on that this week.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2023/08/21 16:01:47 $

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/about that information?/on accessibility metadata/
Default Present: George, Shawn, Lionel, Kevin, Tzviya, James, Janina, Valerie, KrisAnne, Rachael, Lionel_Wolberger_, MaryJo

WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: Kevin, Shawn, MatthewA, Tzviya, Rachael, MattKing, MaryJoM, Kim, janina)
Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list,
such as: <dbooth> Present+ George, Shawn, Lionel, Kevin, Tzviya, James, Janina, Valerie, KrisAnne, Rachael

Present: George, Shawn, Kevin, Tzviya, James, Janina, Valerie, KrisAnne, Rachael, Lionel_Wolberger_, MaryJo
Found ScribeNick: kakinney
Found Scribe: Kris Anne
Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2023Aug/0016.html

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

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