12:54:52 RRSAgent has joined #epub-fxl 12:54:56 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/08/08-epub-fxl-irc 12:54:56 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:54:57 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), wendyreid 12:57:09 meeting: FXL Accessibility Task Force 12:57:18 date: 2023-08-08 12:57:22 chair: wendyreid 12:57:44 gautier has joined #epub-fxl 13:01:21 Naomi has joined #epub-fxl 13:01:33 present+ 13:01:39 CharlesL has joined #EPUB-FXL 13:02:08 present+ 13:02:40 regrets+ Sue 13:03:49 scribe+ 13:04:01 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NUaO5gvboK23ssvj-j2bcJ_I8AQyN9wr1qcjzuQFXgg/edit 13:04:35 @Wendyreid: let's talk about the document we started 13:05:13 scribe+ 13:05:59 gautier: Added some comments on issue 60, the list of solutions we have discussed, not sure if this is the right place for it. 13:06:16 present+ 13:06:23 ... I think this should happen in the issue tracker, but nothing is updating there, so I moved it here 13:06:27 present+ 13:06:29 ... want more than my insight 13:06:36 ... it's at the very end of the document 13:06:49 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NUaO5gvboK23ssvj-j2bcJ_I8AQyN9wr1qcjzuQFXgg/edit#heading=h.h3t8volzdsel 13:07:18 gautier: Fallbacks and Hybrid EPUBs, but we should add more information on any of the listed methods 13:07:22 ... feel free to add to it 13:08:22 @wendyreid: i would like to see discussions in the issue. 13:09:06 gautier: I can comment a bit more on the methods 13:09:37 ... I'm pretty sure it's crucial for us at EDRLab, depending on the method that's adopted, we'll need to decide how it looks in the reading system 13:10:11 ... I'm thinking that we may end up with different methods, depending on the type of book published 13:10:27 ... we'll see quick solutions, some that will be implemented, but others that need more time 13:10:53 ... French Publishers Association, fallbacks are working, but no switch 13:11:09 ... if the reading system accepts FXL, there is no means to display reflowable content 13:11:34 ... so fallbacks are already used for other content, like audio, but they don't have a display 13:11:51 ... but I'm not sure if it's a good option to have a fallback switch in a reading system 13:12:05 ... the next one is the hybrid solution 13:12:21 ... Vincent Gros from Hachette presented on this, they're already trying it 13:12:31 ... seeing what happens in the market 13:12:38 ... two main solutions out there today 13:12:48 ... only thing missing for an experience is a switch of some kinds 13:13:16 ... the other solutions are more technically advanced, which will take more time to implement 13:16:50 gautier: JS in files is possible, but it's quite challenging 13:16:59 ... seen some demos 13:17:17 ... can see different images or layouts 13:17:34 ... people complain about making it work in any reading system 13:19:19 Naomi: that's what we do, JS on files and we just accept that some reatilers and RS don't accept it. It's not ideal. 13:22:04 @wendyreid: background on JS in epub: security and privaty review of W3C process runs flags. A lot of poor scripts complexify the job of RS rendering. CSS interactivity is now a much better option. Also, is JS really viable in an accessibility perspective? 13:23:19 q+ 13:23:28 Naomi: it's interesting way of moving forward. 13:24:14 ack gautier 13:24:46 gautier: One issue I hear when I listen to Naomi, training, how do we teach publishers to do this 13:25:11 ... in house workflows already work, existing code already works, making changes to that is challenging 13:25:26 ... that's what I see as a challenge with adding reflow into FXL too 13:25:42 ... one responsibility we have is recommending things for now, and for the future 13:25:55 ... what will people learn as they begin producing new books 13:26:00 ... new technologies into the future 13:28:11 Naomi: yes, also about tool developement. Testing takes a lot of time. From our perspective, we should set up a limited set of property tested and validated. Content still need to be available without for exemple css animations. 13:29:43 @wendyreid: i agree we should test everything we recommand. Also WCAG always goes on top of our recomandations. W3C recommandation request for everything to be testable. 13:29:58 Naomi: we need the retailers to do testing too. 13:31:46 @wendyreid: I would add, if things do'n exist we can make that happen because inside w3c we have css wg and a lot of wg. 13:33:35 q+ 13:33:46 tzviya has joined #epub-fxl 13:34:04 ack CharlesL 13:35:48 CharlesL: back in the nineteen working with diagram center, we used javascript to display extended descriptions in movable popups. I wonder how this could be done in CSS (presenting examples on the shared screen) 13:36:56 @wendyreid: I hope that CSS might look less scray than JS for some people. 13:37:33 @wendyreid: would anyone want to take the task of experimenting with CSS? 13:38:41 I will be at TPAC 13:38:52 @wendyreid: PCG will meet in TPAC. 13:38:54 https://github.com/w3c/pm-wg/issues/4 13:38:57 I will too :) 13:40:12 https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/registration.html 13:41:37 zakim, end meeting 13:41:37 As of this point the attendees have been wendyreid, gautier, CharlesL, Naomi 13:41:39 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:41:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/08-epub-fxl-minutes.html Zakim 13:41:49 I am happy to have been of service, wendyreid; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 13:41:49 Zakim has left #epub-fxl 13:44:46 CharlesL has left #epub-fxl 13:47:43 rrsagent, bye 13:47:43 I see no action items