WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

14 August 2023


Kevin, Kim, MaryJoM, MatthewA, MattKing, Rachael, Shawn, Tzviya
kevin, matatk

Meeting minutes

<kevin> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/105629/cadence-value/

Update on WCAG 2.2 publication

Rachael: We received one formal objection regarding consistency between 2.0 and 2.1. We're working on this.
… There's also a concern from i18n regarding some content that went in before 2.2; we are working on that, and will know by next week if we'll need to delay publication.

shawn: The i18n issue has been filed.

Infoshare and coordination checks

Publication checks

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts#Upcoming_Publications

shawn: WCAG2ICT announcement is on my list for today.

maryjom: There are a couple of pending updates, Daniel had some too.

shawn: We want to use the short URI too.

shawn: Need to co-ordinate the timing so that the intro page is updated with publication.

Coming soon: Vision and strategy

kevin: Partly info-share, partly raising awareness. Shawn and I have been working on this. We're looking to bring that to the steering council for their view, and then here for your views.
… Seeking to raise awareness, increase visibility, and get commentary, on where we are and where we intend to go over the next while with WAI in W3C.
… This will be coming up here soon.
… Any questions?

tzviya: [as co-chair of W3C Vision TF] are you trying to tie this into the W3C vision?

kevin: Yes, definitely tying our work into that.

tzviya: Just to note that the Vision work isn't finished yet.

kevin: ACK, and this is fine by us.

shawn: There's a published draft of the Vision work, and is there a proposal for a revision of that draft? (Was trying to follow.)

tzviya: Yes, there is a draft that's in-progress, largely a placeholder. There is a proposal for a significant revision to that draft.
… What we end up with will likely be somewhere in the middle.

<tzviya> markdown w3c/AB-public#103


matatk: Last year when people had a room for the whole day the calander entry was updated to cover the work for the day?

kevin: I don't know

matatk: We are working on our scheduling. Really want to meet with EO and are trying to work through the logistics

shawn: EO is pretty flexible so shouldn't be a problem

Matthew: Thanks for the accessibility improvements on to the calendar.

kevin: We had a list of issues, we think we've gone through them all. If there's anything else, please flag it with us.

shawn: Please file issues in the W3C GitHub repo, and @-mention kevin or I, and we can add the accessibility tag.

Github issues for website

Matthew: There was an issue on specifying the TZ for a meeting on which I commented.


matatk: I think Janina had this issue too.

Matthew: This issue is very significant; takes a lot of time to select a time zone.

shawn: This relates to a lot of the work we're doing on vision, mission, and strategic priorities. For the interest of this group particularly, we're looking at adding additional staff, but prioritization is always going to be important.
… We want to work more on providing accessibility support throughout W3C.
… When we talk with this group about priorities, we'll be communicating things that may have a significant impact on your team resources.
… We're also working on a re-architecture of the WAI site for improved maintainability.

Matthew: I'd like to get to the point where it's easier to maintain the ARIA practices.

shawn: Yes; that's part of the goal.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: matatk

Maybe present: matatk, Matthew

All speakers: kevin, maryjom, matatk, Matthew, Rachael, shawn, tzviya

Active on IRC: kevin, maryjom, matatk, shawn, tzviya