09 August 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
McCool, Sebastian
kaz, mjk

Meeting minutes

minutes review

<kaz> Aug-2

McCool: any objections to publish the minutes?
… no objections, approve to publish

Kaz: I'm OK with the minutes themselves, but we could apply the proposed policy for the minutes management quickly though the other policies would take longer.

quick updates

McCool: no quick updates

minutes policy

McCool: an email was sent about policy but doesn't include the minutes policy

<kaz> minutes policy

McCool: does anyone object to deciding the minutes policy?

McCool: the only thing missing is an execution clause

McCool: can Kaz commit to publishing the minutes by Friday?

Kaz: yes

<McCool> proposal: Adopt the policy proposal for publishing the minutes: https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/proposals/policies/minutes.md

McCool: resolution to change the minutes policy

<sebastian> +1

RESOLUTION: Adopt the policy proposal for publishing the minutes: https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/proposals/policies/minutes.md

McCool: anyone have any changes to the resolution or objections?

McCool: resolution passes
… implement starting next week

other proposed policies

<kaz> McCool's message

McCool: we will call for resolution on September 4th

Kaz: not sure if everyone understands all the policy changes, we should explain the policies

McCool: people will need to read the text carefully

Kaz: concerned that conducting this review asynchronously will violate the existing policy

Sebastian: we have been spending a lot of time on policy and don't want to take more time in TPAC

McCool: people can always object if they aren't clear

Kaz: the final decision to implement asynchronous decisions should not be made asynchronously

McCool: will look at some remaining PRs regarding the async process
… we have had a lot of discussion and announced the resolution on email but will have the resolution in person.
… we have been following the procedure

Kaz: we need to be careful to follow the decision policy specifically

PR #1005

<kaz> wot PR 1005 - Asynchronous Review Process for Specification Changes

<cris_> +1 for closing

McCool: this PR is obsolete and has been updated by Ege

Sebastian: the new one is more aligned with our thinking
… make a note referring to the other PR

McCool: any objections to closing?

Kaz: we should check with Ben to see if he is OK with the new PR

Sebastian: Ben has already reviewed this PR

Kaz: we should then record Ben's approval

McCool: will ask Ben to approve and ping by email

subtopoic: issue #1028

<kaz> wot issue 1028 - Asynchronous Review Process

McCool: the new PR should resolve this issue
… will ping Ben on this also

McCool: closed, people can reopen if needed

issue #1117, roles and responsibilities

McCool: please add comments and we will review
… Please add any issues we still need to discuss

<kaz> chairs roles

Kaz: we had a lot of discussion about chair roles that should be factored into this discussion
… a lot of the roles are defined in this resource

Asynchronous decision process

<kaz> async-decision.md

McCool: made small reorganizations to the policy draft
… we could clarify that this policy applies to task forces
… two editors can decide to merge PRs

cris: a minor issue is we don't link this in other documents
… could link to Ben Francis profile

McCool: will reopen and add comments to the closed issue #1028

Kaz: also wondering about the relationship between decision.md and asynchronousdecision.md

McCool: the copied text could become inconsistent and could link to the charter instead

McCool: please create an issue and we will follow up

schedule changes

McCool: Keio university has holidays and there are a lot of vacations through the end of August
… we should cancel next week and the 22/23 week
… can handle time-critical business like Press Release in the chairs call
… proposing cancel all meetings from 14th through 28th for next 3 weeks
… we could still have the TD call
… does anyone object?

Kaz: we should be careful about what is discussed during this period

McCool: we would announce by email and resolve on September 4th
… also have the testimonials and the press release

McCool: we still have a minor change on the PR and need to collect testimonials

Kaz: we should continue chairs calls

charter review status

<kaz> AC review form (Member-only)

McCool: the email has gone out and AC review started
… deadline is August 31

Kaz: AC review started August 3rd, please ask your AC rep to respond


<kaz> WoT Architecture review results (Member-only)

<kaz> WoT Thing Description review results

<kaz> WoT Discovery review results

McCool: the good news is all of our documents have passed

Kaz: need to talk with some commenters still

McCool: there is one non-supporter pointing out an error that needs to be fixed
… there are some other errors that need to be fixed
… there is also a suggested change for the Architecture spec

Sebastian: sent email to resolve the non-supporting comment

Kaz: verified that we can remove the "atrisk" section

McCool: the other comment is about interoperability testing

McCool: maybe we need clarification in the implementation report

Kaz: will follow up with the commenters

McCool: nothing is blocked, we can do the fixes and publish
… we can make sure we get all the fixes in before we publish

ACTION: kaz to wrap up the Proposed REC review results

McCool: we should make the final call on September 4th to make sure everything is clean

Kaz: we need to consider the publication date for the press release

outstanding PRs on TD

<kaz> Aug-2 TD call - resolution 01

<sebastian> +1

McCool: chairs and editors can clean up the labels on these PRs

press release

McCool: review comment on the draft asking for a small clarification

McCool: will now start to gather testimonials

Sebastian: how much time do we have?

McCool: some will be easy to obtain

McCool: we can include as many testimonials as we want

Kaz: asking SDOs to provide testimonials also

McCool: suggest we ask for the testimonials by September 4th and allow more time if needed

Luca: can provide a testimonial if it's appropriate

McCool: OK with more testimonials

Kaz: please remember that testimonials can be added after the publication, if needed

McCool: we should have at least 4 to start

Sebastian: prefer to have all the testimonials at one time

TPAC planning

<kaz> WoT TPAC wiki

McCool: filled out the agenda but still have some questions
… do we need 1:15 for profiles?
… no slot for architecture
… could combine these
… also added outreach topic to gain more participating membership
… also added security and discovery
… TF meetings on September 4th should focus on TPAC planning

Kaz: at this time we should focus on TPAC, management policies, and use case management rather than technical features
… also pain points and potential refactoring

McCool: topic: liaison PR #1105

<kaz> wot PR 1105 - Overview of the potential development options about the OPC UA Bindings

Sebastian: the PR gives an overview of options for the OPC UA binding publication

McCool: to be clear, this is only about options for people to review

Kaz: would suggest we merge this and start the discussion, please add a clear title

<kaz> a/please/but please/

McCool: added title, any objections to merging?
… merged

McCool: AOB?

<kaz> (none)

McCool: adjourned

Summary of action items

  1. kaz to wrap up the Proposed REC review results

Summary of resolutions

  1. Adopt the policy proposal for publishing the minutes: https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/proposals/policies/minutes.md
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).