RDF-star Working Group Weekly Call

17 August 2023


Adrian, AndyS, doerthe, draggett, gkellogg, niklasl, olaf, ora, Souri, TallTed, Tpt
pchampin, pfps

Meeting minutes

<Adrian> Argh, every time ;)

Scribe: Haudebourg, Timothée (alternate: Hartig, Olaf)

draggett: pchampin is on vacation

Approval of last week's minutes: 1

ktk: started doing my part for the "what still needs to be done"
… but not yet ready for ''prime time''

ora: ktk and I will be collecting items for such a list
… generally, we are at a point where we should start backwards from such a list

<Adrian> PROPOSAL: Accept last week’s minutes

<gkellogg> +1

ora: the github issues list is a start

<TallTed> +1

<Tpt> +1

<AndyS> +1

<ora> +1

<niklasl> +1

<AndyS> +1

<Adrian> +1


RESOLUTION: Accept last week’s minutes

Review of open actions, available at 2

ora: I have not made progress on my open action

gkellogg: I have two
… I have created the use case, the link to it is in the issue
… one of the two action issues is a duplicate of the other

<Souri> The above link returns 404 for me

ora: I don't think we can discuss any of the other action items today
… b/c they are on pchampin

Review of pull requests, available at 3


ktk: ora and I talked about it
… we would like to find one of you to take care of some of the never-ending issues
… such as the one about the mobile layout
… Question is: could someone do this job?

ora: It is an editors' job
… but one that spans all documents
… It would be great if someone takes this.

gkellogg: I think what Domenic has done is great.

gkellog: We just need a mechanism such that "it" (?) doesn't turn into a roadblock when there is a rejection
… Some specs have some styling consideration that is beyond boiler plate (e.g., SPARQL query)
… maybe we should focus on a PC screen and do a best effort for mobile

ora: some of these specs are so complex that reading them on a mobile screen in a pleasant way is probably not possible

ktk: shall we ask him to take this job?

gkellogg: other long-running issue is base direction
… we cannot do anythig about it today because "they" (?) have not come back to us about it
… other open issue is IRI-related language

ora: It would be great for the issues dashboard to see how long each issue has been open

gkellogg: I think it is a partial order in this list

ora: there are two editorial PRs
… have been there for more than a week?
… Andy, what did you request for the IRI spec?

AndyS: The IRI spec has some counter-intuitive language
… the IRI spec is basically wrong
… we should avoid the word "absolute"

<TallTed> "absolute reference"?

AndyS: The language that we / the community have used is all over the place.

gkellogg: I believe your concern was addressed in the text! ?

AndyS: The IRI spec didn't update is language after the changes of the URI spec, but it also didn't get much attention.
… I will try to find some time in the next few days to look at this issue/PR again
… Gregg, did you make changes to other docs in this context?

gkellogg: No. But it is probably worth scanning through them.
… I will do that.

ora: What's our status regarding the DOM references?

gkellogg: ready to go
… we were just waiting for 2+ weeks because it is a substantial change
… but now it has been open long enough
… so, I will merge it

Any Other Business (AOB), time permitting

AndyS: regarding the mobile-related issue, probably one of the tables in the SPARQL spec is a special case
… the one about the operator mapping; it is huge

<TallTed> huh... I thought AOB would follow open issues (https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/5)

ora: Looking at the SPARQL spec, why do the read queries allow a VALUES clause to be added to the query, but not the update queries?

AndyS: rationale is
… there was a lot of work on query federation
… there was a system called Garlic, which had notion of bind join implemented
… for which they wanted to use the VALUES clause at the end of the query, but that does not work

Adrian: as a user, VALUES always confuses me -- when to use it

AndyS: VALUES at the end has a different semantics than VALUES inside WHERE
… question to ora...
… what about the use cases about your work?

ora: We have a use case doc for our 1G project. But most of them do not really apply here.
… I could send short descriptions of them. Then, others can look at them to check whether these ones are already covered.
… I will do for our meeting in two weeks from now.

<gkellogg> https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/6?filterQuery=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22needs+discussion%22

gkellogg: Label on the dashboard for 'needs discussion'
… language tags

ora: We should have a discussion about it.
… Does it make sense to have a proposal/writeup of possible choice on how to proceed?
… Case sensitivity of language tags seems like an underspecification.

AndyS: There is a SPARQL test relies on language tags.

<TallTed> Project view very much needs to include last-updated and created dates (and be sortable by these, either ascending or descending), maybe @pchampin could research?

<gb> @pchampin

AndyS: gives a little bit (but not conclusive) suggestion for a change.

ktk: Who joins us in Sevilla for TPAC?

AndyS: Cannot

ora: I will be there.

gkellogg: I will be there on Zoom.

<draggett> I have a conflicting meeting in Munich, sorry.

niklasl: I had thought on the lang.tag question
… or normalization in general

Where is the line drawn between ... (?)
… is there something more generally to be said about it? -- related to entailments

ora: Are you suggesting something like the datatype entailment but for languages?

niklasl: Yes, I think I do :-)

AndyS: The semantics doc has an entailment for language tags, namely D-Entailment
… but we need to put this elsewhere

gkellogg: Yes we need to clarifying the question.
… Not doing it would violate the ... (?) spec
… Language tag is not quoted but it is a token.
… Later we can talk about, what is the canonical form of a lang.tag.

niklasl: Yes, what Gregg suggested makes sense and is a reasonable scope.

<Zakim> TallTed, you wanted to ask about reviewing Open Issues (anticipated to precede AOB)... future Agendas might need correction

niklasl: (I am trying to write down something about "structured literals")

<AndyS> The SPARQL test is directory functions, strlang03-rdf11

TallTed: For the future, add to the agenda to review open issues
… because otherwise we keep accumulating them

<TallTed> maybe start by giving us a prepublication link for review/comment?

<gkellogg> Consider GeoRDF: https://www.w3.org/wiki/GeoRDF

TallTed, I still need to get approval from Legal for making the repo with the material public

<ktk> TallTed: minutes look ok for me so far

Anyone still here in IRC? What do I need to do regarding the scribing?

<ktk> olaf: we will close it thanks



<ktk> TallTed: we don't have a title yet it seems

<ktk> bye olaf

<ktk> tnx

<ktk> no problem, thanks

<niklasl> @gkellogg Yes, GeoRDF is a perfect example of datatyped-string <-> entity "isomorphism. Also, common "simple" xsd:date value have multiple properties, "conceptually".

<gb> @gkellogg

<TallTed> we can leave the rest for pchampin to clean up offline :-)

<ktk> yes looks good

<ktk> tnx

Summary of resolutions

  1. Accept last week’s minutes
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 222 (Sat Jul 22 21:57:07 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/read/ready

Succeeded: i|ora and I talked about it|subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/rdf-semantics/pull/30

Succeeded: s/Tomas/Domenic

Succeeded: s|S/… We just/gkellog: We just/||

Succeeded: s/... We just/gkellog: We just/

Succeeded: s/Greg/Gregg/

Succeeded: s/it/it?

Succeeded: s/strlang03.rq/directory functions, strlang03-rdf11

Maybe present: gkellog, ktk

All speakers: Adrian, AndyS, draggett, gkellog, gkellogg, ktk, niklasl, ora, TallTed

Active on IRC: Adrian, AndyS, doerthe, draggett, gkellogg, ktk, niklasl, olaf, ora, pchampin, Souri, TallTed, Tpt