14:43:59 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 14:44:04 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/08/16-maturity-irc 14:44:04 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:44:05 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio 14:44:58 meeting: Maturity Model Task Force 14:49:02 Agenda+ New Business 14:49:16 Agenda+ Discuss TPAC Breakout 14:49:34 Agenda+ update on GitHub/New Working Draft Readiness 14:49:50 Agenda+ Follow up on Task Force Page replacing Wiki 14:51:06 present+ 14:59:51 present+ 15:00:01 stacey has joined #maturity 15:00:28 Mark has joined #Maturity 15:00:31 present+ 15:04:54 present+ Jeff 15:04:55 janina has joined #maturity 15:04:58 Lionel_Wolberger_ has joined #maturity 15:04:58 sheribyrne has joined #maturity 15:04:58 present+ 15:05:02 present+ 15:05:03 present+ 15:05:24 scribe+ 15:06:33 zakim, next item 15:06:33 agendum 1 -- New Business -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:07:07 present+ 15:07:12 Jeff- email to the group to discuss support dimension today 15:07:27 scribe+ 15:07:33 Topic: Support Dimension 15:07:44 q+ 15:08:04 rrsagent, make minutes 15:08:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/16-maturity-minutes.html Lionel_Wolberger_ 15:08:13 is that dimension too big/catch-all? Things that belong in other places? Needs some editing for consistency and make sure the right things are in there (key important/not too granular for every task) 15:08:51 q+ 15:08:52 Turn the comment into an editor's note- aware needs xyz, need your comments to edit and update in the working draft. 15:08:56 ack janina 15:11:09 q? 15:11:24 Jeff: email to the group to discuss support dimension today 15:11:32 ... is that dimension too big/catch-all? Things that belong in other places? Needs some editing for consistency and make sure the right things are in there (key important/not too granular for every task) 15:11:41 q+ 15:11:44 janina: Turn the comment into an editor's note- aware needs xyz, need your comments to edit and update in the working draft. 15:11:52 ... put it in the 2.4.1 section 15:12:04 we agreed at last meeting section that will point to the spreadsheet, 2.4.1 section for editor's note 15:12:31 ... we agreed at last meeting section that will point to the spreadsheet, 2.4.1 section for editor's note 15:14:53 CharlesL: testing this at Benetech, made changes and made some updates..I have time to make changes...Today Susan sent an updated set of changes to the dimensions in the excel spreadsheet 15:15:27 ...this morning I was able to add 2.4.1 section that points to the current maturity model spreadsheet, it's in Github in same directory and links to it 15:15:31 rrsagent, make minutes 15:15:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/16-maturity-minutes.html Lionel_Wolberger_ 15:16:37 ...there is an editor's note in that section that basically says final format is TBD, can add Jeff's note here 15:16:45 q? 15:16:47 ack me 15:16:51 ack sheribyrne 15:17:38 sheribyrne: want doc and excel in sync, while I created and maintained original file I appreciate Charles picking this up 15:19:23 CharlesL: we need to say we agree, update excel to match, and make same changes in proof points to match. To Jeff's point this is getting to be a very long section. Do we not worry about Susan's current edits and make sure docs are in sync? What do we use as the master? 15:20:02 David: we're past due for updating, TPAC in three weeks and we need to get an update published. Save the rest for the next update 15:20:18 Janina: yes we need to take this up, put on the list post publication 15:20:31 David: OK to publish as-is? 15:20:58 sheribyrne: should acknowledge it's not in sync and make sure we do that next 15:21:32 CharlesL: happy to make that note in 2.4.1 where we link to spreadsheet. We know out of sync, work in progress and we'll address this 15:22:47 Jeff: put some of the examples in there but not all of them? 15:23:14 David: let's put these in the notes. 15:23:21 CharlesL: I'll do after the call 15:23:25 zakim, next item 15:23:25 agendum 2 -- Discuss TPAC Breakout -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:24:34 Janina: have several volunteers from corp participants, but not just corporate...a few panelist for breakout would be important. I can work with David on proposal, or Sheri. We have a few weeks left. Due Sept 3, but get done in the next week in proposing the breakout 15:25:17 Fazio: Can virtuall get Jonathan Town Lane, joined last year and can maybe share the experience using it without talking about name of the company 15:25:37 ..Charles, Brian, Jonathan...Sheri? 15:25:48 Sheribyrne: yeah, we can talk about that 15:25:57 ...I'll be available virtually 15:26:17 janina: we'll be requesting afternoon time so we can include North America comfortably 15:26:32 Fazio: I can write up narrative and send to Janina 15:26:57 Janina: need to be ready to answer why a W3C maturity model 15:27:14 ...bears repeating, people might have forgotten 15:27:42 Fazio: Irfan too maybe? 15:28:34 Janina: some corporate feedback experience with the W3C maturity model, become a standard show wherever we can put this on at conferences in the future, we have a good story 15:28:50 Jeff: will there be call in info for TPAC? 15:29:12 Janina: Open to public for breakout sessions, with questions and comments 15:29:39 ...need people tracking the comments in chat, Zoom call? Don't expect everyone to be IRC enabled. 15:29:49 zakim, next item 15:29:49 agendum 3 -- update on GitHub/New Working Draft Readiness -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:33:07 CharlesL: I think it's just fixing the items from this discussion? Some wording issues in the dimensions, customer support team went through and some items weren't applicable to them and a few questions on understanding the proof points. We can address these later. 172 proof point discrepancy, and everything else looks like are good, add last editor note in new section. 15:33:37 ...will be done after this call 15:33:44 Fazio: how should we publish? 15:34:25 Janina: Tell Roy to update current version on editor draft. Some parallel activity on homepage. Latest excel spreadsheet link, homepage under APA to show more things but doesn't affecxt publication 15:34:55 Fazio: once Charles gives confirmation, we give to Roy and we all promote 15:35:10 Janina: Yay! 15:36:01 Janina: you can ask Roy directly or ask me to do it, just put me in the loop 15:36:09 zakim, next item 15:36:09 agendum 4 -- Follow up on Task Force Page replacing Wiki -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:37:19 q+ 15:37:39 Janina: whether we keep a wiki or not, W3C or github or keep in old silver or point to historic or say we don't use it...can change our minds later. But we are under advertised on the homepage. 15:38:37 ...top page that describes what we do was something Roy put together when became part of APA, most discoverable thing and should be more specific than it currently is. Need 2.4.1 for latest spreadsheet find it here 15:39:09 ...may be other things we want to change. Make a list of edits for Roy, at least that one change done before TPAC. Maybe some other ones, it's our opening homepage for the world 15:40:04 Janina: relatively permanent, just a set of updated information we can give to Roy. If we want to update continuously update then a wiki 15:40:15 Fazio: who wants to get to work on this? 15:40:27 ack Mark 15:40:29 ack Mark 15:41:13 Mark: keep wiki but make static. Took a look at it and have a list of recommendations, and a few things that are a question. Word doc for us to consider. Do I put this into an email for everyone? 15:41:30 Fazio: Yes and no. But we're on the call, so what questions do you have? 15:42:06 Mark: What should we get rid of? First thing was github issues assigned, github comments from first working draft, it didn't contain anything when I clicked into it. 15:42:26 ...maturity modeling was the anchor text for the link 15:42:35 Janina: left over from silvers. Delete 15:42:50 Mark: Maturity model draft working doc. Is this used? 15:42:57 Janina: Ancient, take it out 15:43:23 Mark: draft of maturity model note didn't seem current version 15:43:30 Fazio: Delete 15:44:29 Mark: going to delete the old google docs that predate...are older versions. Next steps thought remove, but it's static so we won't have next steps 15:44:36 ...participants, remove or update 15:45:01 Fazio: going to have participant list elsewhere 15:45:35 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/maturity-model/ 15:45:47 Janina: would have to move it either way, now part of APA not silver. Need to look at that one and should update is the link (posted above) 15:46:10 ...that's our opening face to the world, what do we want to say in here, what should people see when they first find us? 15:46:35 ...who are we, what are we doing, our docs, how to get involved? 15:46:37 need to drop to put out a fire 15:46:50 Fazio: who wants to volunteer to get the notes together? 15:47:17 q+ 15:47:27 sheribyrne: if someone handles the github I can do it or work with Mark? Just providing the text to Roy? 15:47:37 Mark: happy to work on it with you 15:47:51 sheribyrne: I'll reach out to you 15:48:16 The proof-points of each dimention may not be in sync between this document and what is in the latest excel Speadsheet template. We are experimenting on how detailed do we want to be and if this document only shows a sample of all the proofpoints for a dimension or if the complete list of proof-points should be identical. 15:48:25 CharlesL: proposed wording for the new editor's note (above) 15:48:59 Janina: not sure about the last sentence. 15:49:20 ...can say we're still experimenting and are works in progress and may not be in sync 15:49:43 Jeff: might say, for most detailed info use the spreadsheet 15:49:58 Fazio: we can go through it in email 15:50:02 ...Anything else? 15:50:27 ...we'll be published in the next week or so and get ready for TPAC! 15:51:48 zakim, end meeting 15:51:48 As of this point the attendees have been Fazio, CharlesL, stacey, Jeff, janina, Lionel_Wolberger_, sheribyrne, Mark 15:51:50 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:51:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/16-maturity-minutes.html Zakim 15:51:58 I am happy to have been of service, stacey; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:51:58 Zakim has left #maturity 16:06:44 CharlesL has left #maturity