12:54:45 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-motion 12:54:49 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/08/14-wcag3-motion-irc 12:54:53 zakim, start meeting 12:54:53 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:54:54 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Rain 12:55:11 meeting: wcag3-motion week 4 12:55:32 agenda? 12:55:41 rrsagent, make logs world 12:55:52 chair: Rain 12:55:55 present+ 12:56:11 agenda+ Set up scribe 12:56:17 agenda+ review functional needs 12:56:34 agenda+ determine outcomes 12:56:48 agenda+ assign this week's tasks 12:57:19 agenda? 12:59:12 present+ 13:00:55 jeanne has joined #wcag3-motion 13:02:09 Makoto has joined #wcag3-motion 13:02:11 Eric_hind has joined #wcag3-motion 13:02:24 presemt+ 13:02:44 tburtin has joined #wcag3-motion 13:02:56 present+ 13:03:22 present+ Makoto 13:04:55 zakim, take up item 1 13:04:55 agendum 1 -- Set up scribe -- taken up [from Rain] 13:04:55 scribe+ 13:05:00 Eric is scribing, thank you! 13:05:05 zakim, take up item 2 13:05:05 agendum 2 -- review functional needs -- taken up [from Rain] 13:05:47 jeanne2 has joined #wcag3-motion 13:10:33 Rain: Intros to Tiffany 13:16:13 Rain: Review high level functional needs from Harm from Motion scratchpad with group (Rain to edit this section for clear language as action item) 13:16:34 q? 13:17:54 Rain: Review of Makoto's categorization exercise (map against WCAG 2.x SC) 13:17:57 Review of "Categorization exercise 2 Aug.xlsx" for anything that still needs to be considered https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jCOE4cO68V-QUiZEhJNkrQydNmW71ljaCGGu2Zmnlok/edit#heading=h.y61t2nt02do2 13:19:43 Makoto: Appears to be nothing missing from 2.x in my review. 13:20:53 Makoto: We should review/consider XR/VR accessibility working group items. 13:22:04 Rain: Added Makoto guideline review to Scratchpad Define Outcome 13:22:07 q+ to record source 13:23:04 Jeanne: Note that items taken from outside of W3C, we need to record from where it came from. 13:23:05 q? 13:23:09 ack jeanne 13:23:09 jeanne, you wanted to record source 13:23:14 q? 13:24:24 Writing testable outcomes document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sugAtqie_x1XqHDZo1Im7ftDNllWeRV_ty4PULeoTV0/edit#heading=h.wpuyj02kuf4h 13:25:43 Rain: Testable outcomes need to define a user need, no ambiguity, quick and inexpensive to test and easy to learn 13:27:05 q+ 13:27:11 ack Eric_hind 13:27:49 +1 to tool not being a requirement 13:28:23 q+ to mapping outcomes to user needs? 13:28:35 ack next 13:28:36 jedi, you wanted to mapping outcomes to user needs? 13:28:43 q+ to explain context How to Write Outcomes document 13:30:13 ack next 13:30:14 jeanne, you wanted to explain context How to Write Outcomes document 13:31:15 q? 13:33:23 Rain: Personalization respect: Outcome could be respect user settings/preferences for motion based on device, user agent, AT settings 13:33:35 q? 13:38:35 q? 13:38:41 Rain: Safety considerations, use without physical harm or risk: provide option to turn off/ hide different kinds of movement 13:40:55 +1 13:41:04 ack next 13:41:14 Rain: Sensory, Use with limited orientation Outcome: Ensure that the spatial orientation of elements remains consistent and predictable (doesn't change unexpectedly) 13:42:27 q+ 13:42:37 ack tburtin 13:42:59 Rain: Sensory, avoid fatigue or allow taking a break. 13:43:47 Tiffany: Add outcome related to ability for user to save their work when they need a break. 13:44:34 Rain: This particular outcome will be flagged, but may belong to another criteria 13:44:39 q? 13:45:44 q+ 13:45:46 q+ to triggers 13:46:00 ack tburtin 13:47:58 Rain: Use with vestibular issues. Existing outcomes may fit into this higher level outcome such as avoid flickering, appearance of motion, sudden movements/events, motion sickness triggers, hide movement, turn off or hide other movement, spatial orientation.. and add alert that motion will begin 13:50:05 ack jedi 13:50:05 jedi, you wanted to triggers 13:50:06 Tiffany: Add the relationship between dark mode and other related color/contrast modes, scrolling modes; the interaction effects 13:52:17 Jedi: Trigger outcomes should include High Contrast, Flickering. Size, length or magnitude of effect should also be a consideration. 13:52:46 zakim, take up next item 13:52:46 agendum 1 -- Set up scribe -- taken up [from Rain] 13:52:52 zakim, take up item 2 13:52:52 agendum 2 -- review functional needs -- taken up [from Rain] 13:53:01 zakim, take up item 3 13:53:01 agendum 3 -- determine outcomes -- taken up [from Rain] 13:53:10 Work in progress, will continue next week 13:53:17 zakim, take up item 4 13:53:19 agendum 4 -- assign this week's tasks -- taken up [from Rain] 13:54:37 Rain: Task Assignments, Rain to do Plain Language, Makoto to do outcome review documents, Eric, Tiffany (and Jeanne) to review outcomes 13:54:42 +1 13:54:53 +1 13:55:04 +1 13:55:46 +1 13:56:55 q+ 13:57:05 ack Eric_hind 13:59:05 RRSAgent: make minutes 13:59:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/14-wcag3-motion-minutes.html Rain 13:59:51 zakim, end meeting 13:59:51 As of this point the attendees have been Rain, jedi, Eric_hind, Makoto 13:59:52 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:59:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/14-wcag3-motion-minutes.html Zakim 13:59:59 I am happy to have been of service, Rain; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 14:00:01 Zakim has left #wcag3-motion