13:47:33 RRSAgent has joined #pwe 13:47:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/08/15-pwe-irc 13:47:37 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:47:38 Meeting: Positive Work Environment CG 13:47:47 date: 2023-08-15 13:47:54 chair: wendyreid, tzviya 13:48:48 agenda+ Meeting Facilitation Training 13:48:58 agenda + Feedback from the AB on CoC 13:49:08 agenda+ PRs on CoC 2023 13:54:20 wendyreid tzviya , in case you're not aware, the calendar event https://www.w3.org/events/happenings/2023/meeting-facilitation-training.ics ( linked from https://www.w3.org/events/happenings/2023/meeting-facilitation-training/ ) may be using incorrect start/end-datetime. 13:55:11 Thanks for this! I think it was just set that way due to the type of page it's hosted on, but thank you for calling it out. 13:57:41 regrets for the first half (likely) of today's PWE CG meeting 13:58:57 dbooth has joined #pwe 13:59:08 rrsagent, pointer 13:59:08 See https://www.w3.org/2023/08/15-pwe-irc#T13-59-08 14:00:23 present+ 14:00:45 present+ 14:01:34 fantasai has joined #pwe 14:01:42 scribenick: fantasai 14:01:43 JenStrickland_ has joined #pwe 14:01:44 present+ 14:01:47 present+ 14:02:10 zakim, take up agenda 1 14:02:10 agendum 1 -- Meeting Facilitation Training -- taken up [from wendyreid] 14:03:08 https://www.w3.org/events/happenings/2023/meeting-facilitation-training/ 14:03:30 wendyreid: 2 weeks ago the meeting facilitation announcement finally went out 14:03:38 ... thanks to Comm team 14:03:50 ... announced on LinkedIn, Twitter, mastodon, chairs list, AC Forum 14:03:55 ... I'll send another reminder 14:04:06 ... this is the first part, the second part -- there will be 3 sessions in September, hopefully one during TPAC 14:04:17 ... then there will be 2 other sessions later in September 14:04:28 ... at various times 14:04:34 s/times/times of day 14:04:38 ... and we can do more if requested 14:04:51 ... we got lovely feedback from one person who watched it 14:05:13 Glad to see this was recorded, so that I (and others) can watch it later! 14:05:17 q? 14:05:40 wendyreid: nice quick watch, half hour 14:05:51 ack fantasai 14:05:53 scribe+ 14:06:03 fantasai: Was wondering if the announcement mentioned the structure 14:06:21 ... might encourage more people 14:06:25 tzviya: Yes it says that 14:06:28 Good idea! 14:06:50 wendyreid: tried to make that really clear, there's two levels of commitment, can just watch video, love it if you show up to session 14:06:55 ... but fairly short in total 14:07:01 zakim, take up agenda 2 14:07:01 agendum 2 -- Feedback from the AB on CoC -- taken up [from wendyreid] 14:07:28 tzviya: AB had an F2F where Wendy and I presented the draft Coc 14:07:43 ... initially just a little feedback, but then a bunch of issues logged as follow up 14:07:51 ... Wendy and I did some research, so we'll go through issue by issue 14:07:56 ... note that we have ??? already 14:08:26 zakim, take up agenda 3 14:08:26 agendum 3 -- PRs on CoC 2023 -- taken up [from wendyreid] 14:08:28 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22CEPC+2023%22 14:08:29 ... some were easy fixes 14:08:46 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/319 14:08:48 Subtopic: 319 14:08:52 github: https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/319 14:09:17 tzviya: chaals opened this issue, just found this to be a redundant phrase 14:09:25 ... I don't think it's a big deal to remove 14:09:40 tzviya: btw, chaals raised many of these issues as part of doing a Spanish translation 14:09:54 +1 14:10:01 0 14:10:03 POLL: Accept PR 319 14:10:04 0 14:10:06 +1 14:10:08 florian has joined #pwe 14:10:16 0 14:10:20 0 14:11:28 https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/PWETF/319/eee2d8d...chaals:c7a0a1a.html 14:11:43 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/319/files 14:12:31 RESOLVED: Accept PR 319 14:12:34 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/328 14:12:50 wendyreid: 2 issues raised that were grammatical fixes 14:12:57 ... we'd lost a word in the middle of editorial work 14:13:02 ... and other fix 14:13:16 ... significant difference was the update text and its placement 14:13:26 ... I moved out the major part of the update text, the part that descries our schedule 14:13:35 ... moved it intou our contribution document, not in the CoC itself 14:13:39 ... so that we can more easily change it 14:13:47 ... and moved other bits into "status of the document" section 14:14:00 q+ 14:14:00 q+ 14:14:05 ack florian 14:14:05 ack florian 14:14:10 florian: expressing support 14:14:16 ... there are multiple unrelated changes in this, but I support all of them 14:14:27 ... wrt moving things out of update section, i would have moved more out but this seems reasonable too 14:14:28 ack dbooth 14:14:44 dbooth: lgtm too 14:14:50 ... didn't understand plural vs singular 14:15:18 wendyreid: that part didn't change 14:16:01 [discussion of mixed up fixes] 14:16:10 [and merge conflicts] 14:16:45 fantasai: would be nice if commit messages were not just "editorial fix" 14:16:55 dbooth: Suggest merging this PR, and if the singular/plural issue is not fixed in another PR, then we can fix it later. 14:17:21 fantasai: lgtm 14:17:32 s/lgtm/lgtm, other than commit messages :)/ 14:17:40 RESOLVED: Merge PR 328 14:17:49 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/329 14:18:11 wendyreid: suggested by mnot, made wording a lot easier to read 14:18:17 ... and also better structure 14:18:35 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/329/files 14:19:02 q+ to say I think this is a big improvement. The last bullet is still problematic, but too complex to fix right now. We should come back to it on another occasion. 14:19:04 q+ 14:19:08 ack dbooth 14:19:08 dbooth, you wanted to say I think this is a big improvement. The last bullet is still problematic, but too complex to fix right now. We should come back to it on another 14:19:12 ... occasion. 14:19:14 dbooth: I like this a lot, it's a big improvement 14:19:22 ... that last bullet about reverse-isms is still problematic 14:19:31 ... but I don't think we have time to address now, so let's accept this PR and come back to that 14:19:32 ack florian 14:19:40 florian: That last sentence is especially delicate and hard to phrase 14:19:50 ... I don't think the new phrasing doens't introduce any new problem that wasn't there earlier 14:19:53 ... so agree we should merge this 14:20:00 +1 to dbooth and florian 14:20:03 RESOLVED: merge 329 14:20:29 s/ new phrasing doens't introduce/ new phrasing introduces 14:20:29 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/330 14:20:32 s/don't// 14:20:36 wendyreid: This one there was some discussion in the issue itself 14:20:45 ... issues raised by chaals around this section on physical contact 14:21:14 tzviya: chaals made a good point that we had previously described uncomfortableness around physical contact around culture, but might not be just cultural could be personal dislike 14:21:33 ... restructured a few other parts of the sentence 14:22:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/15-pwe-minutes.html fantasai 14:22:57 JenStrickland_: So what do we say happens in these cases? 14:22:58 q+ i generally think this shift from culture to individual is good. It embraces the whole concept of diversity. 14:23:04 tzviya: this is an awareness thing, not a slap on the wrist 14:23:06 ack dbooth 14:23:12 dbooth: I think it's a good shift, the proposed change 14:23:19 s/I think the new phrasing introduces/I don't think the new phrasing introduces 14:23:28 ... I like that it is embracing diversity, saying that lots of people differ, and it's not just culture 14:23:30 +1 14:23:37 tzviya: merge this? 14:23:46 wendyreid: one comment about preceived, should we proceed with that? 14:24:02 dbooth: I find it redundant 14:24:07 tzviya: I think it's OK 14:24:30 JenStrickland_: Agreed. Sometimes can be perceived as more than just a personal space issue, it's both 14:24:40 Fine with me either way. 14:24:40 tzviya: ok, I think we're going to merge it 14:24:48 wendyreid: I need to fix a tiny grammar thing, but might just do that 14:25:25 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/338 14:25:36 wendyreid: in response to issue 327 14:25:41 ... raised issue of race in list of dimensions 14:25:59 ... we reached out to some people to get feedback from people who have lived experience of being person of color in Europe 14:26:20 ... There was feeling that we couldn't remove the word race, but inclusion of "racial identity" would be ok to add 14:26:25 Addition of "racial identity" seems to me like a good idea. 14:26:31 ... but to get rid of it entirely would be inappropriate 14:26:38 + 1 to merge 14:27:28 q+ 14:27:41 fantasai: This wasn't fun at all. 14:27:41 ack cwilso 14:27:47 s/fantasai/jennifer/ 14:27:58 cwilso: Do you know if this addresses chaals's issue? or Florian's? 14:28:21 tzviya: chaals wrote "let me think about it" 14:28:30 ack fantasai 14:28:31 ... we can ask Florian right now 14:28:53 s/fantasai: This wasn't fun at all./JenStrickland: This wasn't fun at all. 14:29:12 fantasai: This doesn't seem to address the issue raised in the AB. 14:29:29 fantasai: It doesn't seem to me that this addresses the issue raised during the AB that the definition assumes that race is a valid way to organize people, look at their participation and review if we're sufficiently diverse. 14:29:41 ... all of which supposes that race is an appropriate and valid way of categorizing people 14:29:46 ... Are we sufficiently diverse racially? Encourage people to participate? Which assumes that race is a valid way to categorize people. 14:29:50 ... it doesn't address that aspect of the issue 14:30:10 JenStrickland_: great point, but maybe add something that defines race as a social construct that's a lot of [bs] 14:30:12 q+ 14:30:20 ... but that was a good point 14:30:24 ack florian 14:30:31 q+ to talk about social constructs 14:30:37 ack me 14:30:37 tzviya, you wanted to talk about social constructs 14:30:55 q+ to ask: Is this proposed PR an improvement, even if it doesn't fully address the issue? I think it is. +1 to merge. 14:31:01 tzviya: it's an important point. Wendy and I reached out to people of color in Europe who acknowledge that "race" is a challenging term in Europe 14:31:04 ... but it can't be ignored 14:31:14 ... just like how we talk about gender as a social construct 14:31:22 ... we do have a problem in W3C that we don't have enough racial diversity 14:31:26 ... we can't ignore that it exists 14:31:43 q+ 14:31:51 ... do we need to add asterisks, saying "race is a construct", "gender is a construct"? 14:31:52 q? 14:31:58 ... people with lived experience asked us to keep it 14:32:04 florian: I agree with what fantasai said. 14:32:14 ... that said I don't think the PR is a problem, should be merged 14:32:24 ... whether it solves the issue is a separate problem, and in that respect I think it falls a bit short 14:32:45 florian: I wouldn't go so far as to say race is an invalid construct, but that's not quite right 14:32:51 ... there are constructs where it's valid and others where it's not 14:32:57 ... it's very difficult in an international context 14:32:59 q+ 14:33:17 +1 to Florian's comments 14:33:18 ... We can't erase discussion of race, and we have many places in the document where it is apropriately referenced 14:33:33 ... but for the reasons mentioned, I think it's problematic here 14:33:45 ... I wonder if "racial identity + ascribed race" would solve the problem 14:33:53 q+ to mention lists 14:33:55 ... so your identity and also how you are assigend 14:34:11 ack dbooth 14:34:11 dbooth, you wanted to ask: Is this proposed PR an improvement, even if it doesn't fully address the issue? I think it is. +1 to merge. 14:34:17 ... We need to find the thin line between the two, where we neither erase the concept for those to whom it matters, neither force it upon others 14:34:22 dbooth: I agree with those concerns 14:34:30 ... and I agree that the PR is an improvement from what's in the document 14:34:35 ... so go ahead and merge 14:34:42 ack wendyreid 14:34:49 ... but we should think about and maybe come up with better wording in the future 14:34:59 wendyreid: One of the challenges we're having here applies to gender, nationality, etc. 14:35:07 ... all of these things are constructs created by the social conventions of our society 14:35:14 ... different societies have different conventions 14:35:26 ... we have to thread the needle between what's appropriate in each context and what is protective 14:35:44 ... Question of are we going to start making lists, that's a slippery slope argument 14:35:49 ... could say the same for gender etc. 14:36:08 ... There might be a context where you need to ensure the people ensure a diversity of racial identity 14:36:16 ... but that's contextual, not every situation 14:36:24 ... but agree we should merge now and continue to have this conversation 14:36:33 ack JenStrickland_ 14:36:34 ... many things to improve about the document, but let's put a line down and move forward 14:37:00 JenStrickland_: I think this conversation is very interesting, and I think that it's complicated because we have uncertain amount of dimension representation in this group 14:37:12 ... when we're using these terms, they are socially accepted terms that are currently being used 14:37:38 ... we could have a sentence that says, we acknolwedge that these terms are what society uses while they may also be somewhat problematic, we are not the ones who police/oversee the use of these terms 14:37:43 ... that's a larger topic than us 14:37:51 ... I love the addition of racial identity 14:38:01 ... [explains personal experience] 14:38:32 ... but maybe we need a disclaimer 14:38:34 ack me 14:38:34 tzviya, you wanted to mention lists 14:38:56 tzviya: One of the people we spoke to, btw, said they dislike lists like this in general 14:39:16 ... because no matter what, you're going to offend someone by inclusion or exclusion 14:39:29 ... I think it's fine to merge, but we might consider leaving off the lists 14:39:35 ... these are examples, not definitions anyway 14:39:46 q+ 14:39:47 s/but we might/but in the future we might/ 14:39:50 RESOLVED: Merge PR 338 14:39:52 ack florian 14:39:53 ack florian 14:39:58 florian: I support the merging and thinking about the question further 14:40:20 ... I do want to mention as fantasai mentioned during the AB meeting, that the addition of "race" is a change from the base revision 14:40:33 ... so this is something we need to consider for this revision, 14:40:36 ... let me explain 14:40:46 ... current published CEPC has a much shorter list in this spot, and this list doens't include "race" 14:40:56 ... the concerns raised by adding 'race' are new compared to existing def 14:41:02 ... so while this PR is an improvement over the editor's draft 14:41:19 ... but if it doesn't resolve chaals and my issue, it doesn't resolve that issue (even if it does get closer) 14:41:24 tzviya: what are you suggesting? 14:41:36 florian: I think we should merge, it's an incremental improvement 14:41:42 ... but I don't think it resolves the whole issue 14:41:59 tzviya: I don't think we can do anything other than remove the list. We can't have such a long list and not include race or racial identity 14:42:11 florian: I'll try to think 14:42:12 Diversity for the purposes of diversity and inclusion, is any dimension that can be used to differentiate groups and people from one another. With a focus on age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, and national origin. would become Diversity for the purposes of diversity and inclusion, is any dimension that can be used to differentiate groups and people from one another. 14:42:18 ... I can think of some rephrasings that might work 14:42:30 ... I think fantasai explained better why this bothers me 14:43:20 s/wendyreid: in response to issue 327/Subtopic: PR 338/ 14:43:35 github: https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/issues/327 14:45:17 q+ to suggest that we have general agreement both: 1. this PR is an improvement that should be merged; but 2. It is imperfect and would be good to further improve later if we can figure out how. 14:45:42 Diversity for the purposes of diversity and inclusion, is any dimension that can be used to differentiate groups and people from one another. 14:46:04 tzviya: What if we remove the whole list? 14:46:25 q- 14:46:30 q+ 14:46:34 q+ 14:46:36 ack wendyreid 14:46:44 JenStrickland_: we have lists elsewhere in the document, but this is one opportunity to ... 14:46:52 wendyreid: I don't want to do this, mostly because we use lists other places in the document 14:47:00 ... I'd rather unify the lists and make them consistent 14:47:13 ... This is the first instance where we have a list and diversity 14:47:22 ... I want to make sure we're consistent when we describe these things 14:47:32 ... I'm also worried about not being explicit and people taking advantage of that 14:47:38 ... I understand where we're coming from but... 14:47:51 ... these are socialogical shorthands for behavior. 14:48:04 ... race is an uncomfortable construct, developed to organize people in the worst way possible 14:48:16 ... but to pretend that people don't treat each other differently is also problematic 14:48:23 q+ 14:48:24 +1 wendy 14:48:27 fantasai: I don't think anyone is arguing that 14:48:27 q+ 14:48:30 ack dbooth 14:48:45 dbooth: Firstly, I think Florian's comments were useful and insightful 14:49:05 ... from a practical perspective, it sounds like we mostly agree that this PR is an improvement over current state of ED 14:49:14 ... and that further improvement seems necessary 14:49:23 ack JenStrickland_ 14:49:24 ... so I suggest we merge this PR and continue looking for improvements 14:49:42 JenStrickland_: I think I agree with dbooth. For practical purposes let's merge it 14:49:47 ... but I also agree with removing it is a good first step 14:49:54 ... I don't think removing is pretending it doesn't happen 14:50:07 ... I still think that sentence acknowledges that we do categorize people under a variety of dimensions 14:50:16 ... I just don't think we need to list them at this point 14:50:19 ... It's too complicated. 14:50:45 ... I still battle with idea that we're standards organization, but do we also want to decide the ways people are categorized and diminished? 14:50:55 ... having these lists is a pandora's box 14:51:02 ... everyone knows that we're a worldwide organization 14:51:08 ... it varies so much depending on location 14:51:09 q? 14:51:11 q+ 14:51:18 ... we don't want to be a a North American - centric 14:51:19 ack me 14:51:32 tzviya: I'm on the queue to remind people that this is part of a glossary, not part of the main text 14:51:39 ... [quotes text] 14:51:44 ... This is a terrible definition 14:51:56 ... I don't remember how we go this definition, but late to change it now if we want to get things done today 14:52:13 ... What we want to talk about is bringing together people from different dimensions 14:52:39 ... Main reason for glossary is for people who don't speak English as a first language 14:52:46 ... if you are English you won't look at glossary 14:52:54 I understand the concern about examples being misconstrued as complete definitions, but I think examples are very helpful for people to understand what we are trying to say. 14:52:55 ack fl 14:53:19 florian: I'm fine with merging as-is. As for removing the list, it does resolve that issue, but may introduce others 14:53:37 ... if we keep the list, and we have racial identity, and we have "race and", I didn't understand why it wouldn't work 14:53:50 ... to have "perceived race and racial identity" 14:53:56 ... why does such an adjective not work here. 14:53:56 +1 to ascribed 14:53:58 q+ to suggest a complete change 14:54:01 wendyreid: I just think it overcomplicates it 14:54:05 florian: It's complicated in the first place. 14:54:13 q+ 14:54:13 ... complication is unavoidable. If it's bad that's another thing 14:54:15 ack fantasai 14:54:15 fantasai, you wanted to dispute use of glossary 14:54:32 "ascribed" is overly erudite. "perceived" is okay with me. 14:55:30 Proposal: Change definition to "including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds" 14:55:33 fantasai: Different people use different definitions. Def in the glossary is for use in this document. 14:55:38 ack me 14:55:38 tzviya, you wanted to suggest a complete change 14:55:46 fantasai: Terms referenced in the main text, the glossary is how it will be interpreted not just for non-English speakers 14:56:15 wendyreid: I don't know if that's a workable defintion, tzviya 14:56:18 q+ 14:56:33 wendyreid: We don't have time today. We can look one up 14:56:35 ... worried about timing 14:56:40 ack JenStrickland_ 14:56:42 ... but we can resolve to do for next version of CEPC 14:56:59 JenStrickland_: Still have problem with the list usage here 14:57:07 q- 14:57:17 ... I think if we make one list somewhere of a whole lot of possible dimensions... but we focus on each of these 14:57:30 ... diversity is about inclusion of a broadest range of perspectives and lived experiences 14:57:39 ... disability is a social background, but it's perspective 14:57:43 ... we want [lists axes] 14:57:51 ... because it sucks to have someon tell you what you are 14:57:55 ack fantasai 14:57:55 anyway time 14:58:18 q+ to say if we are going to consider other defiintions, we need the proposed in writing. 14:58:37 s/the proposed/them proposed/ 14:59:18 ack dbooth 14:59:18 dbooth, you wanted to say if we are going to consider other defiintions, we need the proposed in writing. 14:59:18 q? 14:59:22 fantasai: Suggest that jenn propose a new def of diversity 14:59:28 fantasai: rpopose to merge the PR, leave open issue 14:59:34 dbooth: Proposals should be in writing 14:59:40 q+ 14:59:49 JenStrickland_: I would suggest a PR 14:59:59 ... it's written down and anyone can look at it before and during meeting 15:00:01 tzviya: or an issue 15:00:03 ack florian 15:00:08 wendyreid: let's start an issue for now 15:00:29 florian: Be mindful of where the definition is invoked from. Currently diversity is in a sentence that says diversity is something we promote. 15:00:35 ... which is a good thing, but impacts the definition 15:01:10 wendyreid: Let's open an issue for this 15:01:13 ... we'll have discussion in the issue 15:01:18 ... PR has been merged 15:01:25 ... can we draw the line as this is CEPC 2023? 15:01:33 fantasai: no, I don't think we can 15:01:57 JenStrickland_: does this mean we miss TPAC? 15:02:06 wendyreid: won't be able to complete AC review by then 15:02:12 wendyreid: Over time, meeting closed. 15:02:20 topic: end 15:02:23 zakim, end meeting 15:02:23 As of this point the attendees have been cwilso, dbooth, tzviya, JenStrickland_ 15:02:24 ADJOURNED 15:02:26 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 15:02:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/15-pwe-minutes.html Zakim 15:02:33 I am happy to have been of service, wendyreid; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:02:33 Zakim has left #pwe 15:14:41 present+ Fantasai, Florian 15:14:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:14:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/15-pwe-minutes.html dbooth 16:03:31 naomi has joined #pwe